A small sapling grows from the palm of Tsunade Hand’s hand.

She was speechless in shock at the moment.

Did you actually know Grandpa’s wood?

In my mind.

Suddenly, various uses and explanations of Mu Shu and the Immortal Body and Yang Shu appeared.

The sudden change also made Gang Shi a little confused.

“Mu Shuo, you still need to practice first, but before that, I hope you don’t expose your ability, and I will accompany you to train in the next few days.”

“How come?!”

Tsunade was also a little incredulous.

Suddenly, he had his grandfather’s ability.

It’s like a dream.

And all this seems to have been made by the white night for himself.

“I don’t want you to take it back.”



Such a strong force, how could she not want it.

And in my mind there is the power of immortality.

How powerful this is.

No wonder his grandfather used to be able to suppress the ninja world.

With such a strong power, she can do it on her!

“How did you give it to me, and can you give it to someone else?”

If only I were to give it a full arm.

Wouldn’t it be possible to give the rope tree one first, and then one to the wooden leaf alone, and then to bring the world to peace?

“No, it can only be used for you, so you have to cultivate well recently.”

“Mm-hmm, you can rest assured I will!”

With such a powerful force, the Gang Hand naturally will not be wasted.

“Are you saying that you want me to unify the ninja world by force?” It doesn’t matter when I have mastered it, I will go directly! ”


Tsunade was now eager to let the people of the entire ninja world know how powerful she was.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you my goal first.”

First, Uchiha Ban is going to be resurrected, and his goal is to capture the tailed beast, but you don’t have to worry, whether he can resurrect now is also the same thing.

Second, I’m going to kill all the daimyo and unify the entire ninja world! ”

The goal of White Night is simple.

Prevent Uchiha Ban from resurrecting, even if it doesn’t stop it, it is a big deal to let him die again in the end.

Remembering to dance?

His legs were broken.

The second point is to kill all these pigs.

“I lean on! Slaughter the daimyo yes, I have long wanted to do it! ”

Tsunade was already very upset to see these daimyōs.

A bunch of people who don’t even have the strength.

Giving orders to her all day.

“By the way, you should be a little careful, he has other gods who stop water, he can control people’s minds, and his whole arm is written with wheel eyes, and that arm is also transplanted with your grandfather’s cells.”

He briefly talked about Tunzang’s ability and the Tsunade Hand.

After learning that Tunzang had actually done something to his grandfather’s body.

She was also angry at the moment.

“In fact, the ape flying sun chop probably also knows, after all, Mu Sui is still very tempting, and it is the Great Snake Pill experiment.”




The ape flying sun chopper is already dead, that is no way, but Tuanzang still has the Great Snake Pill, she will definitely not let go.

“After that, I’ll find you a helper to come over, and you can clean up the inside of the leaf, and then it will be convenient for you to control the leaf.”


Tsunade nodded in agreement.

For the master of White Night’s speech, she was quite curious.

Speaking of which, the next time Nagato comes to Kiba to make them feel the pain, let him go directly to Tuanzang to hide it.

The other gods of Tunzang had no effect on Nagato at all.

The ability of the kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye is really great.

But to control the reincarnation eye at a higher level, that is basically impossible.

Besides, Payne is not the entity.

When the time comes, Nagato will directly control Payne in Naruto’s office.

The wifi is so close, the control is definitely stronger, and then the gang does not support it.

“White Night, today we are stepping up our efforts to get the child.”


It seems that it is impossible to get around.

White Night felt that in the eyes of Tsubasa, it seemed that he had to have a child for himself to let him go.

The last few days.

White Nights except to stay with Tsunade Tsubasa.

Hinata also made an appointment with him a few times

Because of the relationship between the white night.

She didn’t choose to do the task these days.

Under the relationship with this little girl, Bai Ye found that it seemed that she was very interested in herself.

Could it be that even that bond had already been cut off by him?

Last day.

The location agreed upon with Nagato.

White Night came to the Xiao Organization as promised.

And Nagato, his face also has some joy, although he is already sitting in a wheelchair, but he also feels very good.

In these thirty days, the places he had been unable to go to were now all he had visited.

Looking at the white night in front of him, Nagato also had a little friendliness, and said, “White Night, thank you for what happened last time.” ”

“It’s all right, how about it?”

“I’m working with you, but I’ll know the details!”

In these thirty days, Nagato has already thought about it.

He wants to work with White Night.

Instead of being used by the masked man all the time, it is better to cooperate with White Night to try it, although it is possible that he is also used by White Night, but at least he is in a good mood to cooperate with White Night.

“Well, first of all, let’s talk to you about the ultimate purpose of this Xiao Organization!”



Nagato felt that his brain was a little bit unpleasant.

He founded the Xiao Organization.

White Night said that the ultimate purpose of the organization, is it …

“So you melon doll doesn’t think that you are in control of the organization, right?”

White Night looked at Nagato’s expression, where he would not know what he was thinking.

It’s so simple to have a melon baby’s head.

Nagato: o((⊙_⊙))o


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