Chapter 88: Collaborator Rewards, New Worlds Begin!!

“He’s resurrected?”

“Who is Mingming?”

Sixteen Nights had not joined when Qingming was eliminated.

Naturally, I don’t know the existence of Mingming.

“A yin-yang master who was once killed by Lord White Night depicts great power, and this time it is resurrected, even more powerful than before, I am afraid that we are not opponents, we can only find Lord White Night.”

Suiko explained briefly.

She had been to the square that had been plagued by Qingming before.

Then the remaining powerful power is even beyond the remaining power of Heiankyo at the beginning.

In other words, this time the eye is not only resurrected, but also stronger than last time.

And not a little bit stronger.

“Then you can only wait for him to come.”

Ling Yue Xian Ji was also a little helpless.

The main thing is that they can’t contact each other, so naturally they can only wait.

Otherwise, they won’t be able to do anything.


I thought I would find White Night when I came over.

But they didn’t know.

“The most powerful Yin-Yang Master in the legend a hundred years ago, I didn’t expect ah, he would actually find me to cooperate!”

Naraku looked at the man in front of him with some surprise.

He didn’t expect that even Eye Ming could find his own cooperation.

The current Nai can be difficult.

“Because you have ambitions!”

Qingming glanced at the Four Souls Jade in Naraku’s hand, and a sly smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

No matter who held the Four Souls Jade, he could sense the other party’s breath.

Speaking of which, so many monsters holding the jade of the four souls, half-demons and people

Only Naraku made Eye Ming feel good.

Since it was a previous failure.

He decided to go into circles.

First develop his own power, although his strength is now much more powerful than before, but he still dare not be careless.

The last time I faced the white night, I was directly crushed.

He knew very well that his strength was only crushed in the face of Bai Ye.

So this time, Eye Ming will definitely not go out so simply.

And Naraku is a touchstone that he pushed out.

He couldn’t be sure if White Night was still alive, but he couldn’t be sure that White Night was dead.

So, before he was sure, he was absolutely sleepy and would just go out as simple as that.

“So, what is your purpose in looking for me?”

Naraku is not a fool, he knows very well that it will definitely not be so simple to find himself.

“Huan Pu, I’m quite interested in you, the original known as the strongest Onmyoji, but in the end it was actually destroyed along with Heianjing, it’s really embarrassing.”

Naraku was a little curious.

He had also heard the legend of Eye Ming.

Such a powerful man in the first place.

It will be completely destroyed.

I really didn’t expect it.

“A very strong person, trapped and currently don’t know if he is still alive, how can he be interested in cooperating?”

His soul is still in the Jade of Four Souls.

Just absorb most of the soul into it.

Qingming’s strength is definitely skyrocketing.

But before that, he needs someone to help collect it, not himself.

“Let’s hear it.”

Naraku’s eyes flickered, and he was originally going to find and use it in the killing siege

Now it seems that there is another goal of cooperation.

Qingming’s strength he felt.

At this time, he also knew very well that if he refused, the consequences would be very miserable.

Naturally, he could only agree.

【Ding! Your Koda Sesshomaru changes the plot, reward: 30,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points. 】

【Ding! Your son Inuyasha’s plot has changed, reward: 10,000 behind-the-scenes black hands. 】

White Night Garden pity.

Sesshomaru was not his collaborator.

How he changes the plot himself also has a reward.

And he actually changed the plot?

“Shitu ghost?”

[The host can reap the change reward of those who are related to him.] 】

Listen to this.

Bai Ye was also a little speechless at the moment: “I didn’t ask this, I mean how could the plain and unprovoked killing pill change into the plot?” ”

In the eyes of White Night.

If there are no accidents.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha should follow the course of history.

Although an arm will be cut off, Sesshomaru will be able to recover immediately after inheriting the recovery ability of his strong cause.

Moreover, before Inuyasha fell in love with a witch, it was not a dry terrier, then he did not have a behind-the-scenes black hand, how did he have it again this time.

[The god-like plot change will be rewarded, such as the original Inuyasha and the dry terrier are just replaced by Inuyasha and another witch, not a change, can only be said to be godlike, and this time the situation is different. ] 】

With the explanation of the system, Bai Ye also figured this out.

It seems that the two brothers in the circle have come up with some kind of moth.

But looking at it this way, I suddenly found that my two sons were really good

Free labor.

Time for several days in a row.

White nights are lying down to close the black hand behind the scenes.

Conan World.

Rumi Wakasa has gone to Sakura.

Now, she relies on the circle to solve the case, but she has also changed some plots.

【Ding! Your partner Rumi Wakasa solves a case and changes the course of the plot, reward: 500 behind-the-scenes masterminds. 】

【Ding! Your partner Tsunade has reformed the Konoha system and changed the course of the story, reward: a thousand scenes around the black hand point. 】

【Ding! Your partner Klokdal successfully defeated the king of usury, Fushen Lufield, and teamed up with the Golden Emperor to change the course of the story, reward: 3,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points. 】

Although it is very difficult.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is considered meat.

He doesn’t dislike it.

“Yang Nai, I have sent you the latest manuscript, I will ask you in the next few days.”

Bai Ye sent the manuscript of the manga to Yono.

It’s about to leave this world and go to another world.

He took care of everything.

That end.

Yang Nai Circle has long been accustomed to it.

He was really speechless.

Use things for her every time.

It’s abominable! But she was helpless.

Knock knock.

Lou Tian, the sound of decoration sounded again.

Bai Ye felt helpless in his heart.

Since a waste wood angel was moved upstairs, he has not been quiet, and he must have a good chat with her the next time he comes back.

Fasten, do everything.

Time and space teleported, and the white night disappeared into this world.

“It’s strange… It’s like I’ve never been to the world. ”

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