“My lord, the person you are looking for is a witch?”

The Four Fighting Gods looked at the witch in front of them. There was a strange feeling in my heart.

I didn’t expect that what White Night was looking for was actually a witch. They’re monsters.

He was going to fall with the witch.

“Well, that’s her.”

The most powerful witch of her time.

Has the ability to extract the art of soul purification and exorcise demons. A large number of yokai in order to deal with her. Including ghosts, dragons, earth spiders and other yokai, so the combination of groups becomes the big yokai.

In the long battle with this big youkai, Cuizi was exhausted due to physical exhaustion, and in the end she still could not win. So he used his last power to take away the soul of the youkai and dissolve it into his own soul.

Then released from the body, so both Tsuiko and the youkai died. Only the Soul Crystallization of the Four Souls Jade remains!

This thing that runs through the whole plot is that the child is made. And now.

Below, Tsukiko is also fighting the youkai. It was time to form the Jade of the Four Souls.

A trace of solemnity flashed in Cuizi’s eyes.

Now, she also has some sorrow in her heart. It looks like he is going to die today.

But she absolutely could not allow these monsters to continue to be evil in the human world. Read this.

When she was ready to die with the monsters.

A man appeared in front of her, and with a wave of his hand, the monsters were all reduced to ashes.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Cuizi stared at the man in front of her with wide eyes, and she couldn’t believe it.


“The next son?”

“Well, Your Excellency?”

Cuizi looked at the man in front of him in awe, and then the demon breath behind him directly made Cuizi’s face change.

She knew all of these monsters. Each one is a big monster.

“I would like to invite you to join me.”

How could she join the ranks of the youkai that she was a witch?

“This world is in chaos, and the source of everything is Qingming, he wants to create a world ruled by youkai, and now so many yokai in the world are also from Qingming’s hands, how about destroying him with me?”

White Night reached out and placed his hand in front of Cuizi.

For some reason, White Night seemed to have a radiance on his body. Unconsciously he put his hand on it.

Then, because of the physical weakness caused by the previous battle, he directly fell down.

The next day.

Cuizi woke up slowly.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment around her, her heart could not help but become vigilant, and then after seeing the white night, she also relaxed a little and said, “Let me tell you first, I will never be with youkai!” ”

“There are good and bad monsters, and so do people, who don’t have to look at everything with a worldly eye.”

In the words of the white night, not only Cuizi, but also the monsters on the side were also a little surprised. I didn’t expect that in the bottom of the white night, they were such an image?

Tsuiko is more like a fusion of two people of coral and platycodon. The physical skills are good, and the spiritual power is naturally strong. This made White Night want to pull her into the company.

“Is what you told me earlier true about Qingming?”

Cuizi did not refute it, she changed the topic and led the topic to Qingming’s body. It’s like White Night said.

Is it really all Qingming’s doing?

“That’s right, didn’t you find out that this time things were planned by Qingming?”

White Night investigated a bit before, and what surprised him was that Cuizi’s matter was actually arranged by Qingming. This cargo is the biggest boss and LYB in the world of InuYasha.

“I thought about it, but once we learned together, I didn’t expect him to end up like this.”

Cuizi and Haruaki met.

We also learned the Tao together.

But now, Qingming actually embarked on this path. Read this.

Cuizi’s tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and then stared dead at the white night, saying, “I’ll go with you!” ”

Now it seems that Qingming can only be completely eliminated! Heian Kyo.

A city controlled by Qingming.

Now it has become a monster capital. Countless yokai gathered like this, and the demon qi soared! For White Night’s words, Cuizi also believed a lot.

“Yo, I didn’t go looking for you, I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to find you.”

Haruaki suddenly appeared, and behind him, the Sake Swallowing Boy, the Rain Girl, the Hashihime, the Flying Headman, the Kappa, the Ibaraki Boy and other monsters also followed him.

Now they have chosen to follow Qingming.

They want to create a world ruled by youkai!

“So, this time, do you choose to ally with me, or do you say….”

Qingming said, picking up the fan but in front of his mouth, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but flash a fox-like smile. Now everything is ready.

His power has grown.

In fact, there are only a few monsters.

“Oh, Qingming, you also deserve to be compared with my master?”

The keel spirit did not hesitate to shake back the past.

Can he compare with the white night?

“Brother, why don’t you cooperate with me, I can keep you alive, human beings are only a few decades, how?”

Qingming turned his head to look at White Night and proposed. He could sense that the other party was strong.

But the body is still human after all.

As long as he cooperates with him, he can help White Night transform his body and thus gain a longer lifespan.

“So you changed your body into this non-human or ghostly form?”

Bai Ye shook his head, and he directly refused to cooperate with Qingming. There is only one LYB in this world!

“That means you don’t have to cooperate?”

Qingming also understood the meaning of the white night at this moment. It seems that this cooperation is estimated to be impossible. Behind him, the monsters were already ready to move.

“No, let’s eat them!”

The drunken boy greedily looked at Ling Yue Xian Ji in front of him.

“Eat her and Cuizi, and your strength will definitely become stronger!”

Go ahead.

Since you can’t cooperate, you are your own enemy. Treat the enemy with no mercy.

But what he didn’t expect was that.

The monsters were just getting ready to go up, and the next second they were crushed into child powder by White Night’s ability to use space. At this moment, Qingming was also trapped in space and could not move.

“Worthy of the host!”

A hint of joy flashed on the face of the keel.

White Night’s move directly solved all the youkai, and even Qingming was trapped. He really didn’t talk to the wrong person!

The four fighting gods behind them, the death god ghosts, were also strange in their hearts at this moment. This strength…

Too strong.

“Your strength is not worth mentioning….. White Night smiled and squinted at Qingming. ”

At this moment, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and his heart was also cold. I didn’t expect to be caught so easily. Then.

The space began to squeeze constantly.

Qingming felt that his body gradually couldn’t hold on and began to collapse. InuYasha World Largest LYB Haruhi Death!

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