Chapter 78 Sister takes you to a fun place!!

For White Night, Belmode’s senses have changed somewhat.

I didn’t expect this man to be really quick and ruthless.

It seems that there is no good thing to find yourself.

After all, this kind of skill can find yourself, it will obviously not be so simple.

She still looks at people with one hand.


“Pei Ru find a tavern to talk slowly?”

Belmode doesn’t want to talk here.

Later, if the police expand the search, it will be troublesome.

For the cooperation that Bai Ye said, she would also like to hear it.


Bai Ye did not refuse, so the two left this side directly.

All that was left was the screams that were still spreading.

“Let’s Jean! Let’s let! I’m a detective! ”

Maori Kogoro and Conan squeezed through the crowd and looked at the nine dead people in the alley, and couldn’t help but be a little surprised in their hearts.

So many deaths at once.

Blood also sprayed directly to the ground.

No wonder so many people were intimidated by the meeting.

“Maori brother, why are you here?”

Officer Twilight had just arrived here and saw Mori Kogoro.

Then, as if thinking of something, he opened his dead fish eyes and said: “You are really a god of death, and you will die wherever you go.” ”

“Come on, I just finished eating and then I heard someone screaming and I came over!”

Seeing this, Maori Kogoro also hurriedly said.

I was attracted by the case.

It’s not the same as Officer Twilight said, making yourself look like a plague god.

“Officer Twilight, this seems to be a professional’s hand, all killed by one blow, and died from cutting the throat.”

Miwako Sato stepped forward and explained the results of the previous examination.

Don’t be too sharp.

“And the murderer may still be a person, in exactly the same way… Conan crouched down and took a closer look at the wound. ”

All nine had the same wounds, except for one gangster who had a dislocated arm.

He estimated that this dagger belonged to the gangster.

After being snatched away by the other party, he killed everyone here.

“Little devil head!”

Maori Kogoro grimaced, then stepped forward and punched Conan directly on the head.

This bastard!

Every time I have to steal my limelight.

And is Huili a place where he, the little devil head, can come over?

“It hurts!”

Conan covered his head, speechless in his heart.

I am a person because I am on the stall.

Every time there is a limelight, he is asked to come out, and he is beaten.

Damn it!

“It’s not like ordinary people do it, go and see the surveillance around!”


Miwada Sato nodded, and then immediately went to adjust the monitoring around him.

But to her surprise.

The surrounding surveillance did not see anyone other than the other nine gangsters coming here.

Likewise, no one was seen going out.

According to clues provided by those around you.

He Tian Du heard the murder and passed.

By the time it passed, people were dead, and no one else was seen here.

After listening to Tayang’s description, everyone was also shocked in an instant.

“There seems to be no place to go out except here, right? Dead End! ”

There is nowhere else to go out but this.

A method more bizarre than killing people in a secret room.

“Let’s go and investigate first.”


I don’t know what’s going on in this situation now.

But now they are also well aware.

This time things went too bad.

You have to find out who did it!

Nine people died at once, and all of them were killed with one blow.

“Can you circle to see your purpose for looking for me?”

Belmode lit a lady’s cigarette, propped his head, and a hint of languidness flashed at the corner of his mouth.

She wanted to see what the teenager in front of her was looking for for cooperation.

“The Black Organization, I want you to become my undercover agent in the Black Organization…”

White Night has just finished the news.

A pistol was placed on his waist.

The two leaned together, and now this appearance will not arouse the suspicion of others, but others look like a couple.

White Night didn’t care about this, and reached out to take Belmode in his arms.

“Dying to take advantage of me?”

The corners of Belmode’s mouth flashed with an inexplicable meaning.

Turning on the trigger, she thought that it might be because she didn’t open this just now, so the other party was not afraid at all.

But now, I have opened this up.

She wanted to see if Bai Ye could remain calm.

“Are you really not afraid of death?”

To her disappointment, even if she turned on the trigger, the other party still rented it as before.

As long as you pull the trigger, you are aiming at your lungs, as long as you hit the field and make up another shot, it is basically equivalent to declaring death.

“You can’t bear to kill me.”

White Night didn’t care at all.

If the pistol could kill him, he wouldn’t say anything.

“Hehe, let go of the little devil.”



Wouldn’t it be a fool to hug you all the time, and let go?

“Hehe, do you know what the organization is?”

Belmode whispered close to White Night’s ear.

actually made her an undercover agent of the organization.

Just kidding!

He probably didn’t know about the terror of the organization.

But she Belmode knows it!

Subvert the organization with him, unless you’re crazy.

“Of course I know what an organization is, but so what? Haven’t you always given up thinking about it? ”

White Night’s eyes seemed to be able to see through Belmode.

Her mind was all seen through by Bai Ye.

“What do you want to say?”

“I’m not asking you to subvert the organization immediately, just do it once in a while.”

“Provide intelligence?”

“Hey, just do what you wanted to do before, of course I want you to be stronger.”

Originally, Belmode was a two-five boy.

Bai Ye just asked her to step up.

“Drink first, if you can drink me, then circle.”

Belmode did not refuse outright.

She also had an idea.


Bai Ye agreed without thinking about it.

Two people you one bottle, me one bottle, no one is worthy.

Bottle by bottle, Belmode noticed that something was wrong, she couldn’t seem to drink the other party.

“Pi drank!”


As a woman you must try to learn a trick.

“Want to run?”

Bai Yeyi grabbed Belmode, and it was impossible for her to run if she wanted to run.

“I admit I lost!”

Belmode admitted bluntly.

She was indeed drunk.

If you drink it again, you will definitely be unconscious.

She did not allow this to happen to herself.

Walking on the tip of the knife every day, she must stay awake at all times.

“I’m going to talk about other things.”

Belmode hooked White Night’s neck and leaned in.

She didn’t want to drink it.

He also admitted that he had failed.

Now she is going to take Bai Ye to another place, and this handsome guy looks quite pleasant.

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