One Piece’s world.

It started with an island, and that’s where the last white night left.

The boats on the side were already dilapidated.

It seems that during the time he left, no one had ever come to this desert island.

Look at the news birds flying in the sky.

White Night beckoned to it.

The news bird flew down, took out a newspaper to give to the white night, and then spread out his hands and looked at the white night.

“I don’t have Bailey, this gold coin is for you.”

With that, White Night threw the gold coin to it.

He wouldn’t have Bailey on him, but gold coins would do.

The news bird accepted it and left.

Look at the news in the newspaper.

After reading it carefully, after seeing it, there was news about the Straw Hat Boy’s big fight in Alabastan.

It looked like Klockdale had been defeated.

“Is it strange that without Nicole Robin, could I have defeated Klockdal?”

In the original book, Luffy can defeat Klockdal, of which Nicole Robin plays an indispensable role.

The White Night came here three times.

The first was at the end of Locks, who, as a witness, saw with his own eyes the end of Rox’s and Roger’s rise.

The second time, during O’Hara’s time, he met the fleeing Robin and eventually took her away.

The third time was when the Straw Hat Boy was about to go to sea, just when he had a brief understanding of the intelligence and also determined the target he was going to cooperate with.

And this time, it seems that the time span is not too big.

Feel the imprint that you once left on Nicole Robin.

Space moved to her side.

Next second.

Nicole Robin and White Night stared at each other.

“Yo, it looks like our Mr. White Night is still a great gentleman!”

With that, Nicole Robin blew the bubbles in front of her toward the white night.

Then the hands in the water were crossed, obviously ready to use their abilities.

“It’s really time to come, I’m waiting for you outside.”

With that, White Night couldn’t help but look at it twice, and then went out to the room outside to wait for Nicole Robin.

Look at his back.

Nicole Robin sighed and was speechless.

This time it really wasn’t the right time.

However, he still did not change at all as before.

“What are you looking for me to do?”

Nicole Robin wiped her hair, then looked at White Night and asked.

I didn’t mean I wouldn’t come looking for myself for a long time.

Looking for her now, is it difficult to have a task?

“Nothing, just thinking of you.”

“Oh, worthy of being Mr. Scum, the love words are set by set, to see the organization?!”

“Don’t you like Robin Sauce?”

Bai Ye ignored it and took it upon himself to pick up the information on the table and look at it.

Now the sea seems to be boiling too.

Moreover, he always felt as if something was wrong.

“By the way, what’s going on with Whitebeard now?”

It should be the plot of Ace’s capture, right?

The plot of Alabastan is over.

“Nothing, as always, right they found the dark fruit yesterday.”

“What do you say? Only now to find?! ”

Just kidding!

Only now have the Devil Fruit been found.

This directly makes the white night confused.

The Straw Hat Boys have already passed this copy of Alabastan.

As a result, Whitebeard has only now found the Dark Fruit.

Isn’t the plot completely unrecognizable?

“That’s right, it’s only now that I found it, what’s wrong?”

“Wait, you make me wisp.”

White Night bowed his head and pondered for a moment.

Then I figured it out immediately.

They took Nami with them, which means they didn’t need to go to Cocoa West Village.

And now, the navigator of the Straw Hat Boy Pirate Regiment has also been replaced by a middle-aged uncle with a scumbag.

It seems to have replaced Nami’s duties.

Plus the last time I went to the East China Sea to wash a wave of blood.

There are also many fewer people who can cause him trouble.

The Straw Hat Kid seems to be progressing faster than the original.

“I see, that little devil of Aniru hasn’t been too rebellious lately, has he?”

“Not really, since I was beaten by you, my personality has improved a bit, but recently I jumped up again, and you came back just right, so let’s beat him up again!”

Robin’s eyes flashed with meaning.

She is considered to be the presence of the White Night Secretary in this organization.

Basically, the white night is gone, and the big and small things in the organization are also managed by Robin.

At present, many people in the organization have been rescued by White Night, or brought by White Night.

She, Nami, Aniru, Smile, Han Cook, and Robluch, who was installed in CP9 by White Night.

“By the way, Klockdale was arrested, and it seems that he refused your cooperation last time, right?”

“I know this!”

White Night, of course, was clear, having just read the newspaper.

“Has he already gone to Advance City or?”

“Not at the moment, do you want to?”


He’s going to take Klockdale out.

If he still refuses to cooperate this time, he will not care, and he will directly throw it to the Navy.

“Well, I don’t know what you’re going to do.”

Robin shook his head, wondering what White Night was trying to do.

Disrupting the world?

“This time I will come here and tell the members, and you will know what will happen after that, and you will tell them that they will come here to meet and hold a meeting, and the time will be set for fifteen days!”


Robin looked solemnly at the white night.

The members knew each other, but neither was they together.

Now the White Night will gather them.

It seems that the purpose of the organization is to be said!


PS: ask for flowers, reviews, monthly passes, tips, comments!!!!


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