I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 434: Huge number

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If this black ball of light is the talent of Origin Skeleton, then the concentrated power must be stronger than the scattered five-color divine thunder, there is no doubt about it being defeated. He thought for a moment, and ordered the remaining worms to stop the skeleton.

Sure enough, after the black light ball exploded violently, it exploded a huge hole in the **** cloud gas, and then landed straight on Yun Kun's body, exploding a hundred meters deep pit.

But what Leo didn't expect was that the five-color thunder from other places quickly spread over and filled the hole. However, it took a long time for Yun Kun's body to have some blood gushing out and accumulating into a lake.

"Huh? Wait, I'm so stupid. Although this hole is a few hundred meters long, it is a small hole inconspicuous to Yun Kun. It is far from the collapse of the five-color gods, and it can be closed in the blink of an eye. The blood hole in the body, based on its size, is probably similar to being stabbed, right?"

Thinking of this, Leo was greatly relieved, and for the first time discovered the benefits of a huge body.

However, more than half of the food has been consumed, Yun Kun uses his five-color divine thunder and blood energy with all his strength, and the consumption is huge.

"This is the Legion of the Underworld. If you can't escape as soon as possible, you will die here." Katis sighed and finally spoke.

"Why? I don't think I will die here." Leo was shocked.

"The underworld legion is a legion that can kill the gods, do you think that's the only one? When the elite legions of them appear, it will be too late for you to escape." Katis reminded.

"Isn't this an elite legion?" Leo froze for a moment, looking at the origin giant skeleton with obvious demigod level strength, a little bit incredulous.

Katis sighed and said: "The death gods almost rely on the Legion to fight. Do you think it's that simple? This origin skeleton is just a miscellaneous brand, a sideline, and an accident. The real direct legion is the Dark Gold Skeleton Legion, Black The Glory Zombie Legion, the Purple Ghost Legion, the Reaper Legion, the Death Legion, the Death Curse Knight Legion, and the most powerful Dark Dragon Legion. There are a lot of demigod legions in these legions, and they are not the only ones. Except for the death. The main player has all of them, and the other death gods have one or two legions as trump cards. If you encounter one such legion..."

"His Royal Highness, don't scare me." Leo had no expression on his face.

"What are you doing to scare you? The most famous legions of the gods were the Death Legion of the Underworld, the Heavenly Servant Legion of the Heaven, the Demigod Puppet Legion of the Creator, and the Demon Legion of the Lord of Desire. Do you think it's a joke?" Katie Si sighed and said.

"Go!" Leo gave Yun Kun an order without hesitation.

Yun Kun raised up to the sky and let out a loud roar, and flew out of the star field with countless death monsters. The huge body has brought tremendous power. Although the number of dead monsters is unknown to the number of billions, they still can't stop Yun Kun from moving forward.

Even the origin skeleton is not enough to see.

"Leo, Yun Kun's food consumption has doubled all of a sudden. If this goes on, it will not be able to escape from the Death Star." Katis reminded.

Leo discovered this a long time ago, nodded and said: "I have a way. In a few minutes, Xingmei will be able to obtain talent. I will naturally take action when that happens."

Katis couldn't understand what Leo planned to do, and was speechless for a while.

A few minutes later, Xingmei let out a long scream of relief, representing the end of the gift of talent. She obtained the coveted talent of the Dark Iron War Ancestor. With the combination of dual defense talents, plus her current demigod strength, she became a very powerful one. exist.

At this moment, Leo flew towards Yunqi while commanding Yun Kun: "Open a crack, the outer layer is a little wider, and the bottom is only three meters in radius!"

It took half a year to devour the sky before, and it was not without results. The Void Black Source talent expanded a few centimeters in diameter.

Yun Kun immediately did so, opening a trumpet-shaped crack in the five-color **** thunder and the blood-colored cloud shield.

Countless death monsters saw the gap and swarmed. At the same time, Leo stared at the rift, smiled coldly, and activated the Void Black Source talent.

"Are you going to swallow them all? But Yun Kun will definitely not last so long." Katis obviously didn't approve.

"Maybe, there is no other way now." Leo looked solemn, and as the first wave of death monsters rushed in front of him, the Void Black Source talent was activated, and the infinite gravity instantly swallowed these death monsters and returned to the origin of the world.

A few minutes later, several dead monsters flew into the void and the bee pupae rushed into the void black source to be swallowed, while Leo and Katis almost exclaimed at the same time.

The Void Black Source talent, which was very difficult to improve, suddenly swelled after swallowing tens of thousands of dead monsters. You must know that when it swallowed the sky, it might not be able to swell even for a few days.

"What's the situation? Is it the unique attribute of the death monster, or is it particularly useless to swallow the sky?" Leo was at a loss. The situation in front of UU reading www.uukanshu.com was far beyond his expectations.

Katis was also stunned for several seconds before murmured: "... It's strange, is it because these are independent creatures, and they are extremely high-level, that this happens?"

Leo was puzzled, while maintaining the Void Black Source talent to continuously devour death monsters, he felt this weird power vigilantly.

"At present, there are only benefits, and the temporary disadvantages have not yet been revealed, so watch carefully." Leo was at a loss and alert.

But this time, things were really unexpected. Those powerful death monsters are pushed towards the Void Black Source by the general trend, and every few minutes, the Void Black Source talent will swell. The larger Void Black Source talent will also consume dead monsters faster, which will also lead to a faster expansion.

"Yun Kun, don't run away anymore, defend with all your strength. Other insects, soldiers, and insects, pour blood into Yun Kun!" Leo immediately changed his escape strategy, and was determined to abandon Yun Kun and the entire army to buy time.

As long as the Void Black Source talent reaches a sufficient range, it should be able to protect itself.

Yun Kun stopped his action to save his energy. At the same time, the remaining worms poured blood energy into Yun Kun's body, thus resisting the death legion's siege in the void. And in the only rift in the **** cloud, countless death monsters still rushed forward without fear of life and death, but they were continuously swallowed by the Void Black Source, and a little bit enhanced the scope of the Void Black Source's talent.

"Speaking of these death monsters are a bit like your worm-hive army, not afraid of death at all, fearless." Katis said in a complicated tone.

"...It's a bit like it, so I have more headaches." Leo looked at the death legions that were almost all over the void, helpless for a while.

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