The owner of the barbershop was shocked by the words Qin Mo said when he entered the shop.

After being stunned, the barbershop owner said to Qin Mo.

"Brother, I'm running a barbershop..."


Qin Mo, who reacted to this, was in a state of laughter and tears.

He immediately spoke.

"What are you thinking about? I mean I'll pay you for a day. You go to our village and cut the hair of the elderly in our village..."


In the blink of an eye, Qin Mo and the barbershop owner reached an agreement.

Five hundred yuan a day.

Let him go back to Qinjia Village.

The barbershop owner was very happy and happy.

In a flash, the things were packed up and came.

You know, five hundred yuan is a lot of money in the town.

For the owner of this barber shop, how can he make so much money on weekdays.

This also saves water and electricity.

There is no reason to disagree.

In fact, the reason why Qin Mo found a barber to take back to Qinjia Village.

The main reason is that he just remembered that the old men and women in Qinjia Village rarely cut their hair.

So that the hair is very long.

Not only is it convenient, but it is also messy.

The reason for this.

It’s not that the old men and women in Qinjia Village are sloppy.

It’s mainly because it’s really inconvenient for them to travel at their age.

I don’t know how much effort it takes to cut hair once.

That’s fine.

According to their saving efforts.

They use laundry detergent to wash their hair.

Do you expect them to spend 10 or 20 yuan to get a haircut in a normal barber shop?

That’s basically impossible.

It would be fine if Qin Mo didn't remember it.

Now that he remembered it.

He could also take a barber back with him.

Give the old men and women in Qinjia Village a good packing.

After talking to the boss, Qin Mo drove the barber back to Qinjia Village.

It didn't take long for him to reach the village.

As soon as he entered the village, many old men and women in Qinjia Village came up when they saw that it was Qin Mo's car.

They immediately asked with concern.

"Xiao Mo, how is the business negotiation going?"

"Xiao Mo, did the business negotiation go through?"

"Xiao Mo..."

Qin Mo said that before he left.

The old men and women in Qinjia Village really thought that Qin Mo was going to negotiate business.

But what kind of business was he talking about?

There was no such thing.

Facing the inquiries of these old men and women in Qinjia Village.

Whether the negotiation was successful or not was not something Qin Mo could say.

In a flash, Qin Mo laughed.

"It's done! Big deal! We made a lot of money this time!"

It's all bullshit.

Qin Mo said it was a big deal and he made a lot of money.

To be honest, he was afraid that the elders and villagers of Qinjia Village would not believe him.

Otherwise, he might say that he made 100 million.

He just blew it.


Of course, Qin Mo's bragging was not to make himself look good.

Or to show off.

Again, the reason why he did this was to make it look like he had endless money.

He made a lot of money.

Then he would give back to Qinjia Village with a series of things so that they could accept it with peace of mind.

Of course, this was not the first time Qin Mo did this.

But it was obvious that the elders and villagers of Qinjia Village didn't know whether it was true or not.

Hearing what Qin Mo said.

A group of old men and women were sincerely happy for Qin Mo.

"Really? That's great."

"Oh, I told you Xiao Mo is good."

"Haha, it's good to make money, it's good to make money."

"We can rest assured now..."

Facing the happy faces of the old men and women, Qin Mo smiled and nodded.

Just at this moment.

The barber in the car.

"Boss, I'll get off and start working?"

"Okay, these are all people from our village, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay!"

The barber said, and got off the car.

Just get off, and he brought a bench with him.

The barber took Qin Mo's money, which was considered thoughtful.

He also brought a portable bench.

It was so that the person getting his hair cut would have a place to sit when cutting hair.

Seeing a person getting off the car.

The old men and women in Qinjia Village were surprised.

Someone asked in a flash.

"What's this, Xiao Mo?"

The barber was about to speak.

Qin Mo took the lead.

"My friend runs a barber shop in town! He likes to

Go to the countryside to give people free haircuts to practice skills! I met him on the road and brought him to our Qinjia Village. Just look for anyone who needs a haircut and let him help cut it! "

Qin Mo didn't say to spend money.

Five hundred yuan is not much.

But it will definitely make the old men and women in Qinjia Village feel distressed.

Seeing Qin Mo say this.

The enthusiasm of the old men and women in Qinjia Village came up.

Someone shouted in a hurry.

"Hey, Xiao Mo friend! Quick, someone go get a glass of water!"

"Come on, sit at home."

"Oh, it's so embarrassing to come here to cut our hair."

"Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work. "

Seeing this scene, the barber glanced at Qin Mo, and seeing Qin Mo winked at him, he also exchanged a few words.

He didn't waste any time immediately.

He said in a flash.

"I won't drink the water. Whoever wants a haircut, sit down! I've brought everything!"

As soon as he said this.

The old men and women in Qinjia Village wanted to be polite, but seeing that they looked like they were doing things, they couldn't help but be moved.

Their hair should have been trimmed long ago.

So much so that in the blink of an eye.

The entrance of the village suddenly became a simple barber shop.

Soon, the old men and women stood up from the stools after cutting their hair.

At the same time, other old men in Qinjia Village also came from the village to ask questions.

Qin Mo didn't need to pay too much attention to the matter of haircut.

It would take a while for the old men and women in Qinjia Village to get their haircuts done.

The barber would probably be busy for a while.

But just when the barber was busy.

A small truck drove into Qinjia Village.

It was a lively scene to see so many people gathered together at the entrance of the village.

The truck driver rolled down the window.

He asked everyone.

"Excuse me, is this Qinjia Village?"

He asked.

He immediately attracted the attention of the old men and women waiting for their haircuts.

Someone answered.


The truck driver asked again.

"Excuse me, where is Qin Jianjun's home?"

As soon as the truck driver finished speaking, inside the car.

"Meh! "

A series of sheep bleating began.

It was then that people noticed that the truck was loaded with sheep.

They were all very lively.

When the truck driver finished speaking.

Hearing this.

A group of people looked at Qin Jianjun.

It was Qin Jianjun's turn to have his hair cut.

He was sitting on a stool with his head down, but when he heard his name being called, he quickly looked up.

He said suspiciously.

"I am Qin Jianjun!"

After saying that, he looked at the truck compartment and muttered.

"Buying sheep? I don't want to sell them!"

Seeing Qin Jianjun's puzzled look.

The truck driver smiled.

He spoke in an instant.

"I'm here to deliver sheep to you! Don't cut your hair!"

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