Chapter 287 Coming to the Dragon Ball World!!

“Here he comes!”

After seeing the white night, Qiao Keli and Vanilla tightened their hearts.

Then, the idea that had disappeared immediately reappeared.

Last time, though verbally, they became friends with White Night.

But later, because they didn’t come, the two of them were actually a little lost.

I also have no good intentions to take the initiative to find someone.

After all, this is no longer in the school.

But once sent, White Night came here with a little girl.

Jingle Bells.

As the bell rings.

The students who were preparing to leave school immediately sat down with the teacher’s pressure.

“Cough, today there is a new classmate to join our class, everyone will be classmates in the future, let’s introduce it.”

With that, the teacher gave up his place and gave the chalk to Connor.

Connor took the chalk, wrote her name on the blackboard, and introduced herself.

The teacher pointed to a position behind him and said, “Just sit next to Sakura’s classmate.” ”

A little bit behind, next to it are Sakura and Chise.

In front of it is Qiaokeli.

“Connor’s Sauce!”

Sakura looked at Connor with some excitement.

Although Connor had said before, she might come over and study.

At first, she thought Connor was joking.

Didn’t expect Connor to really come over.

Then there seems to be one more friend at school.

As the bell rang at the end of class, Connor’s side pool was full of classmates.

After seeing Connor, she seemed to blend in quickly.

White Night nodded satisfactorily and was ready to go.

“Big Brother White Night, you’re here!”

Qiao Keli and Vanilla’s first goal was naturally to put White Night on them.

I haven’t seen the White Night for a long time since the last time.

This time, he must try to win the heart of the white night in order to complete the test of the witch.

Just take this heart.

Basically a score then is definitely enough.

There is no problem at this point.

“Do you know?”

Thor had thought that White Night knew Sakura and Zhise.

That’s already outrageous.

After all, how old is the white night.

As a result, they all still know this group of children.

“Well, I met Sakura last time I came to Sakura’s school celebration.”

White Night nodded and said.

This side is naturally recognized.

“That, the last time Big Brother White Night left, you didn’t come, and that classmate named Connor is Big Brother White Night your child?”

He looked at Thor next to him, then set his eyes on White Night.

Could it be that this transfer student named Connor is White Night’s daughter?

But it doesn’t seem to be coming.


White Night shook her head, here Connor is not her own child.

“Well, sister again?”

His sister seems to be really much.

“Don’t think about it, maybe you can become Connor’s friend in the future.”

Speaking of which, what has been speculated about his relationship with Connor?

However, White Night’s view may be that they may be Connor’s friends in the future.

“Mm-hmm, we’ll definitely get along with Connor!”

And not just because of Connor’s relationship.

The greater possibility is the white night.

After all, their side still wants to get the heart of the white night to complete the test.

Naturally, he also wants to become good friends with Connor.

“Then please.”

White Night nodded, and then prepared to leave.

Things were settled on Connor’s side as well.

Then I will leave the world and go somewhere else.

“Lord White Night, I don’t have those things yet.”

Connor stepped out and pointed to the pencil in the hands of the men.

She wasn’t ready yet.

Not to mention that today is just enrolled.

I don’t have a textbook on my side.

She’s going to go back and get ready, and then she’ll be able to come to class tomorrow.

“If you want to buy this, do you want to buy it?”

Buy it, the time should not be long.

“Big Brother White Night, are you going to leave again?”

Listening to White Night’s words, Vanilla and Qiao Keli’s hearts tightened.

None of this has been planned.

The white night was ready to go.

“Hmmm, you can come to me later to play.”

“All right.”

The two of them hid the small thoughts in their hearts.

However, after hearing White Night say that there was nothing to do after that, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If you look at it this way, then you can naturally go to the white night to play.

See by and see where White Night lives.

It will also be convenient for them to start their own plans in the future, right?

Take Connor with her to buy something for tomorrow.

Then the two were sent back.

White Night chose to cross.

Crossing over.

White Night looked at the scene around him, and there was also a little strangeness in his heart.

The words here seem to be a little familiar.

This kind of architecture is déjà vu.

【Ding! Welcome the host to the world of Dragon Ball. 】

Dragon Ball!?

Bai Ye’s heart was surprised.

I didn’t expect that I actually came into this world.

So a very familiar sense of déjà vu.

Most likely, it is their own side that has come to Earth.

However, if there is a timeline, the White Night side does not know when it is coming.

If only Goku had fallen for a long time.

Then there must be some unpreparedness here.

Here, there are many strong fighting forces.

However, if it is the early timeline, it can be said that all the chickens on the earth are weak chickens, of course, this is relatively speaking, but the weak chickens in the early stage, and various explosive breeds in the later stage.

Walking down the street, White Night finds a place with an Internet, touches it with your hands, and then strips out the uselessness of the world’s information.

White Nights also has an understanding of the timeline of this world.

Sun Wukong was still very young when Dong.

Then there are many combat capabilities that can be selected on their side.

“Do you want to pull little Goku, unfortunately, he is a hero, and pulling his words does not seem to bring me much benefit.”

Bai Ye touched his chin, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

Although this side is very eager to pull Sun Wukong to his side.

But there was still a little hesitation in the white night here.

After all, Sun Wukong is the protagonist, if he pulls it over, the change for himself is not particularly much.

In itself, Sun Wukong has always been a fight, then an opening, and then a fight.

And Sun Wukong’s brain is not good!

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