Chapter 295 has served the black hand behind the scenes, this old six!!

However, the other party’s purpose seems to be a little strange.

Did you come to him to make a wish?

But according to the original anime.

It seems that the power of the Divine Dragon is not enough to make the black hands behind the scenes, or even to snatch it, right?

Therefore, this wish, the other party does not seem to be able to see the river at all, right?

Yakumo Zi: [Except for the black hand behind the scenes, it is simply impossible, after all, even if there is no black hand behind the scenes, it is also the person behind the scenes, if there is no change, your plot at this time is definitely not like this!” 】

Dragon Ball before Bulma came.

It has always been in the hands of Sun Wukong.

Anyway, if you think about it, you know.

It must have been the culprit or his people who took it.

Sun Wukong: But what did the other party do with the Dragon Ball? After all, this Divine Dragon’s wish can’t seem to reach much strength, right? 】

There are many restrictions on making a wish.

Although, in the world of Dragon Ball, no sand wishes are able to win.

But this Dragon Ball is actually nothing too good to say.

Judging by the previous battles between the black hand behind the scenes and Saitama.

His fighting power is already very strong.

So he didn’t need it at all.

Estes: Maybe it’s really an organization, maybe the person who fought Saitama last time was a very strong one, and there are still relatively weak ones, so it seems impossible! 】

Speaking of which.

There is still a possibility.

That is, this black hand is actually not just a person.


Blue Dye: [Maybe it’s a collaboration with the dragon.] 】

It’s not impossible.

After all, no matter how much they guess.

In fact, there is no way to know what the other party is thinking.

Qiu Zixi: “Yes, in fact, this is not impossible, the other party must choose a spokesperson, or there are several!” }

What Blue Dye said makes a lot of sense.

Words for each other indeed.

In fact, if you think about it, you will know.

Maybe it was really a cooperation with the dragon.

Sun Wukong: “After that, won’t you be able to summon the Divine Dragon?” 】

If only the Divine Dragon had become the man behind it.

That doesn’t mean.

I couldn’t continue to make a wish with the dragon before?

Wasn’t the plan I had thought of before impossible to achieve?

After seeing the plot before.

Sun Wukong also thought about changing some of the tragedies in the early stages.

This time, however, there seems to be some small reversal.

Dragon Balls were taken down.

If that’s the case, I seem to be really suffering a loss.

Uchiha Ban: “You have to be prepared, that is, not only one dragon, but also the characters who appear in the plot, such as Vegeta, or Bulma or even Kiki are pulled by the other side! 】

The main thing is to see who the other party has chosen.

Yakumo Zi: “If you give Kiki all the contracts, doesn’t that mean that there are no wives?” 】

That’s funny.

If it is really contracted, maybe there will be no wife after that.

Uchiha Ban: [This kind of words, in fact, if you think about it, it is not clear, in my world, all kinds of people have been contracted, I am speechless, now whether it is my enemy or someone who has little to do with me, I always feel that this strength is stronger than me, and I have served this old sixth!” 】

This old six really has a hand.

Always hiding behind the scenes, and then doing nothing, is crazy to find someone and then give these people strengthening, all kinds of ability.

Just like before, Nagato was just a little ghost who didn’t grow.

But with that ability.

He couldn’t go to Nagato anymore.

This harmless Night Kai, he would never go until he became the Six Spots.

But there is another very contradictory point.

That is, I want to be the Six Spots.

Then you must get the power of the six paths.

That is, you must get the Ten Tails Fusion.

Then it can become the six spots.

However, Muye couldn’t go, couldn’t get the Nine Tails, how could he implement this plan?

And the other ninja villages have people behind it.

I don’t know what the situation is strengthened…

So Uchiha’s current situation is already very embarrassing.

If he could, Uchiha would also like to be an old sixth.

Whitebeard: [Gollum la la la la, this old sixth does not shoot himself, he likes to cultivate the people of our own world, it is really served!” 】

Qiu Zixi: Have you ever thought that in fact, it may be because the other party feels that our strength is relatively weak? After all, I also went to find Saitama to shoot! 】

Qiu Zixi’s words instantly broke the defense of the person in the chat skirt.

After all, no one can accept the fact that they are weaker.

Although they are also very clear, the strength of the black hand behind the scenes wants to beat them, and it is indeed crushed.

But who wants to think of that?

Uchiha: “I seriously suspect that this is an organization now, right! 】

Whitebeard: “Gollum, cheer, the hero sees the same thing, I think so!” 】

Tony: [One thing said, is this too obvious of yours?] 】


This ability to divert the conversation is not a little too bad.

Looks like that’s too obvious, right?

Before you were still guessing, you gave the stone hammer?

Isn’t that a denial that one’s own strength is not up to one’s own strength?

Yakumo Zi: [Actually, you have one thing you can be thankful about, that is, the other party doesn’t seem to have thought of doing anything to you at all, if you do, are you afraid that you don’t want to cry, is it not good to be an old sixth?” 】

Heartbroken, old iron!

Although what Yakumo Zi said was very true, it was also very heartfelt, but when they thought about it, they couldn’t help but have a little comfort in their hearts.


If the black hand behind the curtain has been hiding behind, it will not shoot.

Just cultivate your own people and the words they come.

Nor are they particularly afraid.

It is not without opportunities, but there are still many opportunities.

They also have chat skirts as goldfingers, as long as they buy scratches out of good things, then they can instantly improve their strength.

And the words after that can also put yourself in control of the overall situation.

Although the people who have been strengthened by the black hands behind the scenes are very strong.

But it is not the same as the black hand behind the scenes, making people feel desperate!

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