Chapter 80 Chat skirt plan, catch the insider Klokdal!!

“Well, this guy is really not a normal person.”

Wakasa always felt as if she had a connection to other people.

Bai Ye also talked to a few of them before leaving.

And a couple of companions.

As long as the blue bird mark is seen, and the face is sensed.

That’s their people.

But it’s amazing to say.

It’s the same as radar.

Although you can’t accurately grasp the location of other people.

But it is indeed possible to sense some weakly.

Can use this means.

I really don’t think I’m an ordinary person.

Packing her bags, she was ready to go to the Sakura bandits.

It’s time to fulfill the promise of White Night and go find your old enemy!

“White night is so strong because of people’s magic!”

Koizumi touched the blue bird mark on the back of her left hand.

Others may not know, but Koizumi Hongko, who has magical powers, knows very well in her heart.

There’s a remnant of magic on it.

Even such a few mana residues are higher than her magic.

“I must complete the task given to me by Lord White Night and become the strongest female magician in the world!”

Koizumi held her face, her face flashing red.

The thought of becoming the strongest female magician in the world made her extremely excited.

What’s more, he also wants to prove his strength with Bai Ye.

“I haven’t found any changes, and I haven’t had anything special here recently, could it be that the guy saw that the world was no good and left?”

These days, Shiho Miyano has changed places with Akemi Miyano.

After all, this is where the two of them used to live when they were children.

Maybe it will arouse the suspicion of ginjiu.

Before leaving, I cleaned up everything here.

Chose a place to stay.

The two are now temporarily separated from the organization.

Shiho Miyano: [I didn’t find it, I looked for it before, my world seems to be normal as always, can it be that he actually found that nothing has changed here, so he left?] 】

She posted what she had recently found to the chat skirt.

In the past few days, everyone has also paid attention to that person’s actions.

It’s just a pity that Shiho Miyano didn’t find any clues on the news: [I always feel as if my world is worthless, after all, it’s a group of ordinary people coming to circle. ] 】

Indigo [Then what is the purpose of the other party going to your world?] 】


It would definitely not be as simple as Shiho Miyano.

If so.

So what is the purpose of this behind-the-scenes man going over there? It’s not just that simple.

Qiu Zixi: [I can’t think of it, will the other party go to the world casually? ] 】

Uchiha: [I don’t know what world I want to go to before I go?] 】

Tony: [I seem to understand something…] It’s like a parallel world on our side, if you don’t know the positioning, maybe you will teleport wrong? 】

There is Tony this world here as a reference.

Naturally, many people also understand the concept of parallel worlds.

Perhaps, they are also like this concept, the other party goes to any world is random.

Because there are no coordinates, there is no way to determine the world you are going to.

Whitebeard: [This is also too ridiculous, then the other party does not know what world he will go to, but these………]

Although it feels right, even so, it always feels as if there is some problem to circle.

Lan Ran: [Actually, it’s not particularly ridiculous, the main thing is that the other party has too little information, we don’t know if the other party is a person or an organization, whether to stay in that world for a while, or to hide behind and silently observe the changes in this world. ] 】

Even the purpose of the other party is not known.

This in itself is an unequal competition.

Qiu Zixi [When you say this, I suddenly have a bad premonition. 】


The original self-mentality is quite good.

But after listening to their analysis for a while.

Qiu Zixi suddenly found that something seemed wrong.

Uchiha: [No need to think about it, no matter what the other party’s purpose is now, we can’t do anything for the time being, speaking of which I am dead now, you can grab one and ask about it with a white beard! ] 】

There is no way to do it here.

Otherwise, after the resurrection, he can go to Nagato 0.

After all, the other party’s body has recovered.

The reincarnation eye is still on his body, plus he can use Yekai without injury.


This is if Nagato slapped Yekai in this state.

He estimated that he would go to Huangquan immediately.

In the state of the six realms, no one can take this kick, not even the resurrection between the thousand-handed pillars.

Qiu Zixi: [Yes, white-bearded old man, you catch someone and try it, we will know who is doing the ghost behind! ] 】

Now, the people who have changed in the world of pirates, they all know about it.

Klokdal, Ainilu, Yamato, Robin, Nami.

As for the other hidden ones, I don’t know.

After all, Hancook still has a smile and Luqi is currently walking according to the original trajectory.

So Whitebeard didn’t see any clues.

Whitebeard: [I wanted to catch it, but I can’t move it now, that Anilu can’t be found now, the world is spinning.]

His spaceship I had a hard time trying to find him.

In addition, Yamato was in the first half of the Great Voyage, and I sent people out, and they would immediately be targeted by the navy.

Then Nami Robin didn’t know where to go, and Klokdal could try. 】

In the end, the four emperors are still earth emperors trapped in such a small place as the new world.

If you really want him to go out, he will definitely be closely monitored.

He can’t walk with a white beard.

Once you’re out of here, Kaido will come over.

Then other pirates will also be ready to move.

The Four Emperors generally do not leave their territories.

Except, of course, Wano Country.

After all, Wano Country has a natural barrier.

Looking for someone in the new world, there is only Klokdal.

Klokdal is currently operating in the dark world.

Indigo dyeing: [You can find it!] 】

Whitebeard [Okay, it just so happens that I haven’t seen him for a long time! ] 】

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since that defeat of Klokdal.

But this time, when you find him yourself, you have to ask what kind of existence is behind them.

With such a passive look, there is really some uneasiness in my heart.

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