“Nagato, aren’t you ready to make plans lately?”

Today, Nagato’s legs have recovered well.

However, he was not exposed, and was still in a wheelchair to give the belt an illusion.

But when there was nothing to do, Nagato would sneak out and play.

“Of course the plan doesn’t start, and I’m not in a hurry!”

Nagato was in no hurry.

After all, he now knew about the Moon Eye Project.

Then take your time.

Anxious estimates are Uchiha with soil, Uchiha with soil, and black with three of them.

“What about the white night?”

Although there is no mandatory requirement for white nights.

But doesn’t that mean you’ve been letting Nagato play here?

“By the way, have you been looking for women lately?”

Konan had seen Nagato seem to be looking for a girl lately.

Speaking of which.

Nagato This is self-indulgence?

“Am I not too old to find a wife?”

Nagato wiped the sweat from his face, and his heart was speechless.

He’s all this age.

I hadn’t thought about it before.

But now the legs are better.

I had contact with a girl for a while before and it felt good.

Although I don’t want to be with each other yet.

But after getting along, he felt good, so he was in contact.

“I think you still put the plan first, and… It’s not good to have too much contact with each other now. ”

Kuroji and Uchiha were all staring at it.

Although not found now.

But I am not sure that I will accidentally be discovered by the other party in the future.

“I know, but you’re really concerned about the plan, and you shouldn’t be concerned about the plan, right?”

Nagato smiled and squinted at Xiaonan.

He probably knew in his heart why Xiao Nan would be so preoccupied with a plan.

But he didn’t have the idea of puncturing before.

“I… I just want to achieve peace!” ”

Konan’s face was the same as before, and nothing had changed because of what Nagato said.

But her heart was also a little flustered.

“Xiao Nan, our best friend for so many years, don’t I know what you think?”

It’s like Xiao Nan can see his recent state at a glance.

The same is true of Nagato now.

“However, he and Tsunade should have that kind of relationship, and I think if you want to, you’d better be mentally prepared, I’ll go first.”

With that, Nagato got up and left.

He really couldn’t keep playing.

Let’s go over and talk to the girl first.

And give her something to protect her.

As for Xiao Nan’s affairs, I believe she will figure it out herself.

In the cave.

Only Xiao Nan, who was gloomy and uncertain with his head bowed, was left.

She also didn’t know when she fell in love with this man.

A girl’s mind is always complicated.

She could have been depressed, but she could have been happy at the sight of Nagato and the other girls.

She was also a little envious.

There were also fantasies in my mind that with White Night might be the same.

How could she not know the relationship between White Night and Tsubasa.

But she didn’t want to admit it after all.

“How did you get here?”

Tsunade looked at the person in surprise, and then waved his hand, letting the rope tree leave first.

Fortunately, Shizune is not by her side, otherwise this must not be directly exposed?

“That Nagato boy let you come?”

Ever since they knew that Nagato was the apprentice of Uzumaki and the little boy they had met.

Tsunade is not polite.

Speaking of which, he is still the elder of the two of them.

At the same time, she also thought that the Great Snake Pill was going to kill these three little devils, and as a result, the Great Snake Pill actually joined this organization in the end.

“No, I came to you.”

Xiao Nan shook his head, then explained.

She had been hesitant to come over.

But in the end, she found herself unable to convince herself at all.

You have to come and find a master.


Tsunade couldn’t remember what he had to do with this little girl.

But since she said so, let’s hear what this little girl is doing to find herself.

“What about the White Night?”

“Don’t you know if you ask Nagato?”

A thoughtful smile flashed from the corner of Tsunade Hand’s mouth.

It seems that he came for the white night.

I had found that this little girl’s look at White Night was very wrong.

It turned out to be a love enemy!

“He doesn’t know.”

“Then I don’t know.”

Tsunade really didn’t lie.

She really didn’t know where White Night was now.

“But I want to tell you that White Night is my man!”

“Men like to be young!”


Tsunade smiled.

The laughter is very penetrating.

At the same time, the fist was already clenched.

She couldn’t help but want to do it.

Is this woman here to declare war on herself?

“So you’re here to provoke?”

Tsunade smiled and squinted at Xiao Nan and asked.

This little girl doesn’t think she’s got over herself, does she?

“No, I’m just telling you, I like him and I’m going to pursue him.”


After saying that, Xiao Nan left.

After she finished speaking, Xiao Nan’s heart was also very comfortable.

This sentence has always been held in my heart.

She always had a feeling of being out of breath.

Now, the words are finally clear.

No longer need to hide your inner thoughts.

“The next time we meet… Just talk to him…”

Showed his heart.

She didn’t need to live in her fantasies all the time as before.

“Sister, just now that person left?”


Tsunade gave the rope tree a look, which directly frightened the rope tree.

The two had just said something.

How does this office feel so heavy with gunpowder.

“Oh, the rope tree, I said that men don’t have a good thing, and they don’t work for the old woman!!”

Rope Tree: ?????

Who did he provoke!

Aren’t you just working?

As a dark part, protect the safety of Naruto.

But he didn’t dare to talk nonsense.

Because he knew very well that something must have happened to his sister, he was worried that there was no place to get angry.

If he resisted or said something, maybe his sister would take this out and make a joke.

The rope tree didn’t want to be this head bird.

But that didn’t stop the rope tree from thinking about what was going on.

“Is it because of my brother-in-law’s relationship?”

When the rope tree thinks about it carefully, it can only think of something to do with the white night.

Was it because the old lover of the white night came to the door and declared war on his sister.

So my sister was very upset.

Let’s just say that men don’t have good things.

“This… No way! I’m a big clever! ”

The rope tree was shocked by his own wit.

At this point, I guessed the reason.

There should be no one but yourself, right?

“You’re idle?”

Tsunade glanced coldly at the rope tree.

With the mask in his face, he couldn’t see the expression, but Tsunade could clearly feel that he was thinking wildly.


The rope tree shook his head continuously, and his heart wept silently.

Brother-in-law come back soon!

[Your collaborator Gang Hand is fighting with Xiaonan and is ready to wait for you to come over and torture you next time.] 】

White Nights: ?????

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