Chapter 292 Signing a Contract to Reward Saiyan Blood!!

“Kiki, don’t mess around!”

The Bull Demon King’s face changed in an instant.

At this time, I didn’t think of it.

Kiki was so bold.

The other party’s attitude is not yet known, and the result is that they want to worship the teacher.

Thinking of this, the Bull Demon King quickly looked at the white night and explained, “Lord, my daughter is relatively young and ignorant, so I will go and give you the Dragon Ball first!” ”

At this time, the Bull Demon King had only one thought.

Take the Dragon Ball to White Night.

Then let the white night go quickly.

If this continues, who knows what will turn out in the end.

So, it would be better to hand over the Dragon Ball quickly.

“Daddy, what are you afraid of, people just want Dragon Ball!”

Kiki instantly broke free from the Bull Demon King’s shackles.

Then he came to White Night and asked, “Please accept me as your disciple, I want to be as powerful as you!” ”

For Kiki.

I didn’t have to choose before.

Now there is a powerful person in front of you.

If you miss it, you may not be able to meet it in the future.

Naturally, Kiki also wanted a strong teacher who could teach her.

“I don’t have time to teach you.”

Bai Ye touched his chin, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

If you sign a contract with Kiki.

Seems to be good too.

Anyway, there don’t seem to be many candidates for the Dragon Ball world.

Kiki’s plot says there is no Bulmado.

But it’s not for nothing.

So it’s okay to stay.


A hint of loss flashed on Kiki’s face.

It seems that the other party seems to be refusing, right?

However, the Bull Demon King on the side was also relieved after hearing White Night’s words, but if he did not agree, it was actually okay.

At least this attitude of the other party is only for the sake of Dragon Ball.

As long as you hand over the Dragon Ball, then there won’t be any big problems.

“But I can sign a contract with you to make you stronger, how about it?”

Sign a contract.

Although not as much as Bulma’s behind-the-scenes black hand.

But speaking of which, Kiki’s side is not a flower idiot.

And it is to worship the teacher.

After that, I will be a teacher on my side.

Her side must have run through her own will.

Give your will to Kiki.

There’s certainly not much of a problem here.

“Huh!? Are you sure? ”

I had thought that there was no chance on my side.

But after hearing White Night say that.

Kiki suddenly found that she was not without a chance.

Is this really what the White Night side thinks?

“Of course it’s true, what do you think?”

Since it has been said, of course, it is necessary to sign a contract.

“Is this really okay?”

The Bull Demon King grew his mouth wide and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Originally, I was thinking of giving the Dragon Ball to the other party quickly, and then sending this plague god lady away.

But what he didn’t expect was that.

The White Night side actually agreed.

But the thought of his daughter hugging her thigh.

The Bull Demon King didn’t feel like it wasn’t impossible.

There is such a strong man as a teacher.


That doesn’t take off directly?

“I can, teacher!”

Kiki’s side didn’t care.

Just call the teacher.

Anyway, signing the contract means that White Night is willing to accept himself.

Then there’s not much to say.

After the White Night, he was his own teacher.

“Then sign the contract!”

White Night raised his hand and carved the blue bird imprint.

After signing the contract, the reward is also issued instantly.

【Ding! Contract signing success, rewards: Saiyan bloodline (no tail version), physique level +5, all aspects of quality +3, automatic comprehension of qi, host-exclusive rewards: 30,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points, hesitation host has Saiyan blood before, automatic advancement to Super Saiyan status one. 】

Before the White Night, when he signed the contract with Bulma.

Bulma gets the same rewards as Kiki.

In addition to the reward of automatic comprehension qi is Kiki’s, and Bulma’s side is that the technological ability has been increased.

And this Saiyan bloodline was owned by White Night before.

This time, it was directly automatically advanced to Super Saiyan status.

The Super Saiyan first stage erupts with golden flames around him as he emits energy.

The increase in combat effectiveness is also very obvious.

It can be said that reaching this stage of the Super Saiyan is basically to hang the Saiyan.

It’s just a bit of a pity, just stage one.

White Night felt like he had to sign a few more contracts.

Will you directly give yourself the strongest state?

“Well, the contract has been signed, so you can cultivate well on your own in the future, give me the Dragon Ball, and I’ll take it back to you and return it to you!”

As White Night spoke, the Bull Demon King handed the Dragon Ball in his hand to White Night, and he did not expect White Night to return it to him.

Of course, it’s best to be able to come back.

The Bull Demon King had heard of this thing and was able to make a wish.

Is it true that White Night wants to get the Dragon Ball and make a wish?

Then after he made a wish, he might really return the Dragon Ball unless he wanted to make a wish all the time.

“Cultivate well, don’t waste this talent!”

Bai Ye looked at Kiki pointedly.

After having Saiyan blood.

And the system is not giving a miscellaneous bloodline.

Under this bloodline, the achievement is definitely not very low.

White Night is looking forward to it.

After that, Kiki also has Bulma’s performance.

There are two more Saiyans on Earth.

“Then if you have time in the future, teacher, you must definitely come to see the results of my cultivation!”

Kiki said hurriedly.

For cultivation, she will definitely work hard to cultivate.

After all, he promised White Night to make him look at himself.

And after signing the contract with White Night.

Such a powerful force.

She felt that she couldn’t cultivate if she cultivated.

Then she was not embarrassed to say that she was the apprentice of White Night.

“Well, then I’ll go first, and if I have time later, I’ll come back and see your cultivation results!”

With that, the white night left.

This time away, the white night actually did not know when it would come.

But let’s talk about it before we see it.

Six of the seven Dragon Balls have arrived.

Only the last Dragon Ball remains.

Looking at the back of the white night’s departure, Kiki secretly swore in her heart.

I must be cultivating hard.

Let the white night look at itself in the future!

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