Although Nagato was a little difficult to accept in his heart.

But he still resisted and asked, “According to your meaning, whose reincarnation eye is it?” ”

I had never heard of anyone in the Uchiha clan who had awakened the reincarnation eye.

“Uchiha Spot!”

“The masked man?”

How can it be!

Xiao Nan’s face immediately changed.

According to his logic.

If this reincarnation eye is Uchiha’s.

Why would the masked man give Nagato and then work with Nagato.

It’s paradoxical.

Why not choose to use the Samsara Eye yourself.


“So, how on earth do you think he’s Uchiha Ban, and if I came over with a mask and said I’m Senju Pillar, would you believe me?”

“Don’t believe it!”

The two of them really didn’t fully trust each other at first.

Otherwise, it would not let Xiao Nan prepare so many detonators.

The two of them never believed the masked man’s words from the beginning to the end.

Did he say that he was Uchiha Ban, and they had to believe that the other was the other side?

“Speaking of which, don’t you feel like your whole life has been arranged?”

Nagato’s so-called peace requires a powerful force to suppress it, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But you have to be there all the time, otherwise it’s like a thousand hands and a pillar.

Everyone loved peace when they were alive, and after death, three ninja wars broke out! ”

White Night’s words make a lot of sense.

He lives to be safe.

It is basically impossible to guarantee peace after death.

“How can I trust you?”

Nagato didn’t even know what the other person’s purpose was.

How does this make you trust the other person?

Looked at.

The corners of Bai Ye’s mouth outlined a smile.

He knew that Nagato was hooked.

He raised his hand to make a ripple, and then Nagato’s originally lifeless legs were slowly regaining their vitality at this moment.

“This time you can walk on the ground for about a month and see the world, which is completely different from what you think!”

White Night gives Nagato a month.

Come back to him a month later.

The flow rate of time and his world on this side are 10:1

That is to say, he has been here for thirty days, and his own world has only been three days.

So he is not in a hurry for the time being.

“This… It’s amazing…”

A look of shock flashed across Nagato’s face.

He got up from his wheelchair.

Then, walked on the ground for a while.

He was shocked in his heart, because he had not walked so normally for a long time.

“Can I really walk?”

Xiao Nan covered his mouth and looked at Nagato in shock.

She knew exactly what was going on with Nagato’s legs.

“Thank you, whether you cooperate in the end or not, I will thank you for this time!”

“I’ll go first, I’ll see you here in a month!”

White Night said and disappeared directly.

Give him a little time, Nagato has been hooked.

He wasn’t in any hurry, and he had something to do when he left this time.

“Nagato, can you really go?”

“Well, the legs are already well, but it should only be a month, let’s go outside and see…”

As he spoke, he took out the note that White Night had given him.

There are some places written on it.

And it is also written that as long as you pass, then everything will be understood.

To figure out the truth of the matter.

Nagato also decided to go over and have a look.

What the hell is going on here.

Chat skirt.

Uchiha Ban really couldn’t resist the curiosity in his heart, so he also turned on a function of the chat skirt.

That is, as long as the other person has something in connection with himself.

He could see what the other person was doing.

Skirt Live opens.

The chat skirt was instantly much quieter.

Tony: [What did I see?] Isn’t Nagato a cripple? How can I walk? 】

Qiu Zixi: [Damn… Is it magic? When! 】

It must be magic.

Otherwise, how could you see such a strange scene?

Nagato, who had not been able to walk, could actually walk at this moment.

Uchiha Spot: “MeTM!? 】

I showed myself the plot of the pirated version before, right?

I didn’t even know that Nagato could walk.

Blue Dye: [It seems that something unexpected has happened.] 】

Corpse Realm.

The corner of the blue dye mouth flashed a gentle smile, such a change, but also really let him have some expectations.

It turns out that the plot was not released as such.

And that’s absolutely what happens next.

If so, is it not the same as what you see?

Great Serpent: “If so, doesn’t that mean that I haven’t been sealed all the time?” 】

Esther: [What’s the situation?] 】

Gilgamesh: [Pain! It hurts! Even the plot is pirated! 】

Whitebeard: “Now I’m a little confused too. 】

Nagato follows Naruto’s previous plot.

There was no possibility for him to recover his legs.

Even in the state of rebirth in the dirt, he was carried away by the ferret.

Uchiha Ban: “You told me it was a cripple?” Go the real TM fast! Can you still jump up and down? 】

Have such a quick cripple?

Uchiha threw up, and everything was in his control.

But now Nagato’s change is directly to make his mentality jump.

What about playing?


PS: ask for flowers, reviews, monthly passes, tips, comments!!!!


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