
Finally ready to say what the purpose of finding them was?

At first, in fact, they were also a little strange about the white night looking for themselves. But the other side is too strong.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to rebel against each other. And thinking that the other person is just a human being. Death will occur in a hundred years.

Big deal to play with the white night for a while. When White Night dies, they remain free.

But now it seems that the white night can manipulate time. Then they are simply speechless.


It’s not playing!

“The purpose is very simple, you each develop your own power, and I have no other requirements.”


That’s it?

I thought the white night would give them a very difficult task.

But what I didn’t expect was that White Night actually sent them away like this.

“It’s as simple as that, I don’t like to interfere with other people’s work, you can each develop your own power.”

If the plot hadn’t even begun, White Night wouldn’t have been such a layout. What’s the use of arranging so much for them now?

Not at all.

Then just let them do their own thing.

【Ding! Collaborator selection to complete, reward: Demon power [spiritual power] purity evolution once, bloodline purity upgrade [can be shared with collaborators], host individual reward: 30,000 behind-the-scenes points, Qimen Dunjia Technique]

【Qimen Qijia Technique】: Qimen, Liuren, Taiyi The first of the three secret treasures, the first of the three styles, the most reasonable law, from the Qimen Qimen Qijia art to learn the fur can become yin and yang art, is the Sect of the Arts, Qimen Qijia is based on the I Ching Bagua, combined with the astrology calendar, astronomical geography, eight doors and nine stars, yin and yang five elements, three Qi six instruments and other elements.

In my mind.

A wave of information appeared.

Bai Ye couldn’t help but feel a little surprised in his heart. I didn’t expect that the Qimen Dunjia was actually so strong.

It involves formations, spells, and the sun, moon, and stars. It can be said that it is much more comprehensive.

Share the other two with collaborators.

Their bloodlines and spiritual power had each risen to a higher level.

“Boss… That’s the benefit you’re talking about? ”

Depend on!

That’s great, right?

The keel spirit felt that his strength had risen to another level. And the blood is even purer.

The purer the youkai’s bloodline, the more obvious the increase in their own strength will be.

“It’s a really good benefit!”

Even the Four Fighting Gods and the Death God Ghost, these unruly people, had to sigh at this moment, it seemed really good to follow the white night.

People don’t just don’t interfere with what you do.

And it gives you a boost.

Where does such a boss go? Isn’t there one in front of you?

“Well, it’s a benefit to you, and then you will each do your own thing, just remember what I said.”

Get everything done and let them all go. He didn’t want to ask them for anything at this time.

Anyway, it hasn’t even begun.

However, White Night wanted to see how the next plot would go without the Jade of Four Souls. After all, Cuizi, who formed the Jade of the Four Souls, was not dead yet.

After everyone had left here. Heian Kyo collapsed completely.

And many of the youkai who had been hiding before were able to appear.

“What to do?”

“That man is too strong…..”

Even Lord Qingming was dead.

“Why don’t we go and see what else is in the ancestral hall?”

“Okay, let’s get some cheap and we’ll go.”

Now that the man is gone.

The monsters didn’t want to stay here either.

The group of youkai came to the ancestral hall where Qingming had worshipped before. At this moment, there is only one soul here.

A white robe stained with white holy radiance. He slowly looked up at the youkai above the sky.

And if Bai Ye and the others are here, they will definitely be able to see clearly, this is Qingming’s face


The monsters were stunned. Isn’t Qingming dead?

“He is not Qingming, the spiritual power in his body is holy, and if I swallow him, I can become stronger!”

“Damn, don’t try to be the first to be the first!”

Qingming’s good thoughts had already been split by Qingming. Then, the youkai rushed to Qingming’s good thoughts. Only to see a dazzling light flash on Shannian’s body.

Then, including ghosts, dragons, earth spiders, and other yokai, the ensemble becomes the big yokai. Together, we poured into the clear thoughts of goodness.

Then, the light shone brightly, and the explosion of Heian Jing came and went.

The once luxurious city was directly reduced to ashes, until finally, a purple jade fell on the ground and lay quietly.

It seems to be waiting for a chance to arrive…

“Isn’t it already arranged, what are you going to do with me?”

White Night looked at Ling Yue Xian Ji strangely.

Things have been done, shouldn’t it be going back?

“You haven’t finished with me yet!”

Ling Yue Xian Ji said hurriedly.

This time, he came out to finish the land with the white night. That’s why she didn’t want to go back so soon.

Moreover, she still had questions to ask White Night.

“Can you really live forever?”

Originally, she was still thinking that after a hundred years, she would still be like this, and the white night would die. There are also some entanglements in my heart.

After all, if you really choose to do that. After that, I will definitely have to bear the pain of life and death.

And now, from the White Night, he got something that he would not die. This moment made Ling Yue Xianji’s careful thinking a lot more active. Of course she had her own little idea.

“You wanted to wait for my death sooner, didn’t you?”

A black line flashed in White Night’s eyes.

I always felt that Ling Yue Xian Ji seemed to be very concerned about her own life and death. Could it be that when he died, Ling Yue Xianji would be very happy?

“Of course not, I just want to ask.”

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Bai Ye always felt that Ling Yue Xian Ji seemed to be much happier than before.

Then, Ling Yue Xianji pointed to the front and said, “Since you can live forever, then I want you to accompany me through the world, and then I will give you a surprise.” ”


I always feel that this is only surprise and no joy.

But when he thought about it, he had promised Ling Yue Xianji before. That can’t be broken either.

White Night also wants to walk around in this world.

Is there anything else you missed that wasn’t laid out. When the plot starts, you will be able to completely control everything!

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