Chapter 281 Two Bald Heads, Poros and Saitama!!

Blue Dye: [The so-called plot is just the future, if the other party can grasp the power of time, then it is possible to see the future!] 】

The power of time.

After all, isn’t the plot of the chat dress equivalent to this?

Put the future or some foreshadowing all in the plot.

But in fact, after knowing the plot, will this future still be the future?

Apparently not anymore.

Because after knowing the fate and growth trajectory of yourself, the people around you and the enemies.

Maybe it’s like that.

The reference of this kind of plot is already greater than the practicality.

At this point, there seems to be absolutely no problem.

Saitama: [There is no longer any reference point, Poros is here, and it is different from before.] 】

Look at Poros in front of you.

Saitama fell into thought.

Turn on your live stream.

The members of the chat skirt in the live broadcast room were silent at this moment.

Qiu Zixi: “He is bald, and he has become stronger!” 】

Ash Yuan: “Won’t you?] Did Poros also turn on the body limiter? 】

Uncle Nine: [Even this can be given to people?” 】

Liang Bing: [So, the next time I see my eldest brother, give me a polite point, and the black hand behind the scenes will be my eldest brother in the future!” 】

Even the body limiter can be given to others.

This is really the next thing to know what to say.

Akiko-xi: “I want to surrender too!” 】

Saitama: Do you still want this at this time? 】

Uchiha Spot: “Oh no hair! 】

Qiu Zixi: [This. 】

If you think about it like this, you suddenly find that if you don’t have any hair, you really can’t accept it a little.

One is to get stronger, and the other is to make your hair stronger.

Both are already important to you.

Esther: “No, you guys are like this as if the other person would choose you, haven’t you been to a lot of worlds before, and no one has chosen a chat skirt!] 】

People have been in the past a lot of worlds.

Basically a lot of them in the world of each other have passed.

But in the end, the people behind it did not choose them.

Then this does not mean that the person chosen by the other party seems to be a little different from the person in the chat skirt.

Akiko-xi: “Hey, don’t break our illusions! 】

When she said this, it was a pain in the moment.

Just say it.

So what else is there to say?

Blue Dye: [Poros also turned on the body limiter, then the gap in strength here, I feel that Saitama will be stronger, after all, Saitama has been open for a long time, but Poros’s time should not be so much, the last high probability is the time behind the scenes.” 】

Estimate the time.

It seems that the time that has passed is not a lot.

That is to say, the time that the last time behind the scenes passed was basically the time when Poros obtained the body limiter.

Then in terms of time, Poros did not turn on for too long.

And Saitama’s been around for a long time.

Therefore, in terms of strength, perhaps Saitama’s strength is more powerful.

Saitama: I don’t know. 】

Although the other party is indeed a little slower than yourself.

However, this strength should not be too far apart.

After all, I was chosen by the black hand behind the scenes.

In essence, I don’t have much confidence on my side.

The last battle with the black hand behind the curtain had already made Saitama have a little doubt about life.

This also made Saitama, who was already a little salted fish.

Directly is more ideas.

To get stronger!

At least the next time you face the black hand behind the scenes, you will not have the ability to resist at all.

Qiu Zixi: “Why don’t you first see what this product is looking for you?” 】

This time, the other party’s purpose was very pure, that is, to find Saitama directly.

Unlike the original work, the original itself is a destructive way to attract the strongest people to fight themselves.

Because according to prophecy.

Poros knew that there was a man here who had the power to fight to the fullest.

“It’s you!”

After turning on the body limiter, Poros though his hair was gone.

However, at the moment, Poros also has a special feeling for Saitama.

Like him, he also turned on the body limiter.

“Are you also chosen by the adults to be specially cultivated to become my opponent?”

Poros was still thinking that this might be the body limiter that White Night had opened for Saitama.

After all, this one of his own was also shot by White Night.

In cognition, only the white night can do it, and this kind of power that is getting stronger all the time is really too addictive!


Saitama plucked out her ears and then looked at Poros with some doubt.

He didn’t understand what Poros was saying.

It’s not because of prophecy.

Although he said that he was not his opponent in the prophecy.

Poros’s real opponent is the wolf, and he came a little early.

However, after turning on the body limiter, the wolf is unlikely to be Poros’s opponent.

“Isn’t it?”

Poros was strange.

Could it be that this body limiter was not opened with the help of White Night?

“Isn’t this power of yours opened up by the great man for you?”

Poros asked bluntly.

Since he pretended to know, then his side obviously couldn’t act as if it hadn’t happened and directly showdown.

“I opened the body limiter myself.”


It turned out that this was given to him by the white night.

There was a twinkle of surprise in Poros’s eyes, that is, there was the same power in this world as himself.

It’s really funny.

“Since you have turned on the body limiter, does that mean that you are very strong in strength?”

Never mind!

Poros thought about it for a moment and finally decided not to care so much.

Now that Saita has turned on the body limiter, he must let Saita be his opponent.

The last time he fought with White Night, he was purely hanged.

Finally, from the mouth of the White Night, it is learned that there is an enemy of its own on Earth.

At the first sight of Saitama, he decided that it was definitely the same body limiter and the same bald head of this person, and he couldn’t be wrong!

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