Chapter 1007 You have to learn today if you don’t learn! If you don’t want to go after learning to blast the current?!!

“Too weak!”

The phrase.

Keel Essence is from the heart.

Obviously inherited the bloodline of that adult.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, the gap is actually so big.

When I beat myself in the first place, it was the same as when I hit Inuyasha now, and it was all crushing.

“Little devil, is there any other trick, take it out to play!”


Listen to the words of the keel spirit.

Inuyasha was furious in an instant.

This is his trick.

As a result, the dragon bone spirit actually thought of letting him use the strongest trick to ask for it.

It’s not just play.

Didn’t put him in the eye at all.

“Don’t look at me with such eyes, if you only have this strength, then I will really be disappointed!”

The keel spirit was indeed disappointed.

Isn’t this ability inherited at all?

Many of the forces of the White Night should at least inherit their potential.

If a wind wound is his trick, it really is……… How about helping him yourself?

The keel spirit suddenly thought of something.

The direct group hit Inuyasha with demon power.

Inuyasha dodged for a while, facing this demonic aura, and the Hades on his body also hurriedly said at this time: “Young Master Inuyasha broke with explosive flow!” ”

“What is Blast Breaking?”

He knew the wounds of the wind.

As for the blast break, that’s completely unknown.

“Bursting is a special skill to sweep back the demon power emitted by the other party.”

Shiga hurriedly reminded.

The demon power of the dragon bone spirit is so strong, if he can roll his demon power back, then maybe he can defeat the dragon bone spirit.

After all, it is using the other party’s demon power to hit the other party.

“I won’t!”

Inuyasha was also speechless at the moment.

If I could, I wouldn’t have used it a long time ago.

That’s inappropriate because you don’t know it.

“Will the vortex of demon power be found?”


Are you an enemy or a friend? This actually directly reminded Inuyasha.

Haga was confused.

“The vortex of demon power~~?”

Inuyasha heard about this for the first time.

“The vortex of demon power is the weakest point of demon power, as long as you find this point, then you can use the blast to burst, speaking of which I remember this iron crushing tooth, the weapon of the dog general!”

The keel spirit said slowly.

Looking at the weapon in Inuyasha’s hand, he suddenly remembered that this weapon was used by Inu-sama in the first place.

However, after he and the Grim Reaper joined forces to kill him, this weapon also fell into his hands.

But to think that the dog general is of the dog demon family.

So the iron crushed teeth and natural teeth were returned to Ling Yue Xian Ji by the Death God Ghost

And Ling Yue Xian Ji handed it over to his father to find a suitable candidate.

“Little devil look at it, I’ll only cover it up for you once, find it and find the vortex of my demon power!”

With that, the keel spirit directly hit Inuyasha with a more obvious demon force.

This sudden change directly confused Inuyasha.

But there was no time to think about it.

He looked at the demon power that was getting closer and closer to him.

Can’t hide!

This trick is either eaten hard by itself, or it is used to make the one called bursting.


Kagome and the others nervously looked at Inuyasha.

Now, he has been swallowed up by demon power.

Shika hid in Inuyasha’s hair.

“Where! The vortex of demon power……… Is it that… Inuyasha felt rewarded. ”

The vortex of that demonic power seemed to gradually appear in Inuyasha’s eyes.

He swung his iron fangs, and then swept the demon power of the dragon bone spirit into it.


The blast burst mixed with the demon power of the dragon bone essence directly hit the dragon bone spirit.


The keel spirit looked at Inuyasha’s blast, and a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and it seemed that his talent was not bad.

Since it is almost taught.

The keel essence here does not release water.

He remembered what White Night said to let him beat Inuyasha.

“Young Master Inuyasha is awesome!”

Haga was about to cry.

I almost thought I was dead.

I didn’t expect that he actually comprehended the blast flow.

“Hey, hey.”

Inuyasha touched his nose, and his heart was also happy.

I didn’t expect it to be so simple to let myself understand.

It’s not particularly difficult.

“Too weak.”


The blast was smashed by a slap from the keel spirit.

Then he stopped keeping his hand.

Directly began his attack.

He will not forget what he promised to do with the white night.

Inuyasha was not happy before he was directly punched hard.

Then, Inuyasha had no time to react at all.


In her ears, Kagome’s voice gradually blurred.

And Inuyasha’s thoughts gradually returned to his childhood.

At that time, when I was still around for sixteen nights.

When I was a child, I played with my mother, but later because I didn’t have a father, I was ridiculed by many people and ostracized.

Until his mother left, he didn’t know where her mother went.

But so many fields had passed, and he knew that as a human mother, he might have died long ago.

He remembered his mother deeply, but his father, he hated, but also thought about it.

In my mind, the picture from childhood to adulthood flashed through the flowers.

“I won’t beat too much.”

The keel spirit looked at Inuyasha, who was about to lose consciousness, and there were some sudden protrusions in his heart.

Although Hakuya said that it was for him to beat Inuyasha.

But after all, it is biological, is it too much for yourself?

“Kagome, we have to act!”

Coral looked at Kagome and Maitreya.

She felt like she couldn’t keep watching.


Maitreya nodded while placing his hand on the wind cave, he was ready to use this to contain the keel spirit later, and let them leave with Inuyasha first.

But not yet before they could do it.

Inuyasha’s body flashed with dazzling light, and then Inuyasha’s body slowly changed a little.

The human body gradually began to change, and then Inuyasha’s body directly transformed into a silver giant dog.

“I lean on!!!? Demonization?! ”

That’s not right!

Isn’t Young Master Inuyasha a half-demon? How can it be demonized!

Haga feels like his worldview is about to be refreshed.

Tengu form!

Inuyasha’s consciousness gradually returned, and he felt that his body had suddenly recovered, and his body seemed to be strengthened countless times at once.

Too strong!

“I’m not mistaken……… Did Inuyasha become a youkai? What’s going on in the Hades Grandpa District? ”

Kagome was confused.

The dog is demonized, and there is still a silver light on the body, doesn’t it mean that the half-demon can’t transform into a cloak?

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