Chapter 251 Hello, I’m Kelly from Heaven!!

A contract was signed.

Asked about the way to Huttonmar.

White Night embarks on a path to find Kelly’s injustice.

This guy.

I wanted to beat myself up a long time ago.

Now that there is a chance to beat Kelly, Bai Ye will naturally not let go.

“Kelly, Kelly, don’t let me find you today.”

For Kelly’s resentment, White Night is very deep.

Don’t let yourself find Kelly here.

Otherwise, this side must let Kelly know what pain is.

Night at Hutton Marr.

This city, the perception of white nights covers this city.

I have to say.

The city is really big.

It’s much bigger than I thought.



A smile appeared at the corner of Bai Ye’s mouth.

Then a flash came to Kelly.

At this moment, Kelly, who was bored, was sitting in front of her reinforcement machine.

It’s been a day since today.

As a result, no one came to find his own strengthening equipment.

Today’s adventurers are really hard to deceive!

Kelly had thought of getting someone to strengthen.

“That guy on the side of the road, it’s very handsome!”

Kelly was still bored.

But after seeing the white night, her eyes couldn’t help but light up.

It came at the right time.

And also an unfamiliar face.

At first glance, you can see that this is an adventurer who has just come here.

This is the best deception.

Kelly decided that she had to do something this time.

If she didn’t slaughter the other party, she would be embarrassed to say that she was the first reinforcement of Hutton Marr!

“Come on, guy, you take a look at this strengthening machine, it can make your weapons more powerful than before, and most importantly, after that, you can take this weapon to fight monster explosion equipment, and you can also soak girls, girls like strong men, you know!”

Saying that, Kelly gave Bai Ye a look without losing it.

Look at it like this.

If only she hadn’t fooled the white night today.

That’s basically not going to stop.

“Haha, look at this woman, she really has no conscience at all, she actually began to deceive outsiders!”

“Speaking of which, this is the original, but the people of Hutton Marr have been deceived by her, isn’t it just deceiving outsiders?”

“This new leek is coming, speaking of which, this little brother won’t be fooled, right?”

“I look at him as a not very smart look!”

Many merchants and people stopping by Kelly are communicating at this moment.

Listen to this trick of Kelly.

They also listened a lot.

Let’s say it.

Kelly instantly felt that something was wrong.

If only they said so.

How else can you do your own business.

Look at the strange gaze of the white night.

This group of them, saying that good well water does not violate the river water, actually found to disturb themselves to do business.

Damn it!

“No, you don’t listen to them, how can strengthening this kind of thing be called deception?”


Where is she deceiving people!

After Kelly finished speaking, the people around her didn’t say much.

They have indeed said before that well water does not violate river water.

But Kelly can really fool people.

It is true that reinforcing this kind of thing is not a lie.

But you don’t tell the other person the probability of reinforcement.

I don’t know how many adventurers failed to strengthen here.

I don’t know how many adventurers are trying to cut Kelly.

If she hadn’t been in Huttonmar, she would have been hacked to death.

“Your strengthening machine is so strong, why don’t you strengthen it?”

“What do I do with strengthening?”

Kelly didn’t react for a moment.

What do you want to strengthen here?

“Didn’t you say that strengthening can become stronger and stronger, can’t you just strengthen the weapon yourself and sell it to others?”

Bai Ye felt a strange feeling in his heart.

According to this word.

I’m not wrong here.

In essence, since Kelly has already said this, then Bai Ye feels that this should not be too much of a problem, right?

“I’m this!!”

Kelly knew how to refute White Night.

What he said does not seem to be wrong at all.

But what is the probability of this pit daddy’s reinforcement machine.

Would she not know Kelly?

So, it’s not that she doesn’t want to strengthen to sell for money.

It’s that I can’t do it at all.

“Haha, look at this little brother seems to be a fool, now it seems that I feel quite smart!”

“Kelly this goods can deceive fools!”

“But this reinforcement machine is indeed effective, but the probability is very low!”

Speaking of.

They’ve been here for years.

When Kelly came with a booster.

She directly said that this is the high technology of the heavenly realm.

For this.

He was curious and reinforced.

After I did strengthen it at first, I felt that the weapon became stronger.

For Kelly, they are all kinds of praise, and even pull their relatives and friends to find Kelly to strengthen.

But it wasn’t until later, when their equipment was shattered, that the nightmare began.

“Handsome guy, do you want to become stronger, do you want to be worshipped by thousands of people, do you want to be liked by girls, as long as you want, then strengthening equipment is the best choice!”

Kelly doesn’t care!

Anyway, it’s good to go out and deceive fools today.


Bai Ye looked at Kelly with a smile, and then continued: “I took out a divine artifact to strengthen Sixteen, if it is not strengthened, I will let you know what cruelty is later!” ”

Although it is to say this with a smile.

But Kelly is also a little hairy in her heart.


How could such cold words be uttered from his thirty-seven-degree population?

“Ahem, what is it, I want to tell you, strengthening is risky, and this is certainly not 100%!”

No: Although I really want to pit a white night.

But she finally decided that she had to make it clear to Bai Ye.

Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be real problems at that time.

“Just what Kelly can say?”

“I thought I heard it wrong!”

“Obedient, Kelly, Kelly, I didn’t expect to compromise today!”

Listening to everyone’s words, Kelly immediately couldn’t sit still, and then quickly defended: “I’m just reminding, but with the blessing of me, the goddess of luck, it will definitely be okay!” ”

Speaking, her heart was also sudden.

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