Chapter 249 Warrior, is it 80,000 today?!!

Well, in the words of the Arad world.

Bai Ye thought about it in his heart, there are many people who can arrange a wave.

But for now.

It radiates out from around Granzhisen first.

Alice and Bakar, who are stronger, can try the words of the Four Swords Saint.

Bai Ye thought about it and finally chose to give up.

All four have their own beliefs.

Wanting them to follow him, White Night also felt a little unlikely.

Not to mention Barn’s anti-bone boy.

Bai Ye didn’t want to get an anti-bone boy on his side.

“Celia and Kelly!!”

Especially Kelly!

White Night felt like he had to get Kelly in and hammer it!

I didn’t know how many equipment weapons I broke in Kelly.

Now, in the Arad world, White Night will definitely not let Kelly go so simply.

“Oh, give these elements to you.”

White Night gave some of his elements to these elves.

For him, not much, but for the elves, it was a big supplement.

Then, in front of the white night, a few elves absorbed well.

The Spirit of Light, the Spirit of Darkness, the Spirit of Fire, and the Spirit of Thunder, the Spirit of Ice.

There are four elves that stand out.

Bai Ye’s face was strange after seeing these five elves.

Because this one is too familiar.

Could it be that those elves were created by White Night?

“Wow, that’s a lot!”

“Eat, eat more.”

Bai Ye thought about it and simply got some more.

It can be restored at any time anyway.

Raise four elves out first.

I’ve almost fed all the elves here.

Bai Ye also put away his elemental power.

“By the way, do you know where the Alvin Line is?”

The world is too big.

Plus the world level is too high.

So I want to radiate my perception to the world.

To go elsewhere, someone still needs to give themselves a coordinate.

Open the space haphazardly, and White Night can’t guarantee where you’ll go.

“The Alvin Line is near here!”

Granzhisen is quite a distance from the Alvin Line.

“Do you want us to take you?”

“But we can’t leave this forest!”

Elves, you say everything I say.

But White Night doesn’t need them to help herself.

“No, you guys stay here, but I’ve heard there’s a treasure here, is it true?”

Speaking of.

In the world of Arad, it seems that it is said that there are treasures buried here.

However, in the back, there was no so-called treasure.

The harbinger of the coming of the end of the world also began from this forest.

The flora and fauna of the forest began to become violent, and many people lost their lives here.

However, this is only the beginning, because rumors began to spread in the world that there were terrifying monsters in this woods.

The panic eventually ignited the Great Fire of the Granese Forest, where the few remaining elves disappeared, and the forest was ruled by a frenzied group of animals and plants.

“I don’t know, we haven’t seen it here before!”

Although I have heard of it.

However, I have never seen it here.

Could it be that White Night is also for the treasure here?

A long time ago.

The treasures here attract countless adventurers.

But for White Night, these elves have a good feeling.

After all, it was the white night that gave them more power.

“Come on, accept my imprint and become my elf!”

Bai Ye said, raising his hand to engrave the blue bird mark on the five elves led by him.

The strength of the five led elves skyrocketed.

“Such a strong force!”

“Adult, is this the strength we can get?”

They have been living in Granzhisen for a long time.

Speaking of which, although it is an elf, this sounds tall.

But in terms of strength, it is just like that, and after encountering the white night, under a series of reactions, this strength has directly improved so much.

They were naturally surprised.

“Of course, you will continue to stay in Granzhisen after that!”

Each area is ready to get some manpower.

In this way, you can get more behind-the-scenes points.

After all, after the Granzhisen fire, there are people here, isn’t there a black hand behind the scenes?

The most important thing is that this group of elves absorbs a lot of their elemental power, which is very suitable for his elemental power.

This is not in vain.

“Uh-huh, my lord, we will definitely guard the Granzhisen well!”

The White Night gave them strength.

It also gives them a lot of strange abilities.

This is naturally to complete the task given by White Night.

“By the way, after that, as long as you defeat someone, and the blue bird mark reminds you, it is a person I am looking for, understand?”


For the person you were looking for before and on the other side of the chat skirt.

The white night will naturally not be forgotten.

The task is set.

Then follow the position that the elf said.

White Night has come to the Alvin Line!

Perception covers the Alvin Defense, I have to say that in the game, White Night still feels relatively small, but after coming here, I found that it is actually such a dog.

In the perception, there is no perception of the location of Celia at all.

“It’s strange, I didn’t see Celia.”

“Passing by that guy, you are looking for Celia, if you buy a weapon, I should be able to remember where Celia is!”

White Night turned his head and looked at the bearded uncle, Linus, the blacksmith of the Alvin Line.

“Warriors, there are many adventurers who come to meet Celia every day, I am used to it!”

Linus looked at the white night with a smile.

Looking at his doubtful eyes, Linus also explained why he said this.

“No need, I seem to have found it!”

White Night’s perception expanded a bit and also found Celia’s location.

Hearing Bai Ye say this, Linus was also a little strange, and the next second Bai Ye disappeared in place.


Celia was surrounded by a group of goblins at the moment.

Obviously, when she went out today, she was surrounded by goblins, and the appearance of the white night, Celia was also a little excited in her heart.

But in the next second, seeing that so many goblins in front of her had arrived, she quickly reminded: “Warriors be careful!” ”

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