After a while of hard work, the old men and women finally covered the car.

After seeing Qin Mo, of course, they said a few words.

"You kid..."

"That's not necessary..."

"No need..."

"We are old..."

Listening to them talking, Qin Mo only listened to the first half with a smile.

As for what they said in the second half.

Qin Mo knew it without listening.

After all, he heard it so many times that his ears were almost worn out.

Facing this, Qin Mo smiled.

"It's not worth much... just over one million... my building is dozens of floors high..."

Liu Jianming hasn't left yet.

Listening to what the boss said, he was completely stunned.

Is this what a human being said?

More than one million.

You call this worthless?

How luxurious it must be.

No wonder there are cars, street lights, and laundry rooms!

Even water pipes.

More than one million is nothing.

How can it be this little bit less?

Speaking of this afternoon, Liu Jianming has figured out Qinjia Village.

So he knows more.

Fortunately, the old men and women in Qinjia Village have talked about it.

They just nag a few words in front of Qin Mo, and don't say much.

In the words of the old men and women in Qinjia Village.

"Isn't this all agreed?"

"He is willing to spend money, what do you say?"

These things one by one.

The old men and women have gradually raised the upper limit of their acceptance.

The car was covered up, which gave Qin Mo a headache.

He originally planned to take the car away when Liu Jianming went to get off work.

This way, it would be convenient for him to go to work and get off work.

Although Liu Jianming's home was not far from the town.

But it was still a hassle for him to come here without driving.

Even if he drove his own car.

Even if he rode an electric bike, once the old men and women in Qinjia Village wanted to go out.

The car would have to be left in Qinjia Village.

But the old men and women in front of him had already covered the car enthusiastically.

And washed it clean.

It was not easy to tear it down again.

Qin Mo simply said to Liu Jianming.

"I'll take you home! You can drive to get off work in the future! This car won't be covered."

Liu Jianming listened to Qin Mo's words.

He waved his hands repeatedly.

"Boss, it's okay. I can ride an electric bike to and from get off work."

Qin Mo waved his hand.

"What if it's cloudy and rainy? It's not troublesome enough. You can just drive the car to and from get off work!"

Let the driver drive away.

The driver will definitely use the car privately.

But Qin Mo doesn't care about this.

His request is very simple.

Liu Jianming can usually pay more attention to the old men and women in Qinjia Village.

As for the car, just use it.

How much gas money can it be.

Faced with Qin Mo's words, Liu Jianming couldn't refuse.

When they got on the car, halfway through the journey, Liu Jianming couldn't help but sighed.

"Boss, you are a good person. You make money and don't forget to make arrangements for your own villagers!"

Qin Mo chuckled and said nothing.

In a moment, Liu Jianming said again.

"There are many rich people who make money, but there are not many like you, boss."

Qin Mo chuckled and replied.

"...You know the situation in our village, this person must learn to be grateful!"


Liu Jianming nodded.

He asked Qin Mo a question out of curiosity.

"Boss, why don't you just give money to the elderly in your village? You give them money, and they can spend it however they want..."

Liu Jianming has seen a lot of news about the big boss getting rich.

He went back to his hometown.

Then he gave money to the elderly in the village.

In Liu Jianming's opinion.

Although what Qin Mo did was real.

But it's not as easy as giving money directly.

Moreover, Qin Mo got so many things, but he didn't give a penny in cash to the elders of Qinjia Village.

Is Qin Mo stingy?

Definitely not.

How can a stingy person get so many things for Qinjia Village?

That makes people curious.

Liu Jianming is curious.

He has been holding it in for the whole afternoon.

At this moment, he really couldn't help but catch Qin Mo and ask him.

Hearing this, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh and shook his head.

"You give them money, they have to take it!"

Liu Jianming was stunned.

Just wanted to say that there are still people who don't want money?

But then

Thinking about the situation in Qinjia Village.

Suddenly I felt.

It's true.

If this happened in other villages, anyone who didn't want the money would be a fool.

But in Qinjia Village, with Qin Mo's identity.

I'm afraid no one would take the money.

In a flash.

Qin Mo said another sentence.

"Even if they were given, they would have to spend it..."

This made Liu Jianming scratch his head again.

Not to mention.

It's not just the old men and women in Qinjia Village.

Even if it's people in other villages.

How many people of this age are willing to spend money.

They don't want it and don't want to spend it.

There's really no need to give money.

Liu Jianming suddenly realized it.

Liu Jianming was suddenly realized.

But this reminded Qin Mo of something.

Although most of the old men and women in Qinjia Village don't want the money.

However, one thing should be considered.

"After donating 200,000 yuan to me last time, they don't have much money left! When they bought the car, they held a wedding banquet and gave gifts..."

Do the old men and women still have money?

Although Qin Mo has made plans to take care of everything in Qinjia Village in the future!

But the old men and women can't have no money at all.

How can they not spend any money?

Besides, the house has not been built yet, and the small supermarket has not been opened yet.


The next morning, Qin Mo originally planned to pick up Liu Jianming.

But what he didn't expect was.

When he got up.

Liu Jianming had already arrived.

He walked here directly.

He probably thought that he didn't need to trouble Qin Mo to pick him up.

The reason why he walked here was that he had to drive the car away when he left at night.

He just walked here.

According to this point of view.

Qin Mo felt that Liu Jianming was thoughtful.

And it might be his first day at work.

Liu Jianming was afraid of being idle.

He got along well with the old men and women in Qinjia Village early on.

He could be heard persuading the old men and women in Qinjia Village from a long distance away.

"Brother, do you want to go to the town? I'll take you there?"

"Uncle, let's go to the county to have a look?"

"What? Going to the fields to mow the grass? Can you drive a car in the fields? Is the road wide?"

Liu Jianming was afraid of having no work to do.

But he grunted for a long time, and no old man or old woman wanted to go out.

"You take a rest, I'm not going anywhere."

"Hey, what are you going to do in the town? You have to burn gas!"

"Oh, who drives a car to mow the grass in the fields."

"No, no, there's nothing to see in the county..."

This made Liu Jianming a little anxious.

Just taking money without working, the salary is too hot to handle.

So when Liu Jianming saw Qin Mo, he was full of worry.

For him, this is not okay.

What if he never drives the car...

What if he loses his job?

He can clean the car.

But the car was cleaned too clean.

He can't keep cleaning it.

Qin Mo saw Liu Jianming's situation.

He smiled and said.

"If you don't drive the car, you'll be idle! The old man and the old lady will definitely call you when they go out! Don't worry, you won't get paid even if you don't work. I'll sign a contract with you after the certificate is issued in two days, so you can rest assured."

After saying this.

Liu Jianming felt much more relaxed.

He said hurriedly.

"Hey! Then I'll go see if the old man and the old lady need help, and I'll lend a hand! It's boring to be idle all the time..."

When he said this, Qin Mo remembered something.

He said to Liu Jianming.

"Oh, by the way, if you really have nothing to do, before you leave at night, help them turn on the air conditioner, add water to the humidifier, turn on the electric blanket, etc.! The old man and the old lady may not be willing to turn it on at night, you can take a look... When adding water to the humidifier, be sure to add purified water! Don't turn it up too high..." Qin Mo spoke a lot.

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