Every world white night is propaganda to take them to peace.

But in fact, White Night does not care at all whether the world is peaceful or not.

It’s about getting behind the scenes.

Of course, their dreams, if he gets the point behind the scenes, then just help them realize it.

“So, are you ready to sacrifice at the hands of your own people?” Look at what these revolutionary armies are doing, and what is different from what the nobles of other empires have done? ”

With that, White Night placed some of the pictures he had collected in the past few days in front of them.

Although the revolutionary army has people who are really for justice.

But there is also scum in it.

White Night just needs to find the evidence in this group.

Put it in front of them.

Looking at the high-level people who have seen it before

Najiehitan fell into thought.

Then, she looked up at the white night seriously and asked, “Even so, how do you guarantee that you will not do this after that, even if you will not, then the people in the team you have formed will not?” ”

She admitted that there must be filth in the revolutionary army.

But at least it’s better than the Empire.

At the same time, she also knew that they would eventually be abandoned by the revolutionary army.

Night Raid is a killer organization.

They can’t see the light.

In the end, the thing in the dark of the revolutionary army is that someone needs to carry the pot.

And this must have fallen on the night attack.

“I will not form a so-called revolutionary army, I just need your night raiders to join!”

“Impossible! How can the revolution succeed just by virtue of us! ”

Najiehitan simply refused.

Are you kidding.

They are very good individually.

But in the face of hundreds of thousands of troops, how can the revolution be successful?

As long as you want to defeat the strength of Estes, then there will only be General Bude in the imperial capital, and Bude’s strength is definitely not as good as Acedes’s, and the subsequent ministers and the little emperor will not be able to solve it very easily?”

“Besides, I’ll let Sha Yu help you, her ability is very suitable for destroying a large number of miscellaneous soldiers.”

With that, Bai Ye raised his hand and touched Sha You’s head, and then pulled her in front of him.

Her flame ability is very strong in a wide range of abilities.

When the environment is right, tens of thousands of troops can be burned to death in an instant!

“Shayo’s words… She is the power of the flame, and the range is large. ”

Leonay whispered.

She had seen Sha You’s abilities before, and of course knew what Sha You’s role was.

“We are not the opponents of Estes!”

Najiehitan knew very well that they were not Estes’ opponents.

If she had won the fight, she would not have gone into hiding with the night raid.

“I said you can do it, as long as you cooperate with me, of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t cooperate, anyway, I will not cooperate with a group of people with bad brains, if you want to go back to the revolutionary army to sell your life, go back.”

Big deal to go and find Esthers.

Anyway, the last time I sensed that Esther had returned.

Therefore, White Night has no shortage of partners.

It’s just a little more convenient if you have a night attack.

Persuading Estes may be more troublesome.

After all, in the original book, Estes’s head is more axis, but it is not impossible.

“I wonder, what exactly is your so-called peace?” And what do you do after that? ”

Najhitan didn’t want them to be betrayed.

The night raiders were like their own children. 、

She was recruited one by one.

Killed in battle she could accept.

But I can’t accept being sold by my own people.

“Destroy the revolutionary army and those in the empire who are already incorrigible, leave some righteous people to rule the world, abolish all the nobles, and deter the whole world with powerful fighting power!”

“This is not peace at all!”

In the end, it is still by force!

Najahitan’s face changed immediately, and she remembered Esthers.

“Power is the ultimate way to achieve peace, as long as there is a strong deterrent of force, everyone does not dare to move, and you do not have force to persuade others to abide by peace?” 」 No kidding! If so, what else are you going to do in the revolution, just go to the Empire and say no? ”

White Night’s words slammed into Najahitan’s face.

He makes a lot of sense.

If peace is spoken by lip service.

They went straight to the Empire and said.

“How can we be sure you won’t abandon us?”

Ma Yin said hurriedly.

She didn’t believe anyone now.

Even the revolutionary army that once belonged to him.

She did not expect that after the revolution, she would be abandoned by the revolutionary army.

This reminds Marin of some not-so-good memories of her childhood.

“Because I want you to be that mighty deterrent, I will not govern the world, nor will I meddle in anything in this world, of course… If this world is beyond my foreknowledge, I will intervene, how night raiders, you choose to fight for yourself, or for the revolutionary army! ”

White Night didn’t say let them fight for themselves.

Rather, it means fighting for themselves.

There is a fundamental difference between the two.

Listening to the words of the White Night, each of them fell into contemplation.

Because it’s so tempting.

“What do you think?”

Najie Xitan sighed, and there was some helplessness in her heart.

It seems that the hearts of their own team should have been scattered.

I looked deeply at the white night.

This guy’s mouth is really strong.

Just a few words, the result is that their own people already have two hearts.

“I want to fight for myself!”

Maine looked at Najahitan very seriously and said her choice.

She didn’t want to be betrayed by her own people in the future.

She believed the night raiders, but she could not believe the words of the revolutionary army now.

“I want to fight for myself too!”

Hill said.

“I… You decide, I’ll think about it again


“What about you?”

Everyone looked at the red pupil.

Waiting for her answer.

“I can.”

Red Hitomi also didn’t know that she didn’t want to be betrayed, and if it was the same as what White Night said, maybe this was the best choice.

Several people gathered around to discuss.

Finally, Najahitan came to White Night on behalf of the crowd and said, “We agree with your request, but how can we trust you?” ”

Although I agreed, I didn’t have long been in contact with it, and there was no way to establish trust with White Night!

Listening to her words, the corners of Bai Ye’s mouth outlined a trace of curvature.


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