The snow was so thick that it was not clear.

Qin Mo said to Liu Jianming.

"Thank you for your hard work. Don't sweep it yet! The snow is so thick that we can never clean it up! Do you know anyone who drives a bulldozer? If anyone has a bulldozer, call one and use it to shovel away all the snow in Qinjia Village."

Liu Jianming was a little embarrassed.

He said in a flash.

"I really don't know how to use a bulldozer. I haven't seen one around here! I don't know anyone who works on construction."

Hearing this, Qin Mo also had a headache.

As Liu Jianming was talking.

Suddenly, Qin Mo's cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and looked at it.

The call was from the construction company.

Qin Mo answered the phone.

"Mr. Qin, we can't continue to build the house recently. The workers won't come today. The temperature is low now. Whether it's building walls or other things, we can't continue. So your house will be suspended for the time being! Wait until the temperature rises before continuing."

The construction company called to talk about this matter.

It's snowing, and the house can't be built anymore.

Fortunately, the foundation is ready.

Otherwise, it would be a troublesome thing if it snowed so heavily halfway through.

Hearing him say this.

Qin Mo slapped his head.

"Okay, no problem! Anyway, it won't be done for a while... By the way, do you have a bulldozer?"

Qin Mo finally remembered why he asked Liu Jianming to find a bulldozer.

Isn't this embarrassing for him?

But isn't there a ready-made one?

Most people don't have a bulldozer.

How can this construction company be without this thing?

Sure enough, when he asked this.

The other person said it on the phone.

"Yes, Mr. Qin needs one? Then I'll transfer one over. Is it okay in the afternoon?"

Qin Mo frowned.

Still have to wait until the afternoon?

This time is too long.

If there is this time, find a few people to sweep the snow.

It's not that Qin Mo is anxious, he is afraid that the snow will melt after a long time.

Qinjia Village now has cement roads, but only on the main roads.

Some places in front of and behind the houses are still dirt roads.

It's slippery when it sees water.

It's easy to make people fall.

So Qin Mo said.

"Can't you come now?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, there's no way now... and it takes a little time to get from the city to your place."

The construction company is in Dongyang City.

It's still a little distance away.

Qin Mo hesitated when he heard this.

At this time, Liu Jianming thought of something.

He spoke to Qin Mo.

"Boss, I remember there's a bulldozer for sale in the county! Let's rent one there, the county is close! We'll be back soon!"

Liu Jianming said this.

Qin Mo was stunned.

The next moment, an idea popped up in his mind.

"Is there a bulldozer for sale? Buy one?"

When this idea popped up, even Qin Mo was stunned for a moment.

He actually wanted to buy a bulldozer, the key is that he only shovels snow.

That thing is useless at ordinary times.

But then he thought.

"It's not the next time it snows! A bulldozer doesn't cost much..."

Buy a small one, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of yuan will be enough.

"It can be used next time it snows... Anyway, it snows every year, what if it snows again tomorrow?"


"It can also be used when Qinjia Village is repaired or something."

Is it a waste? It doesn't seem to be very wasteful.

It's just a bit extravagant.


"The more you spend, the better the system will give you!"

"You don't have to look for others in the future."

Thinking of this.

Qin Mo said to the other end of the phone.

"Forget about the afternoon, I won't bother you."


As soon as the phone was hung up, Qin Mo said to Liu Jianming.

"You're right, let's go to the county and buy one!"


Liu Jianming was about to follow Qin Mo.

But he was stunned as soon as he raised his foot.

"What? Buy one?"

"Yes! Buying one will save trouble. You won't have to bother with it when it snows next time."

Liu Jianming was stunned when he heard Qin Mo's words.

Good guy.

It's just shoveling snow.

You bought a shovel?

This is too arrogant.

"Boss, there's no need! How many times can this snow fall..."

"Doesn't it snow every year?"

"But it only snows a few times this year."

Liu Jianming felt that he needed to persuade his boss.

Qin Mo grinned.

"If there is any place in Qinjia Village that needs to be repaired! This bulldozer is just right for use.

. "

After a short pause, Qin Mo smiled again.

"After the New Year, I plan to demolish Qinjia Village and rebuild all the houses! This bulldozer will be useful!"

After thinking for a while, Qin Mo said again.

"Let's find someone who sells stones and ask them to bring back a few trucks to pave the places without concrete floors, such as the entrances! After rebuilding the houses next year, I plan to repair the roads in Qinjia Village again! At the very least, add a layer of asphalt on top to make it invisible! "

Listening to Qin Mo's words.

Liu Jianming was dumbfounded.

He knew his boss was rich.

But he didn't expect him to be so rich.

Tear down all the houses in the village and rebuild them?

How much does it cost?

Wouldn't every household live in a new house?

Liu Jianming's heart was trembling.

He regretted for a while that he was not born in Qinjia Village.

Otherwise, wouldn't others envy him?

In a flash of time.

While Liu Jianming was envious.

Qin Mo took him straight to the county town.

It didn't take long for them to reach the county town.

Then they found a place selling bulldozers.

Qin Mo bought a bulldozer that was neither too big nor too small.

It cost 90,000 yuan.

In addition to the bulldozer, he also bought a snow blower.

It was actually a large and powerful hair dryer.

The bulldozer couldn't clean it, so he carried this thing to blow it. once.

Basically nothing is left.

It can also be used to clean the village, blow away fallen leaves and dust, etc.

After finishing these.

Qin Mo also found a stone seller.

Bought a few trucks of stones and asked them to deliver them to Qinjia Village.

There happened to be a bulldozer, and the stones could be shoveled with a bulldozer.

After all this was done.

Liu Jianming drove the bulldozer back to Qinjia Village.

It can be said that Liu Jianming is really capable.

He can drive a bulldozer.

When the two rushed back to Qinjia Village, Liu Jianming drove the bulldozer in front to shovel snow.

Qin Mo carried a snow blower on his back to blow.

In the blink of an eye, the roads in Qinjia Village suddenly became clean.

All the accumulated snow was pushed aside.

Qin Mo cleared the doorsteps of the people in Qinjia Village one by one.

Seeing this situation.

The people in Qinjia Village.

"I said it was rumbling! Xiao Mo found a bulldozer, and it's new. "

"What is that? A hair dryer? Wow, it can really blow! Now the road is clean! There's not even a drop of water."

"Oh, this is much more powerful than sweeping."

"Now I can go out! I said I couldn't go out today."

No one asked where Qin Mo got the hair dryer and bulldozer.

Everyone in Qinjia Village knew it, no need to ask.

It must be spent money.

The elders and villagers of Qinjia Village gradually got used to the way Qin Mo spent money on Qinjia Village.

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