Chapter 297 Sun Wukong who decided to go out of the mountain!!

Sun Wukong: “In this case, I haven’t decided whether to go out or not. 】

In fact, Sun Wukong still has a little hesitation.

For him, living in the mountains was a habit.

But I said that I watched the plot before.

He felt that kind of life was not what he liked at the moment.

But if you don’t go out.

After that wait until Vegeta comes to Earth.

Or maybe the black hand behind the scenes has changed something.

The immediate result could be the destruction of the Earth.

Nor did he want the earth to be destroyed.

Saitama: [Do what you want to do, man, living in this world, isn’t it to be the hero who can do what you can and have an interest in?” 】

It was rare for Saitama to say what she thought in a chat dress.

Saitama’s own is more Buddhist.

However, it can be seen that the current Sun Wukong is very similar to his former self.

At first, he said that the goal was to become a hero of interest.

But Saitama is also very clear that heroes need strength, and later the appearance of the black hand behind the scenes directly broke Saitama’s illusion.

It is true that their own strength is not very strong.

Want to be a hero of interest.

This seems to be a little impossible to do.

But for now, for this lost teenager.

Saitama felt that if he could, of course he would have to give a good admonition.

Perhaps, I can get some direction from my own words.

Esther: Actually, I feel that if your world has been changed, you might as well go out yourself, otherwise you will be very passive! 】

Uncle Nine: Just follow your own ideas, after all, maybe it’s the same as my world? 】

Meowth: “I don’t understand what you’re bothering with, at least in your own world, either you are strong or talented, when will I be as good as you?” 】

Think about it, Meowth really has a faint sadness in her heart.

If only they were so powerful.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have it at all.

And the most unfortunate thing is that I don’t have the potential myself.

I always feel like I’m a crap to join the chat skirt.

Think about those god-level Pokémon in your own world.

Thinking about yourself again, if only I had it myself.

Ash Yuan: “Yes, in fact, I don’t feel the need to think so much at this time, like those of us who don’t have the strength need to think so much!” 】

Thinking about it, my heart is also extremely uncomfortable.

Maybe that’s true.

Only when the strength is not strong will it suffer from gain and loss.

In her opinion.

Sun Wukong’s strength still needs to think about this?

That’s totally unnecessary!

Sun Wukong: [If I go out for a walk, I always feel as if I don’t have any purpose in going out. 】

If only I had gone out.

So what is your side going to do?

This even Sun Wukong himself did not think about it.

When the others listened, they reacted as well.

Oh, yes!

If Sun Wukong goes, what should he do?

After all, it is a child living in the mountains, and many things are actually not available.

Besides, the reason why Sun Wukong went out was entirely because Bulma came here.

If there is no Bulma, there is a high probability that Sun Wukong will always live here.

Yakumo Zi: “If you decide to go out, there are actually two routes to take. 】

Yakumo Purple felt Sun Wukong go out.

There are actually two ways to go.

Moreover, it is also the most suitable path for Sun Wukong at present.

Yakumo Zi: “First of all, your cultivation route, first go to the turtle immortals, learn the turtle sect qigong and then say, then there are the kings of the world, etc., in short, first try to improve your strength, and when Vegeta comes here in the future, you will not be killed like in the anime.”

Then there’s the Dragon Ball route, which means that you take Dragon Ball to Bulma in advance.

I believe that Bulma will not refuse you, when the time comes, you will continue to be the same as the original, and if you are a little ahead of time, you will be better able to arrange, maybe there are points.

But one of the obvious drawbacks of these two points is that you don’t know if the Turtle Immortals and Bulma are the ones behind it.

Of course, this does not need to be concerned, from Uncle Nine’s side, we can know that sometimes the people behind the scenes may not have conflicts with us.

As long as there is no conflict in purpose, then the person behind the curtain is definitely an assistant.

Uncle Nine is a living example, and of course Whitebeard is also. 】

Yakumo Purple analyzed it thoroughly.

Directly said the next way that Sun Wukong was going to take.

Entering the cultivation state early is still to continue to take the route of collecting the Dragon Balls to summon the Divine Dragon.

This requires Sun Wukong to choose for himself.

Of course, there is also a route that is to continue to work as before.

Regardless of the route, Yakumo Purple feels as if it can.

Whitebeard: “Is it necessary to take me out and whip the corpse…]

Whitebeard, who was looking at the chat interface, was speechless.

As he spoke, he took himself out.

Of course, he is very clear that he already has an irreconcilable contradiction with the people behind the scenes.

Uncle Nine: [Cough, in fact, you can’t decide whether you can be a pirate or not, you really don’t want to be the enemy of the people behind the scenes, don’t you directly announce that the golden basin washes your hands and doesn’t do pirates? 】

Of course, it can also be adjusted.

That is to announce that he will retire directly and will not be a pirate in the future.

In Uncle Nine’s view, isn’t this contradiction resolved at once?

At first, what they said did not seem to be aimed at Whitebeard.

They target the Draco, as well as the navy and pirates that protect the Draco.

That is to say, all the forces in the world have been offended.

Whitebeard: “That kind of thing, who knows, I’ll talk about it later.] 】

He would only see this as one of the ways out.

It’s not about thinking of this as the only way out.

At this time, I did not mean that I had to announce this.

His current strength has improved a lot.

Besides, he is not the kind of pirate who flees without a fight.

Uncle Nine: [Whatever you want!] 】

It’s all said anyway.

In the end, if you can’t retreat, you naturally look at Whitebeard himself.

Sun Wukong: “I have decided, I want to go out, I can’t sit still!” 】

Saitama’s previous words deeply stimulated Sun Wukong.

He decided he was going out of the mountain and couldn’t continue to waste time in the mountains.

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