Chapter 97 Jia Baili exploded!!

The world of The King of Fighters is over.

Everything unfolds, and White Night is waiting for the plot to begin.

The martial arts competition is also about to begin.

According to what White Night told them before, they will also team up to participate in the fighting competition after that.

Return to the Dokan.

I don’t know that Huo Hanzo looked at Fire Dance a little strangely, and asked: “Xiao Wu, what are you eating spicy strips, bring me some back!” ”

I couldn’t hear Fire Dance eating spicy strips before.

She didn’t even know what spicy strips were.

I just wanted to talk to her, but the phone was hung up.

Andy has left.

In order to participate in the fighting competition.

He had already left to find his cousin Terry to prepare to form a team.

But after hearing his grandfather’s words, Fire Dance looked at him with wide eyes, and then as if deflated, he said: “No! ”

What spicy strips!

This is just that bastard fooling himself!

She had also expected spicy strips before, but later learned that this red fruit was the White Night scam.

She never wants to eat spicy strips anymore!

“Xiaowu, your grandfather and I are recovering from a serious illness, what happened to wanting to eat some spicy strips?”


Seeing that I don’t know that Fire Dance seems to be angry.

I don’t know that Huo Hanzo waved his hand again and again, and said: “Well, you can’t eat it yet, by the way, Xiaowu, what do you think of Andy?” ”

Saying that, he looked thoughtfully at the fire dance.

I don’t know what Fire Dance thinks here.

In those days, if I was with Bai Ye, I didn’t know what was going on with the two of them.

Staying alone with a guy for so long.

Andy, that silly boy, hadn’t thought about anything else.

“What can we face, we are just senior sister and junior brother.”

If before, I don’t know how to answer without Fire Dance, but now, I don’t know how Fire Dance knows.

Listening to her say this, I don’t know that Huo Hanzo also has some thoughts in his heart at this moment.

“I know, it seems that you have been playing with him very happily in the past few days, it will be better if you don’t interfere with it.”

It’s just that pity that silly boy, I guess I don’t know it now, and I don’t know that the heart of the fire dance has been faced by other men.

“Well, grandpa doesn’t say much, when to bring him back to see, I haven’t thanked him for saving his life last time.”

“Grandpa, what do you say?”

Ignorant Fire Dance stared at Ignorant Fire Hanzo with wide eyes.

Looking into his eyes, she wanted to find a crack to get into for a moment.

Damn it!

“I’m going to rest!”

I just got the strength, and I don’t know that the fire dance still needs to adapt to it.

The power of this great universe.

This kind of power, I don’t know that Fire Dance feels that I have cultivated for so long and have cultivated in vain.

She wants to use this time to get used to the power of the martial arts competition before it starts.

At that time, I will also have to perform well in the martial arts competition.

Big Snake: [The man seems to have left.] 】

White Night had just left, and as the will of the world, he felt that the threat had disappeared.

And this, suddenly, also made him discover a point.

Indigo dye: [That is, maybe a trapped person is a person?] 】

Uchiha: [Or is it similar to the time bureau in Tony’s world, traveling through the past to change and correct, and then leaving when the timeline returns to normal?] 】

Tony: [I feel that it may be similar to the Time Administration, it seems that there may be such an existence above this ten thousand realms?] 】

Their world has a time authority.

And maybe that guy is similar to the Time Authority.

Then there are a lot of people in this, and then go to other worlds to do things.

Qiu Zixi: [Then if you say so, I still don’t understand what the purpose is.] 】

Saitama: [There is nothing to think about. 】

Leng Bing: [I also think so, what is it to guess, just wait for him to come, next time as long as that guy comes to my world, the old lady must find him out! ] 】

Indigo dyeing: [Too.] 】

When you think about it this way, it seems that the painting really is.

They guessed so much, in fact, as long as they finally saw that person, they knew what was going on.

Time Authority, or something else.

Back to familiar home.

The white night had not been quiet for a few minutes, and the noise upstairs began again.

He was also speechless in his heart.

The waste wood angel above here, even if he fights electric every day, is actually noisy to death.

If you don’t teach a lesson here, it seems that this will not stop.


White Night came upstairs and knocked on the door.

I don’t know if it’s a relationship with headphones to play games.

The waste wood angel inside didn’t seem to notice a knock on the door.


“I lean on!!! I’m still playing a copy!! ”

A wail sounded.

Jia Baili, who was playing a game with Zhenggu, was in an extremely heavy mood at the moment.

She recently was attacking a powerful quest monster, but now she has recharged all the money and finally cleared the level.

But who would have thought that suddenly there would be a power outage.

“No, why is there a power outage here!”

All the surrounding area has electricity, only I have no electricity here.

Jia Baili is also a little strange.

Then, I heard a knock on the door outside, and I came to the door to open the door.

“Finally opened the door, by the way, don’t be too noisy at night, I’m going to rest.”


A trace of apology flashed on Jia Baili’s face, and then said: “Sorry, I’ll rest.” ”

It’s all out of power, so of course it’s time to rest.

And I actually quarreled with my neighbors, which is somewhat not good.

She had seen White Night and lived downstairs of herself.

Apologetically sending away White Night, she then called the landlady.

“Then what landlady, what’s going on with the power outage here?”

“There is no power outage?”

There was no notice of the power outage at all.

The landlady was also somewhat confused there.

Obviously there is no blackout army here.

Hanging up the phone, Jia Baili came to the surface of her home’s electricity, and she was angry when she saw that only her own electric gate was closed!

This is inappropriate because someone deliberately retaliates against himself.

There was no power outage at all, but someone maliciously turned off the electric gate.

Who is it!?

Jia Baili’s mind instantly appeared that smiling face.

That neighbor downstairs!

Damn it!

It must be that bastard, I apologized to him before! Fried!

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