Back hill.

Ling Yue Xian Ji looked at this familiar scene and the spell. I was still thinking about how to prevent being eaten.

But now, she didn’t have that thought in her heart.

“You can’t go in here!”

Ling Yue Xian Ji was seeing this spell.

Isn’t that the forbidden place of their canine clan?

According to legend, there is a very terrifying existence in this.


“Because there is a very terrible existence in this, my father once said, and everyone in our clan is forbidden to come here!”

Ling Yue Xianji couldn’t care less about it either. Myself.

Being taken away by the white night is at best being eaten, and it is not necessarily really eaten, and now the people of the family are looking for maybe they can survive if they are found.

But if you go to this one. That may be dead without a place to bury.

Legend has it that when you go to this place, basically no one can come out alive.

“Aren’t you curious about what’s in this that is why it’s explicitly prohibited?”


Ling Yue Xian Ji was stunned.

It is of course impossible to say that you are not curious.

I heard the old youkai in the clan say that there is a very terrible existence in the forbidden land.

That’s why she didn’t go in, but she wasn’t without curiosity about what’s inside. It was actually able to make all the old men in the clan jealous.

“You’re still not a youkai, but you’re so timid, even more afraid than me.” Bai Ye shook his head, and the corners of his mouth flashed a trace of helplessness. ”

This little demon covers the timid one.

“I’m not afraid!”

Instead of being eaten and having such a shameful way to die, it is better to die in this one. Anyway, horizontal and vertical are dead.

She cursed that the White Night would die worse than herself! Thinking about it, Ling Yue Xian Ji glared at Bai Ye with hatred.

Wait for it.

Don’t give her a chance.

“Not convinced?”

White Night smiled.

However, the next second, in the perception, I also felt the pursuit of the Inuyasha clan. So the white night is not delayed.

Directly taking Ling Yue Xianji into the forbidden land. And right now.

There is action.

After the people of the InuYasha clan watched Ling Yue Xianji being taken into the forbidden land by the White Night, they all waited in the same place without the forbidden land, but they had said that it was very dangerous there.

“What to do?”

A group of youkai gathered in front of the forbidden land.

Then the patriarch also came to this side with his treasure.

Looking at them all stopped here, I couldn’t help but have a bad premonition in my heart.

“Got in?”


The dog general nodded.

They came a little late.

Just after seeing the two people, the result was that the person stepped directly into the forbidden land.

“What does the patriarch do now?”

They were also a little hesitant at the moment. Although the beauty is nice.

If you go inside, you may actually die inside. In the past, there were also people who were not afraid of death.

In the end none of them came out.

“Patriarch, let me in.”

The dog general looked solemnly at the patriarch.

He made up his mind that he must save Ling Yue Xianji inside.


A trace of hesitation flashed on the patriarch’s face.

At this time, if you let the dog general in…

“I think first.”

He was hesitating.

Inuyasha is the best young man in the group. And now the strength is also very strong.

He can be regarded as the strongest Inuyasha in the current race.

If you die in the forbidden land, it is definitely a loss.

“Patriarch, I’ve actually wanted to go inside and see what’s going on here.”

The Inuyasha actually wanted to go inside and have a look.

After all, the demons in this forbidden land were soaring.

Moreover, what they have passed down from their family is only to say that it is very dangerous inside, but no one has said where the specific danger is.

So he wanted to go in and have a look.

Plus keep this here, sooner or later someone will die. Better to solve it early.

“Well, if you can come out alive, the position of the Inuyasha Patriarch will be given to you!”

The patriarch gritted his teeth and finally decided that as long as the dog general came out, then the position would be given to him. The people around were surprised, but there was no objection either.

After all, going inside is equivalent to nine deaths.

Being able to come out alive means being able to crack the secrets of the Forbidden Land. Then he is the patriarch, and everyone obeys.

“I see, Patriarch, then I’ll go first.”

After the dog general finished speaking, under the eyes of everyone, he stepped into the forbidden land.

“Shouldn’t it be a problem?”

“I don’t know…”

For the dog general, the others don’t know what to say. But in the current situation, we can only pray that he can come out.

The dog general who had just stepped into the forbidden land only felt that it was pitch black in front of him. Then he came to a strange place.

Sniffed the smell in the air.

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

“Strange… Without their taste…”

It’s like disappearing out of thin air.

The smell of Ling Yue Xian Ji and the man who kidnapped her has completely disappeared…

“Hey! I’ll talk to you, and you’ll let me go first!” ”

Ling Yue Xian Ji couldn’t help but feel a little abrupt when she looked at the eerie and terrifying scene around her. She thought about letting White Night let go of herself first.

Otherwise, there will be no ability to protect yourself in this place. This rope made her unable to exert any strength.

The demon power was completely limited.

“Let go of you? I’m afraid I don’t want to give me a sneak attack! ”

A hint of interest flashed in Bai Ye’s eyes, and she probably didn’t say the same thing she thought. Those little nines and nines in my heart had already been heard by the white night.

“No problem.”

What surprised Ling Yue Xianji was that.

Obviously, his intentions were known to White Night. But he let himself go.


She didn’t understand.

“You’ve begged me, I’ll let you go.”

“I’m not begging you!”

Ling Yue Xian Ji quickly defended.

I won’t ask for this bastard.

“Then forget it…”

“It’s not… You…”

Ling Yue Xian Ji stared at the white night with wide eyes, and after a series of struggles in her heart, she also said hurriedly, “I beg you!” ”

No way!

In order to save his life, but also to kill the white night after that. She had to do it.

“No, you said good brother I begged you, I’ll let you go.”

…… Forget it.

Or just bite him to death!

Ling Yue Xianji had never seen such a brazen person.

Looking at Bai Ye’s smiling and squinting face, she was eager to kill her directly. But the situation is stronger than the people.

There was no way, Ling Yue Xian Ji could only admit it.

“Good brother I beg you, let me go!”

Damnable humans!

After saying that, a sense of shame suddenly appeared in her heart. Wait.

She would not forget the humiliation of this time.

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