Chapter 348 Blue Dye Old Fun Man Now!!

Uchiha Ban: “With this function, many things can continue to be carried out!” 】

Many things are not carried out because of insufficient strength.

But then it’s time to invite people from other worlds over.

He felt, after that, was flexible Ersha.

Whitebeard: [Gollum la la, this is not almost the same as before, you can’t have the strength to exceed too much of the past! 】

This difference in strength cannot be too great.

Otherwise, the world will be rejected.

Therefore, the idea of having Saitama, Luke and others cross over to their own world can be completely extinguished.

Especially the gray plains.

She was about to cry.

Because, something like Whitebeard can’t come over.

That is to say, the whole skirt is the weakest, which is basically equivalent to sitting solid.

Although Meowth’s strength is not very good, at least others are stronger than themselves.

Besides, his world is not just talk.

Pokémon of various mythical beast levels exist.

Naturally, the upper limit of this world is already very high.

Be able to let Luke and the others pass.

However, if Luke and others have passed by, there may be uncertainty in strength.

After all, those divine beasts and everything can use rules.

And so are Digimon Treasures.

These worlds are simply open and hanging in the general existence, each of which is good in the early stage, and in the back, various integrated digital beasts appear, completely breaking the previous power limitations.

Qiu Zixi: [But no matter what the restrictions are, but at least it can relieve the pressure, just like your world, in itself, the people on your side seem to be very powerful, so your pirate group can’t stop it at all.”

But if you say that people with chat skirts have passed.

As long as there is a group of people whose strength is not much different from you, it can also reduce a lot of pressure! 】

That’s fine.

Besides, in the world where Whitebeard is located, no one else has exceeded the limits of that world, has it?

Of course, this is just her imagination.

There is about the true strength of Aniru and others.

In fact, Qiu Zixi herself is not very clear.

But whatever.

This should not be a particularly big improvement, right?

After all, according to the theory, after going to a world, only a group of people will be selected for endorsement.

Then they will leave, or rather hide behind the scenes and watch quietly.

There will be no shots at all.

Let’s look at that.

It doesn’t seem to be too much of a problem.

As long as it is not the black hand behind the scenes, it is also safe.

Blue Dye: [This is not fun.] 】

Uchiha Ban: “Old Rakuko! 】

This guy.

Every time I think about playing.


Find fun.

Is there anything more fun to the sea than to win?

In Uchiha’s view, the blue dye is a freak.

You don’t have to use some of your life to help you fight.

Just play!

Blue Dye: [It’s too boring, stay on the throne for too long, the more you will find out how lonely it is to carry it on the top, even if you read the original book, you know that you may be able to have more opponents, but these are far from enough! 】

In the blue dye view.

These opponents are simply too weak.

Even Yoharbach.

In the end, he was also affected by his own mirror flower water moon.

Because of this, directly judged by Blue Dye, he could never become his enemy.

Because even the mirror flower water moon can’t crack the person.

What qualifications do you have to be your own enemy?

Only that man!

The first time they met, the cells in his body were all trembling.

There is only one such enemy, enough to admit that this enemy is worthy of taking oneself seriously.

Because of the power of time.

Before he could shoot, he was seen through by the other party.

He wondered how he could finally crack the other person’s ability.

In the blue dye’s view, there is no so-called invincible ability in the world.

Since it exists, then there is also the possibility of cracking.

I just didn’t think of it for the time being.

Uchiha Ban: “Speaking of which, too, I’m not used to other people standing behind me!” 】

Qiu Zixi: “Yo, you two still talked about your experience?” 】


The two villains began to exchange experiences.

But think about it, Blue Dye and Uchiha are actually the same kind of people.

It’s all one person.

And one is fond of a household, often hanging him.

It can be said that in the god of death, the reason why a family can grow so fast.

And can grow up safely.

Here, it is indispensable to the credit of blue dyeing.

As for the other one.

That is to like between the columns, often there is nothing to take out and blow a blow in line with the principle of everything must be blown.

At the time of the fourth ninja war, basically anyone had to compare it with the pillars, and then blow another wave between the pillars.

When the pillar came, it was immediately like the daughter-in-law had seen her husband.

It seems that these two people are really able to get along.

Whitebeard: “Gollum la la, then when the time comes, you don’t want to be beaten all over the ground looking for help when you look for teeth, ask me to come and help!” 】

Whitebeard couldn’t help but quip as he listened.

This guy said so now, but when he faced Hinata before, that was not how he behaved.

It’s been two runs.

And at this time, I don’t go to Nagato yet.

Apparently it was taken on Nagato’s foot.

Uchiha Ban: “Oh, wait for you to see, as long as I find the other ten tails, who else in this world is my opponent?” 】

Just enter the state of the six spots.

Then Uchiha Ban can be sure that he has no opponent in this world this time, and he will not be blackened out of the yin.

Coupled with the ability to shine fruit at the critical moment, I don’t believe it, even this little problem can not solve Tony: “What does this see, always feel that you are so confident, oh, not like me, now I have a high probability of being behind the scenes, it is so happy, to be able to continue to live this leisurely life, cool! 】

While they were still discussing what to do with the men behind it.

I have already gone to vacation to play.

A world without the backroom patronage is simply not too cool!

Everything is going according to the plot direction, and I don’t need to worry so much!

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