Chapter 302 Promotion to the Super Saiyan God!!

Saiyan planet.

Frieza found the king of the Saiyans.

Face the evil emperor of this universe.

The Saiyan king was also a little shocked.

I didn’t expect that the other party would actually come here in person.

“I came to you for one thing, to tell me if you have such a Saiyan here!”

Frieza came here for a simple purpose.

If White Night had anything to do with the Saiyans, then he would have gone.

If only it didn’t matter.

Then it will continue according to its own plan.

Although before White Night turned on the Super Tournament mode.

But there was always a feeling in his heart that the other party was not a Saiyan.

Moreover, after signing the contract, his every move is known to the other party.

Then, he is also very clear that as long as the other party does not stop his actions, then it also represents acquiescence.

The fact that he had come here had not been stopped by the White Night.

Naflisa also knew a little bit in his heart.

Maybe my guess is right?


The Saiyan king looked at the portrait of Frieza and wondered in his heart that he didn’t know it at all.

And the looks of the other side seem to be completely incompatible with the Saiyans.

Even the other person doesn’t even have a tail.

How could it be that they were members of the Saiyan race?

“I need to look for this first.”

Although it’s not quite clear exactly what Frieza is trying to do with this person.

But the Saiyan king was also clear at the moment.

For the time being, you cannot be an enemy of the other party.

They don’t even have a super game now, how can they be Frieza’s opponents?

You can only take this and look for it.


Frieza nodded, and was not in a hurry for this.

Take your time, anyway, he has time to wait.

On another planet.

After solving Frieza, White Night found another target, the demon Buu.

At this moment, Buou is under the form of the Great Buou.

As the final product, the Great Buou, dominated by the original Buou’s nature, the nature of evil, is grumpy, cruel, and murderous.

Today, the entire planet has been completely destroyed by Buu.

After seeing the white night.

His eyes couldn’t help but light up.

I didn’t expect that there were still people on this planet.

“Is there anyone alive, hiding before or coming from another planet?”

Buu Ou was still a little interested.

This planet, like other planets, did not let Buu enjoy at all.

But after seeing this person now, he also had some expectations in his heart.

This instinctive feeling.

At this moment, the war will in his heart was about to go forward.

This man!

Just standing there, there’s a feeling of wanting to fight with all your might.

“Come on, I’m going to swallow you!”

Buou’s heart was also extremely excited at this moment.

He could feel it.

As long as you swallow the man in front of you, you can definitely evolve!

Thinking of this, he already had a new idea, and he had to devour this man!

“If you want to devour me, you can try!”

The Dragon Ball world is really a battle maniac.

Bai Ye felt helpless in his heart.

In itself, no one can communicate well.

Except, of course, for people on Earth.

The people of this universe all want to destroy everything.

Buou liberated the fighting force.

Directly rushed forward and fought with the white night.

Internally, Dabuo possessed a clearer and more mature mind that was neither primitive nor naïve and stupid.

Has the memories and moves of the absorbed, but still dominates with the evil nature.

“Beverissa is stronger!”

At this time of Buu…


It should be that at all times, Buu is even much more powerful than Frieza.

The main thing about the demon Buu is that he can’t fight to death, and he can also turn the other party into candy and chocolate.

He should have an advantage if he played with Golden Frieza.

Even if the strength is not better, you can cut a part from yourself to absorb Frieza.

“Your regenerative ability is really troublesome.”

For the first time, White Night was feeling how relasphemous this ability to recover was.

With the fighting, this side of Buu is resurrected, although it is not too much trouble for White Night.

But White Night was thinking of a quick decision.

It seems that it is going to use a trick.

It is true that in the Dragon Ball world, the combat power is too exaggerated, but after several previous tests in White Night, it is also found that there is not much pressure on him.

With this in mind, he directly raised his hand and compressed Buou into space.

As long as there is a cell, Buu can be constantly resurrected.

So in order to avoid the cells of Buou still remaining outside.

White Night directly envelops them all in space.

Then, he broke away from the space and let Buou in the space continue to pound the space, and the space did not move at all, and even continued to shrink.

The farther back he went, the fewer places Buu could stay.

Until the end, Buou was completely crushed by space and disappeared.

“Not dead yet?”

The white night that controls the space is naturally clear.

In the space, even if it is squeezed to a certain extent.

But Buu is still tenaciously alive.

Even as long as he immediately let go of the restrictions, he would definitely be able to recover in the fastest time.

“If the resurrection should not be so fast, then take advantage of the fact that there is no resurrection, first sign a contract with him!”

Bai Ye thought about it, and then decided to sign Buou into a contract first.

Release Buu’o.

At this moment, Buou is basically a form that is invisible to the naked eye.

But that vigorous vitality, the white night is very clear, and it will not be long before the other party will recover.

Then, taking advantage of the fact that the other party had not yet fully recovered, White Night directly carved the bluebird mark on the top.

【Ding! Choose collaborator success, rewards: unlock all forms of Buou, physique level +5, all aspects of quality +3, unlock good thoughts and evil thoughts to control at will, will no longer be limited to only good Buou and evil Buou forms, host-exclusive rewards: 50,000 behind-the-scenes black hand points, Super Saiyan Demon Humanization, Super Saiyan God. Double】

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