Chapter 269 Eyeing Esdes’ Sheila!!

Minister’s Office.

Minister Ernest sorted out his clothes, walked out of the room, then looked at the butler beside him and asked, “I heard that Sheila is back?” ”

After hearing that his unformed son had returned.

Speaking of which, he is a little happy in his heart.

Although it is said that the son is dispensable for him.

But all these years have passed.

Sheila is also somewhat of a use for him.

He also needs to maintain his rule.

So you also need some pawns to help you maintain your rule.

First of all, of course, it was Esdes.

As for General Bude, this guy will not appear as long as he does not subvert the empire himself.

The other is his own son, Sheila.

“It’s such an adult, Lord Sheila is waiting for you in the living room.”

This time Sheila didn’t come back alone.

Now that he returned with several subordinates he led after going out, he felt that he was almost at the time to go out of the mountain.

“I see!”

Minister Ernest nodded, since they have all come, then go over and see each other.

Speaking of which, it is true that I haven’t seen this guy for a long time.

In the living room.

The wild hounds led by Sheila were enjoying their meal, and after seeing the arrival of Minister Ernest, a smile flashed on Sheila’s face and said hello: “Yo, the old man has not been seen for a long time!” ”

It’s been a while since I left here.

“So, that’s what you’ve brought back over the years?”

Before, when Sheila left the imperial capital, she had spoken to Minister Ernest.

The next time he returns, he will inevitably bring a group of powerful people with him.

Now, since Sheila has returned, he is very curious about the strength of these people in front of him.

“Don’t underestimate them, I brought these people back!”

Sheila grinned, not minding Minister Ernest’s questioning at all.

In essence, the strength of this group of people can be regarded as having been tested by themselves, otherwise they would not have brought them back.

“That’s it.”

Minister Earnest pondered for a moment.

In my heart, I was also thinking about how to test the strength of the other party.

But before he could think anything.

Outside the door, the butler stumbled in at this moment, and said with horror on his face: “The adults are not good, they are chaotic, and the outside is completely chaotic!” ”

“Messed up?”

A trace of strangeness flashed in Minister Ernest’s eyes, and then he asked, “Could it be that the night raiders are coming?” ”

That’s not right!

The night raids had disappeared and were wanted by the revolutionary army.

At this time, the night raid must not dare to come out.

So, according to the current situation, the so-called chaos, what is the chaos?

Or did someone from the revolutionary army arrive?

If this is the case, it is impossible, now that Esdes is still in the imperial capital, the people of the revolutionary army dare to come here?

“My lord, it was Esdes who led the soldiers to rebel!”


The minister’s face immediately changed.

How is this possible!

He absolutely did not believe it.

Even if other people would rebel, he felt that it was possible.

Only Esdes, he really didn’t want to believe it.

After all, it is impossible that Minister Ernest did not know the character of Esdes.

Just because he knows her, he will rest assured to hand over the military power to Esdes.

Because Esdes is just a madman who likes to enjoy fighting.

He felt that he could hold the other party very well.

“It’s a real adult, now Esdes is about to kill him!”

The housekeeper was about to cry.

When I just went out, I almost couldn’t come back.

Finally, he said that he ran back, but the minister did not want to believe his words at all.

“The wrong thing is not to kill it immediately, but to kill it already!”

Esdes came here alone.

Others are stabilizing the imperial capital at the moment.

Except for the royal palace, the rest of the place has basically been taken by Esdes.

The main thing is that the power of the army is in the hands of Esdes.

She was naturally able to quickly grasp the imperial capital in her hands.

The palace is because General Bude is there.

She also doesn’t want her own people to pass.

After all, against Bude, it can only be on your own.

“General Esdes, is this joke a little too much?”

Minister Ernest’s face immediately turned bad.

He didn’t expect it at all, it was really Esdes!

And judging from the conversation between these two people, it seems that there is really no problem with what was said before.

She really rebelled.

But what is the reason for this?

Minister Ernest could not think of a reason at all.

She’s not a maniac who just enjoys fighting.

When will you think about subverting imperial power?

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to enjoy the battle before, but now I also want to clean this imperial capital, not to mention that the empire is under my control, isn’t it better for me to enjoy the battle?”

The first is points.

As long as you complete this thing, you can get a lot of points.

Second, it is to take all the rights into your own hands.

Then Esdes can better mobilize and utilize these resources.

So as to make yourself better to fight.

“Now regret that I can act as if it didn’t happen!”

Minister Ernest’s face sank, still not wanting to fight with Esdes.

After all, this woman’s combat effectiveness is even stronger than expected.

“So much to do, just let you see our strength!”

Seeing this, Sheila felt that his opportunity to perform had also come.

Moreover, his eyes were straight when he first saw Esdes.

This woman, just perfect!

Must get her today!

“Shut up!”

Minister Ernest rarely yelled at Sheila.

This also made him a little unhappy, but he also knew that Minister Ernest obviously had his own reason for saying this.

But he was not convinced in his heart.

It’s just a woman.

Why should he care so much?

But don’t forget the imperial tools they have.

And all these years outside, Sheila has never tasted a single failure.

This also contributed to the expansion of Sheila.

“General Esdes, I ask you one last time, now as long as you go back, I can treat it as if nothing happened before!”

Minister Ernest repeated a thousand again.

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