“Alas, what a good fighting force, but it is not good to keep it.”

Sword Star shook his head and was speechless.

After seeing the strength of Aniru before, he felt that such a good fighting force was good for them to use.

“You can let Bergapunk transform him, after all, this thing doesn’t have to be used for nothing, it’s a thunder fruit!”

The goatee had an idea in his heart.

Combat effectiveness certainly cannot be wasted.

They don’t have Begapunk.

When the time comes, just let Bergapunk transform him.

“Good idea, don’t waste your fighting power, and you can get a loyal subordinate, but it is said that Aniru this guy is very strong, and you must be ready to do it again!”

The fat five old stars agreed.

He didn’t think there was anything wrong with that.

Bergapunk has recently been working on a plan to rehabilitate people.

The target that is currently being prepared is the bear.

The ability of the yellow ape was also added.

If you can transform all Aniru and the bear.

Then add the robot to the ability of the Aniru Thunder Fruit.

Be obedient!

Two big monsters and a bunch of super pacifists!

“Then wait until this war is over!”

“Good! Catch that man first! ”

A few people said a word to me, and then they completely determined this matter.

Today, times have flown by.

It’s just an attempt, and if you can suppress the times, that’s it.

If not, it can only start a great purge!

Whitebeard: [Aniru gave Jack a second with one move, his strength is so strong? 】

Although the Ringing Thunder Fruit is very strong.

But it’s not a trick to kill Jack.

You must know that although he said that he was killed by the plot.

But at least with Luffy there are back and forth.

At this time, Luffy must have been tricked by Jack for seconds.

Qiu Zixi: “I lean on!” Your world is even more chaotic than Banye’s world! }


This is really not expected.

Aniru actually has the ability to kill Jack in a second.

Originally, coming to Qinghai was more outrageous.

It’s outrageous to open the door and outrageous to home!

Uchiha Ban: “The plot of his world has no effect at all, Klockdahl has not been caught, then Blackbeard has no dark fruit, Ace has not been caught, Aniru has come to Qinghai to become the Seven Martial Seas, and Yamato has also run out of the country of peace to defeat Moria!” 】

Summarize these recent changes.

Uchiha Ban even had some luck.

The plot of his own world has only changed slightly.

Except that Nagato will open eight doors and there are no side effects.

The others didn’t surprise him.

At that moment, the whole wooden leaf was like an earthquake.

Then Tsunade led the men to sweep the roots.

Inside were found some remnants of experiments that were still underway.

And a lot of evidence was produced.

The incriminating evidence about Tunzang was all turned over.

Then Muye also entered a cleaning operation.

The current wooden leaves seem to be indeed facing the sun.

Yakumo Zi: [No plot there is no plot, this is not a good thing, just change it, Aniru, who was going to be defeated by Luffy before, is now defeated by you, don’t you have points?” 】

Whitebeard: [It seems to be true!] 】

There was no turning for a moment.

Almost forgot.

It turns out that it can be calculated like this.

But that’s right.

The man who was meant to be defeated by Luffy.

Now I can beat it once.

Get rewarded with one point.

Now there is no plot, and doing something casually is actually changing the plot.

Blue Dye: [It is better to take the initiative to attack, now that your body has recovered, it will be passive to sit still and wait.] 】

Today’s sea is even more terrifying than the pirate enthusiasm that was re-ignited by Whitebeard after the end of the war.

He felt that it was better to strike directly.

Whitebeard: “Don’t be in a hurry. 】

Whitebeard didn’t say yes either.

For him, he actually didn’t really want to compete for dominance.

He loves the atmosphere now.

Build a home with your own children at sea.

Esther: “Oh, I want to go over! 】

So many strong people, and the variables are still so big, if only they could go over and play.

Big Snake: [Speaking of which, if I had always followed the plot, would the plot have changed?] 】

He wouldn’t, but he was curious.

Just like Uchiha Ban, obviously still in Huangquan, the result is that the plot has changed.

Qiu Zixi: [Before your question, I finally summarized it, and I feel that it may be because of the chat skirt, so there have been some changes.

Maybe you know the plot, but in fact, the future will change.

There is also a future or the present that has been rewritten, but I feel that the first two are more likely! 】

As the skirt master.

Qiu Zixi had used the permission to ask the chat elf what was going on.

All you get are three answers.

Both are from chat skirts, and the other is because of other people.

However, it may come to the conclusion of the first two.

Because the dimensional wall is not something that ordinary people can break.

It’s very hard!

If you want to go from the world of Naruto to the world of pirates, you must first coordinate and secondly, break the dimensional wall that is basically impossible to break.

So it’s hard to get the back of it!

Blue Dye: [Maybe it’s the last one!] 】

The blue-dyed lenses shone with a hint of essence.

He even hoped it was the last one.

Because that’s a better explanation.

And it can also give yourself one more opponent.

He also wants the heart of the opponent very urgently!

Whitebeard: [Gollum, it doesn’t matter, I’ll go out and walk after a while!” 】

Now the body is better.

Whitebeard naturally wanted to go out for a walk as well.

However, as the fourth emperor, every move was noticed by other forces.

So Whitebeard must have arranged everything before he could start acting.

Otherwise, he would never have been able to go.

The other end.

The time for seven days of the White Night has arrived.

After arranging everything, Yona prepares to teleport.

The figure of the White Night disappeared into the Overworld.

Then came the world.

Looking around, Bai Ye was surprised that he had actually come here.

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