Chapter 277 Space Amplification Success, and Sakura’s Appointment!!

“Brother White Night, this is it!”

Maze location.

Sakura pointed to the dark green gate.

If you enter from here, it is a labyrinth.

It was here that I failed last time.

She was trapped after she went in.

Fortunately, they were well prepared before, plus the puzzle itself was only wanted to play it, and finally they were released.

Otherwise if you keep trapping them.

Sakura was really sure she couldn’t get out.

“Well, here.”

“The space energy here is so strong!”

“This is what Sakura said before, Kulo card, so powerful!”

The Kulo card already involves the rules.

This kind of card basically depends on whose hand it is.

The more powerful the person who uses it, the more powerful the card is.

“Lord White Night, can you solve this?”

Speaking of which, Thor was really curious, this was the first time he had seen White Night use and use.

I had only heard that White Night seemed to be very powerful.

But now, this kind of scene she saw with her own eyes, she felt that it was also very rare.

Just to see if the white night is really strong.

“It’s not a big problem.”

In the end, the Kuro card needs to be controlled by someone to be powerful.

Kulo cards like this that no one controls are actually very easy to solve.

After hearing White Night’s words, Sakura couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in her heart at this moment.

It seems that it should be really easy to solve.

Otherwise White Night would never have said that.

“Brother White Night, shall we go in?”

Sakura asked weakly.

If you go in at this time, it may not be good to come out.

So you have to make sure you’re okay, otherwise, it’s not dangerous.

“Of course go in, let’s go.”

Step into the maze.

“Finding a puzzle in a maze is not an easy task.”

Xiao Can reminded.

Mazes can be hidden anywhere in the maze.

Because it is designed to the existence of spatial rules.

Naturally, they want to find each other, so it’s even harder.

“It’s actually very simple, playing with space in this regard, it’s too pediatric.”

After he finished.

The space immediately changed, as if the words of the previous white night had been heard by the other party in this labyrinth is more complicated.

The puzzle card is like trying to teach White Night a lesson.

Say it’s too pediatric?

Puzzles can’t stand it.

“The space is constantly changing, and I feel so dizzy!”

Walking through this labyrinth, Thor felt like he was about to throw up.

If you continue like this, you really can’t hold on.

“The effect of spatial overlap, if you have not experienced too much space span, you will be affected by this, and this little thing’s temper is really not very good!”

This guy.

Didn’t I just say a word?

The result is a temper tantrum.

White Night looked at Sakura and the others who had begun to circle their eyes.

He also knew he couldn’t keep playing.

Close your eyes and feel the space around you.

Around here, there has always been a point of light, and this is the puzzle card, which has always been manipulating the changes in space around them.


White Night raised his hand to grab the puzzle card.

Before it could react, the maze instantly returned to normal, and then the labyrinth card turned into a card and appeared in White Night’s hand.

“Small things, do you like it?”


At this moment, the fan card was speechless in his heart.

This is really a big knife in front of Guan Gong and does not measure up.

I thought that this time I could completely trap the other party inside.

A few around couldn’t hold on.

But only the white night, directly raise your hand to grab, and then just grab yourself?


Just don’t let it out, it’s really not a face at all to be caught like this.

For a while.

Everyone also recovered from their previous dizziness.

“Lord White Night, is it over?”

Damn it!

After Thor saw the Kulo card in White Night’s hand, his heart was also uncomfortable, and he wanted to see White Night’s strength.

As a result, I had been dizzy before, and I didn’t look at it at all.

Then in the confusion just saw the white night raise his hand and scratch.

Then, White Night took the puzzle card into his hand.

Is this too simple?

Thor feels, I’m on and on me!

【Ding! This mission: help Sakura collect the puzzle to complete, reward: 10,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points, space ability increased by 10%. 】

At the moment of completion of the task.

The reward of the White Night is in hand.

Behind the scenes, the black hand is a small appetizer.

But this space capability is enhanced after ten percent.

White Night instantly felt that this reward was very good.

His combat power has now reached the level of the galaxy, and space ability is currently one of his most enhanced and strongest abilities.

It’s only ten percent strengthened, but this reinforcement can still be described as huge.

“Oh, I’ll leave this to you.”

Hakuyo made a copy of the puzzle card and then gave it to Sakura.

Kulo cards are something that White Night wants.

But after Sakura collects all of them, she will take the ones that have not been copied and copy them again.

The copied Kuro cards also belong to White Night himself.

This kind of card involving rules, White Night naturally will not let go.

“Mm-hmm, Big Brother White Night thank you so much.”

Sakura took the puzzle card in Hakuyo’s hand, then looked at Hakuyo with some wriggling and said, “In the future, Sakura will definitely try to complete the task of collecting Kulo cards, and she will definitely not be like now, and will always trouble Hakuyo’s big brother!” ”

Speaking of which, Sakura’s side is also a little bit embarrassed.

Originally, this kind of thing should be handled by yourself.

But in the end, as long as his side encounters something that cannot be solved, then he will think of letting White Night help.

This was an absolutely undesirable roar in Sakura’s opinion.

In essence, your own things should be done by yourself.

If you encounter difficulties, the first thing that comes to mind is the white night, not to let yourself come.

Sakura is also absolutely not allowed.

“Haha, Sakura is really self-reliant.”

Bai Ye smiled, then raised her hand to touch Sakura’s hair, and continued, “But in the future, if you encounter something that can’t be solved, you can still come to me, this is our agreement before!” ”

The previous agreement between the two.

White Night occasionally helps Sakura, and after Sakura collects the Kulo cards, she wants to give him a copy.

This was said before.

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