I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 416: reciprocal

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The scorching flame swept across the room, the horror of power, and even instantly melted the surrounding stones. In this case, Leo didn't feel too hot. Accidentally glanced intently, the orange flame melted and gasified the interrogation officer and penalty officer of the Nagqu clan, but the only spirituality generally avoided Leo.

"Boy Naqu, I will take away this person who is related to the secret of the Conferred Gods. If there is no harvest, I will come back to find you!" The figure laughed loudly, and an invisible force grabbed Leo and instantly moved away from the Naqu clan. Fly away in the direction.

The leader of the Nagqu clan naturally refused to take a break, and chased after him wildly.

"It turns out that this is also a smart guy. I can tell at a glance that the key person is me, knowing that I must be captured alive to ask questions. Then..." Leo was restrained by invisible power, but did not move away, silently calculating the passage of time in his heart. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Huozhe, you are too ignorant. The road to the conquest of the gods has long been blocked. This is something everyone knows. Although I don’t know who the person who conferred to the gods is, why I chose to consecrate the gods in the territory of our tribe, But he only inspired the starting point of the Conferred God, and turned to ashes without success at all, so why do you do this?"

The figure in the orange flame sneered and said: "Is it? If it weren't for me to be in Heijinggang, I might have been deceived by you. It's a pity, at the end of my life, I witnessed the scene of consecrating the gods with my own eyes. There is that weird mirror, do you think I will give up? This is Void’s favor to me, because I can’t break through the turbulence of time and space in the wild periphery and compensate me. Even if I fight my life, I have to figure it out The secret in it. Boy, you think carefully, I have already spared everything, and really chasing me tightly, it is not impossible to die together, you better not force me."

"Let’s die together? Huozhe, don’t be funny, but reliance on the same level is strength, not age. It depends on your demi-god elementary strength... Haha." The Nagqu clan leader laughed mockingly, and the speed skyrocketed again, quickly. Pull into the distance.

Huozhe was frightened and angry, with a hint of resentment. Seeing that he was about to be chased by the leader of the tribe, he glanced at Leo, only to find Leo looked at him with a smile.

"Laugh a shit, wait for you to look good." Huozhe cursed in a low voice, raised his head and shouted viciously to the leader of the Naqu clan: "You want to know the secret too? Very well, now I am in my hands. If you don't want me to accidentally squeeze him to death, let's talk about it. Anyway, it's just some secrets, not treasures, they can be shared!"

The leader of the Naqu clan paused, and the speed really slowed down.

He is not old, and he is still far from the limit of his life. Although he doesn't care about the secret of the so-called Conferred God, he is determined to win the Scarlet Flower.

"The reason is that... But I have other conditions. People can ask you to interrogate first, but they must not be killed. They must be interrogated under my supervision. After the interrogation is over, the person will be returned to me. I have other uses. "The leader of the Nagqu clan thought for a while and put forward a request.

After all, he still didn't want to expose the scarlet flower on the Scorpion Venom Star.

Although Huozhe could see something, under the condition of insufficient strength, he could force the leader of the Nagqu clan to regress. The agreement between the two parties was completed, and Huozhe immediately swooped Leo down into an inaccessible valley.

Leo watched this scene calmly, silently calculating the final transformation of the soul: "ten, nine, eight, seven..."

At this moment, a very fast arrow suddenly appeared and shot towards Leo's heart. 315 Chinese Network

"Shadow Bee!!!" Fire sting roared, and barely moved Leo away a little bit. The arrow that should have fallen in his heart suddenly penetrated Leo's right chest, and a purple poison spread quickly.

Fortunately, Huozhe had already prepared, and poured his orange energy into Leo's body at the same time, temporarily imprisoning the purple poison.

An alien woman holding a longbow appeared strangely in the air not far away. She looked at the fire sting and sneered: "Although I can't kill you, I can't avenge my family, but I can destroy the things you value with my own hands and watch you. I fall into death little by little, and my mood will become very beautiful. Ah, the weather is so good, the sun is so shining."

"Shadow bee, you stinky lady, we will calculate this account later." Huozhe cursed, and then asked Leo anxiously: "Boy, tell me where the man of the gods is going? It turned into after failure. Fly Ash, or has it been successfully consecrated?

Obviously, he knew that he couldn't solve the poison on the shadow bee arrow, and wanted to ask something before Leo died.

"Six, five, four..." Leo stared at him silently, whispering like a mosquito in his mouth.

"What? What? What do these three numbers mean?" Huozhe asked anxiously, and the leader of the tribe on one side frowned, staring coldly at Shadowbee, seemingly unwilling, but he had any scruples.

When the Shadowbee saw Leo actually speak, he raised his bow and arrow again. But this time, the leader of the Nagqu clan stopped in the middle, looked at her indifferently and said: "You should know that this is not just a matter of fire, what should you explain to me when you do this?"

"Let's talk about what you have explained, get out of the way!!" Shadow Bee said sharply.

"... Three, two, one." At this moment Leo finally finished the count slowly. At this moment, the silver spirit exuded a dazzling silver light, illuminating the entire spiritual space. He felt the talent again, contacted Katis again, and more importantly, he felt the disappearing magical energy.

A mixed power that is completely different from the previous magical energy, full of frosty extreme cold, and extremely swift and agile, flows out of a blue crystal slowly, and under the influence of the three-body talent ~www.readwn.com~ is divided into three on average. In the body. And different from the rough fusion of the previous two virtual gods powder, after this drastic change, this thing was a bit smaller, but it became pure and full of deep blue.

More importantly, this power replaced the magic energy, or it was a brand new magic energy, flowing slowly in Leo's body. What surprised him even more was that after Moonlight Dragon City reached the peak of the demigod, he was beheaded once by the Lord of Glazed Glass. His strength fell to the level of a demigod, but at this moment the brand-new ice wind magic power has reached the overflow state again. .

That is, the peak of the demigod before the split body was beheaded by the Lord of Liuli.

Leo was full of surprises and doubts in his heart, and he couldn't wait to ask: "His Royal Highness, how did you become like this? Has it become a real god?"

"... It's definitely not, otherwise the Mirror of Domination will come to you soon. It's strange, it's a bit like a godhead seed, but it doesn't have the slightest power of faith. I have never heard of this kind of thing, I don't know. ..." Katis responded blankly.

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