Chapter 261 Chat skirt to turn on the crossing function!!

After all, there is still no strength, otherwise, I will not take off directly.

Qiu Zixi: [Speaking of which you have been under surveillance recently, it should be only Belmode, right?] 】

The relationship between Belmode itself and Gray Plains is placed here.

Although not directly hands-on.

But since the identity is already known.

Then the other party will naturally not give Shiho Miyano a chance.

Haibara: [It should be, but at present, I feel that I should not know my other identity.] 】

Her Miyano Shiho’s tuba has been known to the other party.

However, the other party is probably not clear about the chat skirt.

Yakumo Zi: [Hehe, aren’t you still alive and well, it’s okay! ] 】

Since the identity of this side has been known.

But Haibara is still able to live well.

This shows that in fact, there is no big problem.

Haibara laments: [Mainly Wakasa Rumi, if it weren’t for her, I would probably have been killed by Belmode! ] 】

Speaking of.

One of the identities of these two is a black-clothed organization, and the other is a feud with the black-clothed organization.

As a result, the black hand behind the scenes actually chose these two people with awkward identities.

If you look at it.

On the face of his choice, it seems that he will not choose because of the relationship between the plot characters.

Moon Worship Leader: [You have to teach her what love is.] 】

Ashbara Mourning: […]


This is to teach each other what love is.

It seems that the Moon Worship Sect Leader is already a demon.

Defeated by Love Infinity!

Big Big Wolf: [Unfortunately, you can’t open the skirt trading function here, if there is, I can also give you a little technology support or something! ] 】

There are some technologies that the big wolf has already thrown into the warehouse and is not used.

But even if it’s something you don’t need.

Also perfectly enough for them to use.

It’s a pity that there is no way to trade this.

Qiu Zixi: [Hee hee, you can bring it with you after you turn on the crossing function of the chat skirt later! ] 】

Although it is true that it is not possible now.

But after that, as long as the chat skirt side turns on the crossing function.

Then Big Wolf can bring his technology to other worlds.

Big Big Wolf: [Can you bring things through?] 】

It’s not just Big Big Wolf.

Others are also a little weird in their hearts at the moment.

Before, I thought that even if I crossed, I could only cross it by myself.

Wanting to bring something else, it’s basically impossible.

But now it seems to be telling them.

It seems that I am thinking too simply.

It’s really possible to bring something over!

Qiu Zixi: [That’s right, you can really bring it, but it seems that there are restrictions, the specific restrictions are still unclear, but as long as it is upgraded next time, I feel that I should know! ] 】

Although now she is not very clear.

But for now, this side can indeed be brought over.

Esdes: [After that, I can also bring a little imperial tool or something, although it is not very strong, can this be used in other worlds?] 】

Although the points can be drawn.

And you can use it if you draw it with points.

But if you bring it yourself, it seems that you don’t miss that world.

And it doesn’t come with a direct conversion into something that the other party can use.

I’m not sure for now.

【Ding! The things you hold can be taken to other worlds, but if you want to use them, you need to use points for assimilation, except for technology, but technology is too powerful and can affect the world! 】

The chat skirt is marked in red font.

Everyone looked at it, and there was a muttering in their hearts.

Qiu Zixi: [Profiteer, is this inappropriate chat skirt a profiteer? ] 】

What else is there to say!

This is not properly a profiteer!

You still need to spend points.

But think about it, two originally different worlds, if you want to use the abilities of other worlds, unless it is assimilation, there is no way.

Whitebeard: [Do you have to ask for it, or do you have some abilities that you don’t need?] 】

Whitebeard was a little curious.

You have to say that the Sharingan requires the bloodline of the Uchiha clan and Chakra is understandable.

But Devil Fruit consumes physical strength.

Probably not like this, right?

[In addition to some abilities that consume physical strength, it is similar to eating the devil fruit directly, otherwise it is needed, and the consumption will not be too much. ] 】

After seeing the message of the chat skirt, everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

If you look at it this way, although it is indeed a peel, at least it is not a special peel!

Qiu Zixi: [It seems quite reasonable to look at it this way.] 】

Judging from the current situation, there is not much problem with Ash Yuan: [In that case, I can also give you some medicine, although maybe you don’t need it at all.] 】

Big Big Wolf: [You can give it to me, I can give you an experiment, and give you an antidote when the time comes! ] 】

This thing may be difficult for them, but for Big Big Wolf, it’s a pediatric ah!

Haibara: [Thank you so much, I’ll invite you to eat lamb when the time comes!] 】

That’s great!

Haibara felt a pang of gratitude in his heart.

Suddenly it seems that it is really good to join this chat dress.

Be sure to invite Big Big Wolf to a big meal in the future.

Big Big Wolf: [Hehe, then I will thank you a lot, when the time comes, I will pack some back for my wife to eat! ] 】

He has never eaten much lamb in his life.

Especially the red wolf, who has lived such a hard life with himself for so long.

If you have mutton in the future, you must give it to your wife and children to eat.

Especially small ashes.

It’s already so big, and as a result, I haven’t even eaten lamb.

He can’t allow Little Ash to feel inferior when facing other wolves of the same age in the future!

Although in the original book, he has not eaten it.

Qiu Zixi: [Hehe, I’ll give you lamb in the future! ] 】

Big Big Wolf!

This ability to invent is inexplicable, and with the ability to invent in exchange for mutton, it is clear that they make a lot of money!

Haiyuan lament: [Speaking of which, I will go down first, tonight there will be a clash of thieves of the century, Lupin III, Feng Bujizi, the three sisters of cat’s eye and the monster thief Kidd will all go to grab a gem, today I will go to see if I can get some points or something! ] 】

The clash of thieves of the century.

Haibara felt that he definitely couldn’t miss it.

And even the three sisters of the cat’s eye came, the confrontation of these people!

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