I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 394: Talent and testing

"Thanks to the great Void God, I hope all this is not a dream!" Bode bit the sweet bread, with the warm animal milk, and even the fruit after the meal, tears could not help streaming down.

   "Is this heaven?" At this moment, Bode felt that everything was so unreal, and the strangers around him also made a dreamlike sound, making everything appear real again.

   After having a full meal, carefully nibbling on fruits that he hadn't eaten in his entire life, a blank-faced Lie Meng man walked in from the gate, and led them to a hall where there were the same hundreds of Otu compatriots.

After an old man of the Meng ethnic group looked around him on the stage, he said coldly: "Welcome everyone, are you satisfied with your new life? But I want to tell you that the great Leo Master has given you a new one. Life, but all of this is not without cost. Starting today, you must learn a knowledge of runes for at least one year."

  All the Otu refugees are overjoyed at the same time. Does this mean that they can enjoy a paradise life for more than a year?

"But what a great master needs is someone who has inherited the talent of the ancient mystery goblin. In fact, not every Otu clan is lucky enough to inherit this rare talent, so the manor will be assessed once a month. Unqualified people You will be screened out and live your original life. Only qualified people have the qualifications to continue their studies until you have enough knowledge to solve a difficult problem for the master. At that time, the master will reward everyone who has done meritorious services. One thousand gold star coins are enough for you to live your life without any worries."

   One Thousand Gold Star Coins said, every Otu clan present panting and staring red eyes. If it hadn't been for a long time at the bottom of the oppressed, there would have been no sense of resistance long ago, and it is estimated that the desire to grab money would have been there.

   One thousand gold star coins is equivalent to one hundred thousand silver star coins and 10 million copper star coins. And a copper star coin is enough for an ordinary creature to spend a day in the City of Thousand Stars, which shows how much wealth it is.

   "The rules have already explained to you, whether you can stay in the manor or even get the final gold star coins is up to you."

The old man of the Lie Meng clan paused for a while after he finished talking, thought about it and said again: "You have to be clear that the City of Thousand Stars is the world of talented races, and your Otu clan only has a chance to stay at the bottom of the race. I am not saying this to hit you. , But to tell you that there are at least billions of people like you in the City of Thousand Stars."

"So, your group of 1,000 people is just the beginning. The owner is constantly expanding the manor, and at the same time, it will continue to bring in new people and weed out unqualified old people. Don't think about luck, and don't think about making mistakes in the same race, yourself. There is a chance. The owner’s selection is based on a scoring system. If you fail to pass, even if your batch is eliminated, the owner will not care."

   The old man of the Lie Meng tribe turned and left after speaking, but a lot of Lie Mong warriors with weapons walked in, one of them led six Otu tribes and left.

Bode was naturally among these people and was taken back to his room. Looking at a book that had been prepared a long time ago, he knew that this was the only hope for a life of suffering, and all rushed up frantically. stand up.

   The watched Lie Meng clan had no expression on his face, as if there was no wave on his dead face, he closed the door and stood sluggishly.

In the room, the Otto people, who have no basis for the formation of the human race, showed a confused look. Only Bode looked at the runes that he had never seen before, but there was a familiar feeling in his heart, it seemed to be I knew it in my previous life.

   "This rune, maybe should mean the wind?" Bod was a little uncertain and used his fingers to traverse a rune like a twisted silk thread, forcibly concealing the ecstasy in his heart, trying to make himself look dazed.

   Bode, who has been bullied by picking up **** every day at the bottom, knows a truth deeply. If the five people around him have no talent, and he shows talent, he will definitely not be greeted by blessings, but may be endless jealousy, which is enough to destroy him.

   "Which of you can understand?" At this moment, a clever Otto clan shouted.

   Including Bode, everyone shook their heads together.

"... To stay in position, we need some comparative translation books. These runes are headless, no one can understand, at least should give us the books for getting started?" The Otto clan seemed to have gained the courage and turned his head. Begged to the Lie Meng people who were monitoring them.

   The Lie Meng guard opened his eyes, gave him a cold and dull look, shook his head dumbly, and closed his eyes again.

   The Otto youth's face flushed slightly, and he said unwillingly, "But, who can understand it in a month?"

   This time, the guard quickly opened his eyes, looked him up and down, and asked indifferently: "Can't you understand?"

   The Otu youth forcibly summoned the courage and said, "Of course, there are no books for getting started, so no one can understand."

The guards suddenly strode forward. In the unexpected situation of everyone, they grabbed the Otu youth and left the room quickly, only to hear the unwilling screams and flew away~www.readwn.com~ The five people in the room looked at each other, and suddenly they lay down on the books together, looking like they were studying carefully. As for how many people have seen it, only they know it.

   Anyway, Bode knew he was the lucky one.

   One month passed in a flash, and everyone who stayed sent a piece of paper, and the test was about to begin.

   "The time is limited to one hour to complete." After the guard made a wooden announcement, he began to use the star clock to time the clock.

   The remaining few people looked at each other, and most of them showed a miserable look. Only Bode had a wry smile on his face, but he was extremely excited in his heart.

   During this month, his understanding of runes has improved rapidly like a godsend, he has quickly absorbed the knowledge that appeared in his heart inexplicably, and he is full of confidence in himself.

   In less than an hour, Bode finished the test paper, did not hide it anymore, and handed it over to the guards. With the surprised eyes of the remaining four people, he stepped away.

   "After today, I shouldn't meet with them again. It doesn't matter to behave at all." Bode thought in his heart, strode out of the room, and was quickly taken to the central square.

   As soon as the one-hour time limit arrives, everyone, regardless of whether they have completed the test or not, was taken to the square, but most of the people were ashamed, revealing despair. Only Bode's face was calm, even with a trace of anticipation.

   "Hey, Bode, you can do all the questions just now?" Several people in the same room quietly surrounded Bode, and asked with a gloomy expression.

   Bode immediately realized that the situation was not good.

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