Chapter 279: The Black Hand Behind the Scenes is the Traversal Administration?!!

This feature can be said to be related to a lot of things after them.

I also mentioned this feature last time.

Whitebeard: [Gollum la la, is the chat skirt crossing function! 】

Then it seems that this can be expected.

After all, in addition to the rewards for newcomers to join, this one also has the traversal function of the chat skirt.

This is also one of the best features for them at the moment, without one.

Ash Yuan: “In this case, we can help each other in the future!” 】

Looks really good.

Can cross over and help.

That seems like a good boon for yourself.

Yakumo Zi: [That is so, but there is also a point to note about this, that is, if you look at it this way, you must need points to travel through time and space, right?] 】

If you can travel through time and space at will, this is obviously a little unlikely.

There has to be a price to pay.

Big Snake: [The price should be there, but there are benefits, it is a double-edged sword, if you want to get help, you must pay a price in the end.] 】

Meowth: [Speaking of which, if you look at it this way, what is it designed to do?] Is it to change the plot or something? Or is it the black hand behind it! 】

Looking at it here, it seems to be because of the excessive interference of the black hand behind the scenes.

That’s why this feature appeared.

Blue Dye: [It’s because of the black hand behind the scenes, maybe let’s join forces, or something else, but in my opinion, it’s a bit of a chicken rib.” 】

Speaking of which, for Blue Dye, he didn’t need this at all.

After all, you don’t need to rely on the cooperation of others at all.

Even if there are many people in the chat skirt who are much stronger than themselves.

But he doesn’t need it either.

Blue Dye only wants to play with the black hand behind the scenes.

After this period of exploration.

Blue Dye is able to be completely determined, the black hand behind the scenes is absolutely not going to shoot themselves, but choose to let others go.

That is, by choosing an agent, it replaces the black hand behind the scenes to act in the sea world.

In fact, it is also a bit similar to the relationship between them and the chat skirt.

They seem to be the same as the people behind the scenes.

However, Taya was selected by the chat dress to invite him to join.

If you think about it like this, it seems that the treatment of the black hand behind the scenes is really better.

Will give each other all kinds of benefits.

But good treatment is good treatment.

In fact, if you think about it, you can know.

While getting the benefits, there must be something else to pay in the end.

How else could this have happened.

Uchiha Ban: “For our kind of chicken ribs, no, I don’t feel chicken ribs, after all, the situation here is already out of control!” 】

In this way, the chicken ribs are not particularly chicken ribs.

Perhaps for Blue Dye, he never wanted to seek help from others.

Ash Hara: “Yes, we who are the weakest in the whole skirt need it the most!” 】

Others may not need to.

But his own words are the most needed.

Qiu Zixi: [Hee-hee, this is a matter of opinion, but I think everyone can find someone if they have difficulties in the future, and there is no need to carry it themselves!” 】

In her opinion, the benefits naturally have been.

Anyway, I really need this function.

Blue Dye: [To remind you, this is mainly based on what your purpose is, whether you want to choose to fight with the black hand behind the scenes, or whether you want to choose to cooperate with the people behind the black hand like Uncle Nine. 】

Actually, at the end of the day.

Here, he monkeys say that a lot of the troubles are caused by the people behind the scenes, if there are no people cultivated by the black hands behind the scenes.

That according to the improvement of everyone’s strength at this time, there is also the situation of knowing the plot.

This is not the case at all.

Uncle Nine: [Cough, I’ve decided to hug the black hand behind the scenes anyway, if you look at it now, I don’t have any conflict of interest with the other party, but I won’t know it later!” 】

At present, Uncle Nine and the other party are still in the honeymoon period.

Didn’t even think about what to do.

They have no conflict of interest.

However, Uncle Nine sometimes did not think about why the black hand behind the curtain was sending it.

Uncle Nine: [Speaking of which, I can’t understand now, why do the black hands behind the scenes do this kind of thing, cultivate people and then disappear? 】

If you don’t shoot, you will always hide behind the scenes and plan nothing.

And every world is different.

For example, people in the whitebearded world seem to have their own affairs.

On his side, Ren Tingting and others had other purposes.

Blue Dye: [You think of the black hand behind the scenes as a chat skirt, and then you think of the people in your world who are chosen by the black hand behind the scenes as yourself, or multiple selves, and you will be able to understand.] 】

It’s actually quite simple.

It’s just that the concept is different.

Uchiha Ban: “At the end of the day, we’re all the same. 】

In fact, they have already thought about this point for a long time.


Aren’t they chosen by the chat skirt to represent their respective worlds?

Dark Battle Tyrannosaurus Beast: “If you look at it this way, it means that your respective positions are different.” 】

It is true that their positions are not the same, so this kind of thing has caused the present.

If you think about it this way, it seems that there is really no big problem.

Qiu Zixi: [Also, we have different positions, but what is the purpose of the black hand behind the scenes?” 】

Although this is a different position, it should at least have a purpose.

Everyone in this world does something different.

This is really a little strange Luke: “You think so, if the other party says that they do not control each other’s thoughts and actions, as long as they change the world, or because we enter the chat skirt to know the plot, causing the plot to change, so the other party is to let people repair the plot?” 】

Meowth: [Correction plot?] 】

Esther: Wouldn’t that be more messy? 】

Qiu Zixi: [According to this, is it possible that the black hand behind the curtain is still the failure of the Time and Space Administration?] Crosser Management? 】

Think of it that way.

It felt as if the pool was impossible.

Because of this chat skirt, it was fine at first, but then it was found that the plot was getting more and more crooked!

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