Chapter 313 The news spread throughout the ninja world that Uchiha Ban was still alive?!!

“Oh, you’re talking to me about terms?”

Uchiha stared at the two of them.

Although he had already thought about taking the two away before he came.

But when the Great Snake Pill said this, he was still very unhappy in his heart.

You can take Uchiha Sasuke with you, but you can’t ask him to take Uchiha Sasuke.

“This child belongs to you Uchiha clan, and it is estimated that it will be of some use at that time!”

The Great Snake Maru shrugged his shoulders and said slowly.

If you can take it away, take it away.

Anyway, the Great Snake Pill thought so.

After all, it would be a pity if Sasuke had stayed here.

“Oh, I don’t need your reminder.”

With that, Uchiha completely destroyed the branches tied to Sasuke and the Great Snake Maru.

Suddenly, countless vines appeared around in an instant.

The mechanism was triggered.

Tsunade left two hands here to prepare.

The first preparation was to tie branches to them to absorb chakra.

The second is to prevent them from breaking free, or triggering a mechanism after someone helps to remove these trees.


Uchiha shone brightly, chopping up all the vines around him.

But the next second, the vines repaired instantaneously and continued to strike at them.

Uchiha didn’t stay any longer.

Grab two and run.

He knew very well that this movement, they would definitely be coming over later.

Once it’s time to wait until they come over.

The probability that you still want to go is very low.

Uchiha quickly leads the people away.

In this way, what is alive and free is the psychological shadow that has been beaten before.

Qiu Zixi: [Haha, didn’t Ban Ye say that he wanted to make them feel pain today?” How to run so fast! 】

Whitebeard: [Gollum la la, don’t you give each other a little face?” 】

Yakumo Zi: Can something that is endured be called a run? 】

Uchiha Ban: “I was thinking of something, I came here to take these two guys, and I didn’t come here to fight, if I didn’t think of something, I would definitely be here to make them feel pain!” 】

Uchiha blushed.

I blew a wave before.

As a result, the speed of this run, even his own heart was a little speechless.

If I had known this, I should not have blown it like this.

It’s too embarrassing for me to do so right now.

“What about people?!”

By the time the Tsunade and the others arrived, the people had already left.

Seeing this scene, Tsunade was instantly speechless.

“Did you forcibly take people away from me?”

Tsunade touched the vines that had been here before.

Memories are drawn from them.

It was Uchiha who came here to take people away.

“Lord Tsunade, who took people away?”


It is actually possible to take people away under this design.

“Uchiha that bastard!”

Tsunade gritted his teeth and said.

This guy, who didn’t dare to fight them, actually did such a despicable thing, which was really disdainful!

Today, he has taken the man away, although Tsubasa has obtained the information she wants.

But this person was taken away by Uchiha Ban, and she was not happy.

Both the Great Snake Maru and Sasuke are Konoha rebels.

At the end of the day, that’s what they’re going to judge.

At that time, Uchiha Ban took people away, wasn’t that provoking her majesty?

“Do you want to chase it?” At this time, it may be possible to catch up. ”

Sunset Red proposed.

“It’s useless, that guy has a ability that can turn into light, this ability I didn’t crack, that speed is too fast, it is definitely impossible to catch up.”

Tsunade shook her head, she didn’t think she could catch up with this.

Although carrying people certainly can’t move at that speed.

But in terms of speed, they obviously can’t be opponents of each other.

I can only say that I am too careless.

Ignored this point.

“Why did Uchiha Ban have to save the Great Snake Maru and Sasuke Uchiha?” If I remember correctly, the three of them would not have known each other at all, right? ”

Hinata asked a question in her heart.

If I remember correctly, Uchiha and the other two had no contact at all.

So why would he go and save the Great Snake Maru and Sasuke Uchiha.

“I couldn’t figure it out, I didn’t think Uchiha would come over when I set it up, after all, he wouldn’t do anything to save people.”

Although before Uchiha Ban appeared at the base of the Great Snake Maru.

It seems that he wants to cooperate.

But she was also very clear that once the Great Snake Pill was caught, there was a high probability that Uchiha Ban would not be able to save it.

However, this matter seems to be beyond his imagination.

Uchiha really came over.

Completely inconsistent with Uchiha’s character.

Didn’t Grandpa say that this guy wasn’t used to having people standing behind him and had always been a loner?

“Lord Tsunade, it can’t be left to that point, can you?”

Things have happened.

It doesn’t make sense to go back any further.

It is better to think about how to solve this matter.

“Reward Uchiha Ban with information, and tell me the information that Uchiha Ban is still alive!”

Tsunade muffled.

She swore that next time she would catch the bastard Uchiha Ban.

Although to Uchiha Ban ran.

But disgusting still has to disgust him.

Spread the news that Uchiha Ban is still alive to the entire ninja world.

In every ninja village, there are their people.

Naturally, this publicity can be put in place very quickly.

Even if these ninjas didn’t cause anything to do to Uchiha Ban.

But Uchiha Ban appeared this time, and since there had been no news in the ninja world, it was obvious that he didn’t want anyone to know that he was still alive.

So, as far as the current situation is concerned.

As long as he can spread this matter to the ninja world.

At that time, to a certain extent, it will be able to cause a lot of trouble to Uchiha Spot.

“If it works, then I’ll let people publicize it, and go to the black market to reward Uchiha with intelligence!”

If that’s the case, then do it according to this.

Listen to the decision of the programmator to see the words.

Nothing was too much of a problem.


Muye’s side began to act.

The news of Uchiha’s resurrection quickly began to spread through the ninja world.

There are unbelievers in the entire ninja world, and there are also those who are afraid.

At that time, people who experienced the horror of Uchiha Spot naturally knew that Uchiha Spot or what it really meant.

“Impossible! How could Uchiha be alive! ”

Ohnogi’s eyes widened as he looked at the information in his hand, his face full of disbelief.

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