Akiko: Let me sort it out for you.

It looked like it was time for her to play. They had been kept in the dark before. Nowadays, this side of the chat skirt is also a stone hammer. Originally, Qiu Zixi was still thinking.

Is it really that there is something wrong with your own plot.

Nowadays, it seems that it is not the same as I thought. Damn.

It made her think that she had misread in her past life.

Qiu Zixi: I didn’t upload the plot before, what you see now is the original, but because there is a person or an organization that destroys the plot behind it, it’s like the world that cools you.

Originally, Keisha was going to be captured, but because of the guy’s appearance, Kesha’s fate was rewritten. So the plot you see is a little different.


[But you can rest assured that the plot that he hasn’t changed will basically not change much, but who says this thing.] Do you understand? 】

Qiu Zixi felt that she should explain it more clearly, right? After all, there’s nothing to say about this.

It is a person or organization that has changed the plot that was originally going to be changed beyond recognition.

Liang Bing: [That is to say, this was not originally a character in the plot, that is to say, Kesha’s fate of Bichi was rewritten by him, and it should have been the same as that picture?” 】

Liang Bing can also understand.

It seems that there is such a existence.

Then it was a pity. Liang Bing himself had not seen the man before. But now she was hostile to Kesha.

It’s obviously impossible to go to Keisha and ask her. Yakumo Purple: [That’s right. 】

Liang Bing: [Well, although I hate Kesha’s Bichi, I feel good that I didn’t get abducted by the guy Hua Yan.] 】

Jing Bing wanted to cut Keisha.

But I also don’t want Keisha to be taken away by Hua Ye.

Therefore, she actually did not have any fluctuations in her heart, and even had some luck. As a sister, the two have been fighting for so many years, but even so, she is not used to Hua Ye. Liang Bing: No!! If Keisha, the Bichi, hadn’t been taken away, how could her personality have been so extreme?

If you say, according to the plot, Kesha’s character should be affected.

But this time it was obvious that she had not been taken away, why did Keisha still look like Bichi, which really made Liang Bing hate Qiu Zixi: “I don’t know about this, maybe it’s because of that guy?” 】

Now Qiu Zixi was a black cauldron that was thrown directly on the unknown man. After all, so much has happened.

“Can’t we throw the black cauldron over?”

“This is obviously impossible!”

Blue Dye: [Can he cross the timeline?] According to the plot, you have all passed tens of thousands of years, that is to say, that guy still has mastered the time hall can do? 】

The ability of time and space.

There is no solution in any world.

His words directly surprised the old man in the chat skirt.

Tony: [Similar to the Time Gem?] 】

Uchiha Spot: Maybe it’s more BT than the Time Gem. This guy isn’t just a dimensional wall.

And it can span that long time. Isn’t this much more powerful than the Time Gem?

Akiko: Don’t you say that, I’m scared of that!! At the moment, it’s just everyone’s speculation.

But that’s because of these speculations.

Qiu Zixi’s heart also felt a little strange. Boy!

If we look at it this way, isn’t it a big problem? If the other party comes to his own world from time to time to do it twice. Eat your own food?

Blue Dye: No. If so, wouldn’t he be able to rewrite the long river of time…

… Wrong!

Blue Dye felt as if his previous guess had somewhat idealized. If only he had imagined it.

Then the other party may also have the power to rewrite the long river of time. This power can be regarded as the superior ability of time. With this ability, it is basically equivalent to being invincible.

Whitebeard: “If we have a fruit of time, will it be that we can only go from the past to the future, but not from the future to the past?” 】

Whitebeard’s world has a fruit of time. The fruit of time is the ability of Mita’s wife, Lady Shi.

Jinweimen and the others all relied on Lady Shi’s time fruit ability to travel to 20 years later.

It seems that the fruit of time is very good, you can do time travel, and you can also escape from death. However, the true ability of the fruit of time is actually not as good as expected, and the risk is particularly large. Time cannot be reversed, it can only travel through the future, but it cannot go back to the past.

After all, what a dangerous thing it is to travel to a future that you are not familiar with!

Uchiha Ban: “If I think about it this way, I seem to be able to analyze this ability.” 】

He understood.

Qiu Zixi: [You all understand? 】

Shiho Miyano:…

The weak new Miyano Shiho also quickly watched the video at this moment. After all, this place can be reflected ten thousand times in the mind.

She had watched the other people’s plots.

She found that she was a weak chicken on her own. Everyone else has already started to study time.

Yakumo Zi: “I know what Banye means, didn’t you say that Xi Xi was very smart before?” Don’t understand it now? 】

Qiu Zixi: “No one knows time better than me!] 】

Qiu Zixi herself didn’t believe it.

But for the sake of face, she had to say so.

Uchiha Ban: “There is a dragon vein in our world, of course I know it, the power of time is quite powerful in this dragon vein, and if you can go back to the past, the focus is on this past.” 】

Uchiha said, and Akiko Xi’s heart was also anxious and itchy. Boy.

You have the ability to say it directly! Blue Dye took over the stubble.

Blue Dye: [I want to tell you a little bit simply, that is, he crossed into the world of Naruto, and came to the second ninja war, after defeating Hanzo, he left directly, and then the time of the world will continue to develop, we were too limited to time before, he may have crossed to a certain time period, and then changed the plot, not random shuttle, his shuttle is also fixed! 】

He got it!

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