Chapter 266 All fear comes from lack of firepower!!!

Haibara laments: [Is it a person?] 】

Didn’t I say before that normal people will never break this glass.

But the reversal comes so quickly.

She also did not expect that after the three cat-eyed sisters appeared, they directly came up and kicked, and then the glass of a special material was broken.

It’s not just Gray Plains.

Others were equally surprised.

They don’t dare to think about this kind of thing.

Qiu Zixi: [This power is also too great, are you sure this is the three sisters of cat’s eye? ] 】

This is not right!

The three cat-eyed sisters I saw before definitely did not have such a strong power.

Now, that seems to be very wrong.

Uchiha: [Let’s just say is there a possibility! ] 】

Esdes: [Could it be that he was actually wooed by the black hand behind the scenes?] 】

If you look at it this way.

There seems to be only one explanation.

In addition to the fact that the other party was signed by the black hand behind the scenes, it seems that there are no other problems at all.

Whitebeard: [Gollum-la, there is really no need to say, this is really possible, it’s just a little strange, he can still let ordinary humans break through the limitations of human beings? ] 】

Originally other worlds.

He also thought that he could use the people of that world and the ordinary people’s world was different so that this kind of battle monster could come out a long time ago.

But now it seems that he underestimated the ability of the person behind the scenes.

Even ordinary people can be cultivated.

Qiu Zixi: [It’s really possible, then if you look at it according to this, wouldn’t Rumi Wakasa, who was already very strong, become Conan’s first combat force? ] 】

According to this logic.

Once they are the ones who signed a contract with the person behind the scenes.

Then this is equivalent to being strengthened.

If they can all be strengthened into this state.

Then Wakasa Rumi, a person whose combat power is second only to Kyogoku Makoto in the original work.

Wouldn’t it be stronger?

Haibara: [Well, my current situation is already very dangerous! ] 】

She kind of found out.

My situation at this time is definitely very dangerous.

It is already certain that his side is still being targeted by Belmode.

“We will take the treasure!”

Saying that, the afterlife love and the next-life pupil directly broke the glass and jumped out.

Looking at the two of them, a hint of wakasa thought flashed in Ruomi’s eyes.

This damn sensing.

That’s right, it should be the same as the woman Belmode, who was chosen by the adult!

“Big sister, this time the operation is really smooth!”

In the air, the two people who controlled the gliding wing were flying towards the destination at this moment.

Hitomi sighed with emotion, not expecting that this time the action was so simple.

“It is mainly strengthened, and if we want to break that glass before, according to our strength, it is basically impossible.”

Tears in the afterlife are clear.

It all comes from the white night.

If it weren’t for White Night signing a contract with them.

This time I am afraid that it will be the same as the strange thief Kidd and Lupin III.

There is simply no way to face that glass.

“Speaking of which, it’s true, but my sister seems to be following them!”

Behind him, three more gliding wings followed.

It is the strange thief Kidd, Lupin III and Feng Buji’s son.

Naturally, they couldn’t let go of this treasure so simply.

Say anything and come up and fight for it.

“I can’t shake this off.”

If you are too close, not to mention that the other party is a gliding wing master, how can you throw them off so simply.

“It’s okay, just go according to the original plan.”

Afterlife thought for a while, and then said slowly.

There is no need to rush here.

Just follow the original plan.


According to the original plan, land on the roof of the afterlife’s love.

On the roof of the building.

Afterlife Ai looked at the five gliding wings flying towards her, and she was also a little disheveled.

Something is wrong!

This side is completely different from what was agreed.

Wait until the next life tears, after the two of them fall here.

The three people behind him also landed on this roof.

“I really didn’t expect that your power is so great, but our gem battle is not over yet!”

Feng Fujiko glanced at the three sisters who gave birth to the next birth.

She was curious.

Just now, the next tear went up and shattered the special glass.

Just take away the contents of it.

At the end of the day, this ability is really good.

“Isn’t this dead heart?”

Speaking of which, this side is actually not dead, that is what she did not expect.

In essence, according to the current situation, does this not show that the gap between them is not achieved?

“It’s not undying, after all, we haven’t fought yet, if you let me give up this gem, I will definitely not be willing!”

Feng Bujizi said, and the strange thieves Kidd and Lupin III on the side couldn’t help but nod their heads.

Naturally, they have this idea.

If it is said that this side has fought and the strength is not enough, they will naturally not be unwilling but they have not even handed over the hand.

It is absolutely impossible to let them throw in the towel just like that.

“In this case, there is really no way…”


Afterlife Love took out three rifles from her backpack, one for the pupil of the afterlife, one for the tears of the afterlife, and the other for herself.

Looking at the black hole, the muzzle of the gun is aimed at him.

The faces of the three immediately changed.

What is this fighting?

They cheat!

Actually with heavy weapons!

All fear comes from insufficient firepower.

“So what, I remember that I still have clothes at home that have not been collected, today’s weather forecast says that it will rain, I will go back first!”

The monster thief Kidd grabbed his hair and smiled awkwardly, then immediately ran away.

Just kidding!

He’s not coming!

“Ahem, I remembered, my mother said that I made a midnight snack at night, and I also left!”

Lupin III slipped along.

“Go to sleep, this big night of not sleeping doesn’t affect me, women stay up late and get old, I’m also gone!”

Speaking, Feng Fujizi silently followed the pace of the two.

She didn’t want to stay.

See that everyone is gone.

Love in the next life couldn’t help pouting, and said helplessly: “That’s it?” Can’t I see a fake gun? ”

This scares away.

What a cow!

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