Chapter 274 Sakura comes to the door, the scum snake wants to do something!!

“Brother White Night, are you at home?”

White Night on the doorstep.

Sakura Konomoto stood outside the door with some twisting and asked weakly.

On the side, there is Zhishi holding a video camera.

Thor opened the door.

After seeing that it was Sakura and Zhishi, she prepared two pairs of small slippers and put them on the ground, pointed to the room and said, “Bai Yejun is now inside and doesn’t know what to do, so why don’t you come and sit down first?” ”

It’s weird.

Speaking of which, he hid in his room after he came back and didn’t know what to do.

Thor also felt a little strange.

Hear her say that.

Sakura couldn’t help but flash a hint of apology on her face and said, “Won’t that bother you?” ”

“Sakura, come in and play together!”

Connor said hello as soon as she saw Sakura.

Since meeting Sakura and Chise, her life has also been enriched.

After that, she is also ready to go to the school where Sakura and Chisei are located.

She also felt a little bored at home alone.

“Come first, don’t bother.”

Thor pointed to Connor.

Lately she’s been talking about going to Sakura and play with them.

Unexpectedly, they took the initiative to come first.

But speaking of which, is there something wrong with them coming here to look for the white night?

“By the way, what are you looking for in the White Night King?”

Thor asked curiously.

“I want to ask Brother White Night for help.”

Sakura’s face flashed a trace of entanglement.

Originally, on the way to collect Kulo cards, you should have to shoot yourself.

But he repeatedly came to White Night for help.

Seems to be a little bit not good.

But this feeling of doing waste is really good.

Every time she wanted to work hard, Zhishi on the side would find all kinds of reasons for her to come to White Night for help.

The name is that it can increase coordination.

Although I don’t know which door is the cooperation.

“Speaking of which, I can help you!”

Thor came to be interested.

The white night may not be empty, but it is.


Sakura hesitated.

Not quite right?

“Hey hey, it’s okay anyway, how about I help you?”

Thor said hurriedly.

Looks like he’s trying to get out and have fun.

“Help what?”

When White Night opened the door, he saw Thor outside saying he wanted to help.

She said hello to Sakura and went straight to the refrigerator to get a can of Coke.

After watching the white night come out, Sakura poured everything out like a number of pearls.

She encountered a maze this time.

If only I hadn’t happened to run out by chance.

She was going to be trapped in it.

By understanding.

It’s a puzzle.

The effect is to distort space into a huge labyrinth, and the walls have a super regenerative ability that only a person with strong magic can smash.

This Kulo card also involves the ability of space.

She thought for a long time, first of all, her magic was not enough to break, because of the reason why the white night had interfered before.

Sakura’s magic here simply can’t reach the original kind.

In addition, there are still many cards that have not been collected.

Now Sakura’s Kuro cards are pitifully few.

She wanted to take the puzzle away.

Seems to be very difficult.

After a period of persuasion from Zhishi.

Sakura finally decided to ask Hakuyo.

【Ding! Select Task Start. 】

[Option 1: Help Sakura collect puzzles, reward: 10,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points, space ability increased by 100.] 】

[Option 1: Refuse to help Sakura collect puzzles, Reward: 10,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points, 10% increase in elemental abilities.] 】

Two different rewards.

However, White Night still chooses the first one.

First of all, the space-time ability itself is a relatively large ability used by White Night.

Now his spatial ability is very strong.

That ten percent may not seem like much, but the actual increase is enormous.

The second elemental ability has also been strengthened.

But not their main ability.

Plus he is fine, naturally follow along to see it.

“Lord White Night, take me with you!”

Thor hurriedly pulled White Night, and Sakura was about to agree, but White Night suddenly appeared, directly disrupting his plan.

If White Night had left himself alone at home.

It’s simply not too boring.

I thought it might be better to simply hang out with Sakura.

“I’ll go and I’ll go!”

Connor was also coaxed to see this.

Of course, I also want to go out with me.


It doesn’t feel right to go out and play.

“Hey, what’s so much fun about that?”

The little evil god skimmed his lips, seeing that they were so excited to go out and play, the scum snake suddenly had a new idea in his heart.

When they were not at home, they secretly went out to play marbles.

Are other games fun with marbles?

Apparently not.

And the scum snake also has an evil plan in his heart.

But this plan must wait until the white night they are gone before it can be implemented.

“Hey hey, let’s go, let’s go, when you’re gone, this family is my boss!”

Today, there is only White Night and Thor and Connor.

The Waste Wood Angel was playing a game upstairs, and as for the demon, he wasn’t here at the moment.

If only the three of them had gone out with Sakura to get things done.

So isn’t the whole family waiting for itself to come lawless?

“This guy is suddenly evil, can’t he be playing something?”

Following the gaze, the crowd looked at the little evil god.

In the face of everyone’s gaze, the face of the evil god sauce immediately changed back.

Transforming into a pure and kind look, he looked at the crowd and asked, “Then is there anything wrong with you looking at me like this?” ”


Is the idea that I just thought exposed?


Your ability to hide should be very strong.

Evil God Sauce did not think that it was exposed at all.

“It’s okay, you look good at this home, I’ll come back later, I don’t want to look messy!”

Just got hygienic.

White Night didn’t know what Evil God Sauce was thinking before.

However, this time is also in advance and the evil god sauce to say good.

This home word.

She’s going to have a good look.

If you come back later, you will have to look at it as you are now.

“Mm-hmm, rest assured, I will for sure!”

Evil God Sauce nodded his head in assurance.

Although it doesn’t seem to be trustworthy at all.

After all, they also know what kind of character the scum snake has.

But this time it doesn’t matter how many inches there are.

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