I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 402: Void Shield

Leo had already been alert at this moment and began to retreat quickly, and at the same time asked anxiously: "His Royal Highness, if the Jellyfish takes the goddess of wisdom's severed hand, can he indirectly manipulate the sword?"

  "...Obviously they can. These jellyfish people are also amazing, and such an idea can be figured out. Leo, you may be in trouble." Katis sighed.

   Without her reminding, Leo wouldn't think that he could pick up an artifact, let alone a star artifact. Fortunately, his speed was much faster than that of the four jellyfish. After turning into a game, the four jellyfish could only eat ashes behind him.

   "Timid outsider, why, wasn't it arrogant just now? Why do you only dare to run for your life now?" Yuka laughed triumphantly.

   Leo sneered and said nonsense: "You are too crowded and can't be killed. I have to think about how I can kill you. When I think of a way, your end will come."

  Actually, he had the intention to rush into the sword, but thinking of the jellyfish man’s terrifying fighting skills, he knew that this was a delusion, and there would be no success once 10,000 times, unless. . .

   "Wait, your Royal Highness, if you use the eyes of the royal family to control that Yuka..."

Katis interrupted: "Don't think about it. At the high level, the Eye of the Royal Family just stuns the opponent, and there is a high chance of exemption. Instead of this, you might as well use the speed advantage to pull in ten meters and use the exile technique. Try it, maybe just hit that Yuka into the alien space?"

   "...That's right." Leo moved in his heart, and his speed suddenly slowed down. The four jellyfish were already chasing at high speed, but they were caught off guard, and the speed of both sides suddenly reached close range.

   At this time, Leo had already planned and reacted a little faster, and an exile spell hit the Yuka.

   Something happened that made everyone stunned. Yuka's body faded, and he was about to disappear. Suddenly the wisdom sword in his hand emitted a dazzling light, spontaneously dispelling the exile. However, at the same time, the Wisdom Divine Sword seemed to be overwhelmed with a click, and the cracks all over it became deeper.

   "This sword is about to disintegrate, no wonder these jellyfish people don't dare to use it..." Katis sighed slightly, and then saw Yuka seizing the opportunity and raising the sword of wisdom to Leo.

   At the moment of life and death, a small pitch black shield stood in front of the Sword of Wisdom.

   Swords and shields interlaced, a scene that made the Jellyfish stunned. Although the invincible and invincible Wisdom Sword pierced the dark shield with a single sword, it seemed to have reached its limit and suddenly burst into pieces.

   The four jellyfish people stayed in Nuomuji.

   When things came to this point, Leo was already full of killing intent, and without any hesitation, he reunited with the Void Black Source talent, and took advantage of the shock of that card and immediately covered him in.

   The shield was like a huge mouth, which instantly swallowed up half of Yuka's body. Realizing that it was wrong, Yuka did not hesitate, and once again inspired the explosive talent to escape from the dead. But this time, there was the incomparably powerful attraction of the pseudo. Void Black Source talent. As soon as those spores left Yuka's body, they were forcibly sucked into the Void Black Source, and none of them escaped.

   "Yuka, completely fallen?" The other three jellyfish on the side recovered, unable to react from the shocking scene they saw, and stayed for a second. The next second, they glanced at the black shield like a ghost, turned and ran.

   "What did I just say? By the way, I said, remember not to beg for mercy next..." Leo gave a cold voice and flew after him.

   Regardless of the skill, how can the jellyfish escape at the speed of Rio more than doubled? In just ten seconds, he chased behind the first jellyfish, stretched out his hand to hold him down, the Void Black Source was excited, and instantly swallowed him.

   "It's a bit wasted." Leo watched heartily as all the equipment and space items of the Jellyfish were swallowed by the Void Black Source, sighed reluctantly, and turned to chase the third Jellyfish.

   At this moment, the third jellyfish saw Leo chasing him, his brain was so clever, he exploded directly, and the sky was full of spores flying away. Leo's pseudo-Void Black Source talent is only three meters in diameter, and it is impossible to swallow it all. He can only watch him escape.

   However, all the items on the corpse belong to Leo.

   Without any accident, the fourth jellyfish saw Leo chasing and decisively exploded to escape, and all his belongings and mutilated bodies fell into Leo's hands.

   "Why, something that could have been solved by a sacred fruit of wisdom." Leo shook his head, put away his things, and rushed towards the place of origin of the sacred fruit of wisdom like a meteor.

  He has another worry. Those two jellyfish people will not let go, maybe they will find a way to destroy the sacred fruit of wisdom, then he will run away in vain.

   This kind of sacred fruit, which is rare in the entire void, grows in an extremely harsh environment, and the entire sacred star, and even the entire binary system star field, is located in one place. It is said that there are only seven saplings in total, and the time for the results is diverging, and Leo can't guarantee that this time when he comes over is exactly the time when the sacred fruit of wisdom matures.

   But for the sacred fruit of wisdom, he could afford to wait for a few years.

   When Leo swooped down from the sky~www.readwn.com~ an angry scene appeared.

   A jellyfish man sneered and stood in front of a mature sacred fruit of wisdom, staring at Leo from a distance. It was one of the guys who had just escaped from the explosion. Seeing Leo dive down, he reached out and pinched the sacred fruit of wisdom, revealing a hint of revenge.

"If you dare to do this, I will make your race extinct, and plunge the entire Gemini star field into boundless hell, so that you can't even resurrect." Leo is still far away. There is no way to take him, but Warned him with a loud roar.

   The jellyfish man laughed loudly: "Really? Then I'll wait and see." After speaking, he took off the mature sacred fruit of wisdom, kneaded it into a slurry in front of Leo, and poured it into the ground.

Leo's swooping figure suddenly stopped in the air, staring coldly at the jellyfish man and said: "Very well, you did it. But you will regret it. You will watch countless people die in pain, you will kneel. On the ground, hold the sacred fruit of wisdom in both hands, and pray for my forgiveness."

   "It's ridiculous, you killed Yuka and Trodat, I will regret it? No, no, every night I think of your disappointed expression, I will wake up in my sleep." The jellyfish laughed freely.

   "...Let's wait and see." Leo said indifferently, and he began to dissipate two of the five worms that had remained motionless and remained in the family. In other words, the family still left three, plus one from Nini, one from the City of Thousand Stars, and the remaining five vacancies were all by Leo.

   "His Royal Highness, I am afraid it will be a scene you don't want to see next." Leo sighed.

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