I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 408: Scorpion flower

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"This... At the speed of an ordinary starship, it will take about three months to start from the City of Thousand Stars." The Lord of Knowledge said with some embarrassment.

Leo frowned slightly. Obviously, the distance was a bit far, and it was three times the distance of the Gemini Star Region. It would be very inconvenient to travel.

"That place is far away, and there are poisons everywhere. Almost all living things are highly poisonous. However, it is also the place where a famous sacred flower is produced. Although the effect of that sacred flower is completely different from that of the sacred fruit of wisdom, it is equally magical. It’s a pity that that kind of sacred flower blooms only within a day, if it’s not by chance, it’s almost impossible to pick it, so the actual value is more than that of the sacred fruit of wisdom." The Lord of Knowledge frowned when he saw Leo and immediately threw it out. A temptation.

"No? This kind of good thing can still be my turn?" Leo didn't believe it. Isn't this giving away another Gemini star field?

"...There is also a reason. Although the sacred flower is real, it is not uncommon for people in history to go to the scorpion poison star to squat for hundreds of years, but there are not many people who actually pick the scorpion spirit flower, so. ..." The Lord of Knowledge explained with a wry smile.

Instead, Leo became interested, and after thinking about it, he asked, "What's the use of the scorpion spirit flower?"

"Spiritual power, incredible spiritual power. Although it will undergo a toxic transformation after taking it, it will be extremely painful, but as long as it can sustain it, the level of spiritual power raised is incredible, and the original spiritual power can be forcibly increased by about twice! So! The scorpion spirit flower is considered to be a very special kind of spiritual power enhancement treasure. The stronger the original spiritual power, the greater the improvement, and the improved spiritual power is almost indistinguishable from the original spiritual power. It is one of the most precious sacred flowers. "

"It's impossible, it's a lie. If you get the original mental power after the promotion, wouldn't it be possible to use the scorpion spirit flower to cycle infinitely?" As soon as the Lord of Knowledge finished speaking, Leo yelled in ghoulish.

"That's not it. Blame I didn't make it clear. Although all aspects of the test are the same as the original mental power after the promotion, only taking the scorpion spirit flower again will be invalid. So we guessed that it should be a pseudo. The original mental power is slightly different. We can’t understand and test it out. Besides, scorpion spirit flowers are hard to get. There is a saying that scorpion spirit flowers have souls, and they will appear in the most inadvertent places. So people who get scorpion spirit flowers in history, They are all destined." The Lord of Knowledge explained solemnly.

fate? Leo frowned, but in his heart he had already thrown some of that song out of the sky. For others, the scorpion spirit flower doubled its mental power to support death by about tens of ten thousand points. There are other treasures in the void that can be reached, and it is not irreplaceable. But for Leo, if it can really be doubled, doesn't it mean adding more than a hundred thousand points of mental power? This is incomparable to any spiritual treasure in the world, let alone perhaps more than doubled.

"Since the Lord of Knowledge is so interested, I am not a person who likes to kill too much. Then choose the star you mentioned. Give me the star map and I will touch it by myself." Leo looked reluctantly.

The Lord of Knowledge seemed to be prepared for a long time. He took out a star map and handed it to Leo. At the same time, he said: "In addition, the ubiquitous poisonous environment of the scorpion venom star will slowly change the physique of everyone below the demigod, making them Slowly poisoned, become ugly and terrible, and have a great change in temperament. But I guess you should not care that your subordinates slowly become terrible and ugly, do you?"

Leo nodded, but didn't feel relieved in his heart, frowning half-truth and half-false and asked: "It will not affect the demigod, right? If you take the scorpion spirit flower, there will be a big change in personality. I would rather not have this kind of improvement. I believe that the Starry Realm will not want to see my personality change, and turn around and do wrong things that are not conducive to the Starry Realm." Love my novels

"Absolutely no effect. In the ancient times, the effect of the first scorpion spirit flower was spread, and people of all levels had taken it, and some people were worried about you. Later, I discovered that although the environment there has a great influence on the demigod, The lower the level, the greater the impact, but taking scorpion spirit flower has no effect on creatures of any level, so you can rest assured.” said the Lord of Knowledge.

Leo frowned and said, "Why no one occupies the star, and then migrates a large number of people to slowly search for the scorpion spirit flower?"

"Of course there is, but the difficulty is not small. First, the environment of the scorpion venom star is full of poisons. Even if the high-quality food and species are brought in, the planted and bred are also highly toxic, let alone the air there. Toxic, ordinary creatures can't survive at all, they can only use creatures above level one. Scorpion spirit flowers are also spiritual, not that no one can do it, but not much. In addition, a doubling of mental power is not decisive for the improvement of strength. , Fighting over and over, in the end all the races simply reached a tacit understanding and became a land of no owner. No one will occupy it for a long time. Go when you want to find it. If you have the ability, as long as other people come to find you and set up obstacles, I guess No one will object." The Lord of Knowledge explained again.

"So, I think about it. I will trouble you with the passage of the magic circle." Leo pondered for a moment and decided to go to another place to inquire about it. He immediately got up to say goodbye to the Lord of Knowledge and passed through the star gate of the starry world. Arrived in the city of a thousand stars.

There are not many people who know about Scorpion Venom Stars, and there are even many special populations whose potential is directly related to spiritual power. If you accidentally learn about the existence of Scorpion Spirit Flowers, you will go bankrupt and buy Star Ships and try your luck there. Find one. After some verification, it was confirmed that the Lord of Knowledge had not lied, and Leo made up his mind.

He is determined to win the scorpion spirit flower.

Confirming that the Lord of Knowledge has not lied, Leo felt the position of the Worm's Nest Army in his heart, stepped into the void, and flew to the legion~www.readwn.com~After a month of delay, they were almost close to the Thousand Stars. City.

"Master, according to the star chart, it takes at least three months of food reserves to go to the Scorpion Venom Star, and the air and water in the star ship are almost gone. Is it necessary to keep only the personnel who control the star ship, and other people enter the state of suspended animation to save supplies? "The insect will report stupidly.

Although these Luoshui tribes were made into adult soldiers and generals, they completely lost their initiative without an order, but their original memories, experience, and skills were all there, and they were given the order to turn to the scorpion poison star, and they immediately restored their basic judgment.

Leo knew that the state of suspended animation was similar to dead, losing consciousness and feeling to the outside world. He thought for a while and said: "This way, the combat effectiveness of the entire legion is too weak. Let's go to the City of Thousand Stars first. When you get there, wait in the void nearby. Go buy some food."

"Yes." The insects naturally had no objection, and the legion changed direction again, this time moving towards the city of a thousand stars.

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