Chapter 333 O I! That’s crawling out of hell to avenge!!

“There’s still time to talk about the old days here, whoever it is, he’s going to die here today, that guy’s child, kill you all, that’s wonderful!”

Out of the black mist came a man with a red eye and a large knife wrapped in black mist in his hand.

The blood stains on the top did not seem to have dried yet.

Seeing this scene for the first time, Ge Wei and Ling were shocked.

“This is!? Instant mammoth! ”

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the killing pill.

I didn’t expect it to be him.

But how did he come to life?

It should have been controlled by Cong Yunya.

But now.

Also, he was talking about the man’s child?

Does he know anything?

“Which man?”

The Killing Pill did not hurry to move, but looked at the Instant Pill and stared at him deadly.

Obviously, he wanted to get an answer from the side of the Instant Pill.

“Oh, I don’t even know this? But why should I tell you? ”

For the White Night, there was only endless hatred in the heart of the Instant Pill.

It was also because of this hatred that he was resurrected by Qingming.

Because it can be used.

That kind of resentment, even Qingming was a little surprised, a human being could actually do this.

There is indeed a good use of the object.

Instead, resurrect him with his abilities and forge him a powerful weapon.

Now he’s a demon!

Half demon half ghost.

It has long since left the category of human beings!

“Is it okay to send guys?” Last time you all ran, do you think he can? ”

Naruto and Haruhi are watching from afar.

Now, another witch is involved.

At the moment of seeing Kirito Terrier, Qingming also had a little more memory in his mind.

That witch.

The woman who once killed herself with White Night.


He will take revenge one by one.

“Now he has a little strength, the half-ghost and half-demon bodies are well integrated, plus the evil soldiers specially created for him, it should be OK!”

He didn’t recover last time because of his strength.

Plus someone intervened to stop it.

Otherwise, he doesn’t think he will win the game.

The Instant Maru is a super weapon that he has cultivated himself.

If you can’t kill them all, at least you can cause some trouble to the other side.

“You’re still really trusting!”

Nero smiled and said.

This is the case right now.

Instead, he felt that the other party seemed to be a little overly optimistic.

“Oh well.”

Qingming didn’t say much more.

“Go and die!”

No nonsense.

In an instant, the fierce pill directly raised the fierce weapon in his hand and rushed towards the Inuyasha and the killing pill.

Then a wave of the arm.

Countless ghosts appeared in the black fog.

These are the people and monsters he killed.

Those who are killed by this weapon will be trapped in this weapon forever and driven by him.

“Die! After that, it will become part of my weapon, and let me use your pretty to get revenge on that man! ”

With that, the instant maru directly raised his large knife and slashed it.

Inuyasha hurriedly took out his iron fangs to resist.

Neither do killing pills.

He wanted to control the Instant Pill and learn the truth from his mouth.

The three of them fought in a group.

Ling and the others retreated to the back.

“Be careful!”

Ghosts attacked them.

Ge Wei was also able to purify a bit with his own demonic arrows at first.

But the ghosts were getting more and more, and she couldn’t hold on a bit.

Just as the ghost was about to rush over, an arrow flew by.

A holy light.

Ge Wei felt the spiritual power above, and her heart was also a burst of surprise, and she turned her head to look at Kirito with shock on her face and murmured, “So powerful! ”

This spiritual power does not know how many times it has surpassed itself.

She felt that this witch at the moment was many times more powerful than herself!

“Thank you!”

Ge Wei quickly thanked him.

If she hadn’t shot, she would have almost died.

“It’s all right.”

Kirito shook his head, not paying much attention to it.

Then, she set her eyes on the instant pill in front of her.

The evil aura on the guy’s body, and the hateful eyes of the ghosts.

Apparently, an unknown amount of killing had happened to him.

His hands were stained with blood.

Such a guy could no longer allow him to be an evil man.

“How does the young master of the Killing Pill feel as if he has fallen into the ascendant?”

The evil view was also a little shocked at this moment.

It was still the first time he had seen the young master of the killing pill fall into the downwind.

And so is InuYasha.

The joint efforts of the two were actually not the opponents of the Instant Pill.

“It’s amazing, is this your masterpiece?”

Watching remotely Naraku is watching with relish.

At the same time, the bottom of my heart is also extremely curious about Qingming.

Unexpectedly, Qingming was actually so powerful and produced such a powerful demon.

The combination of monsters and ghosts.

“It is worthy of being the Great Yin and Yang Master who suppressed the world a thousand years ago, and this strength is indeed powerful!”

Nai Luo sighed, and then the bottom of his heart also put away that trace of contempt.

Originally, after some previous events, Nai Luo was a little contemptuous of Qingming.

But now, he also found that the other party’s ability is indeed strong.

“Oh, what about a thousand years ago, who dares to say undefeated, that man was the strongest existence a thousand years ago!”

Even now.

Qingming still didn’t have the courage to fight the man head-on.

At the beginning, he used the crushing posture to directly kill him.

If he had not left his back hand, Qingming would have been very clear that he would most likely have been completely destroyed in the long river of history.

“So, if that man is so invincible, why did he disappear?” You all said that the man may have transcended time! ”

Nairo was also curious about this.

Since it is said that the man is so strong.

Why did he leave without a sound.

“I don’t know, but don’t think about it so much for the time being, we just need to hide behind and control things that are good for us!”

Qingming didn’t want to care so much.

He wants revenge, hiding behind to avenge himself.

Start with his son.

Then all those who were related to him died.

He didn’t believe it.

This time, he had brought something unusual from the cycle of hell.

I must be able to make that man drink a pot!

“Also, at present, Inuyasha and the Killing Pill are not opponents of the Instant Pill, so you can slaughter the man’s son?”

Nairo laughed.

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