I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 440: Snow crystal water and balance scales

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The owner of the treasure chest, Bogut, is a tree man in a long robe, and he greeted Leo at the door early. After the two parties met, he smiled and said: "The guest is also a collector? I seem to have never seen you in the treasure world."

"I'm just getting started, and I'm very interested in those two things, so I asked the Immortal Phoenix Master to come over and buy them." Leo looked around curiously, looking like a young man who had just entered the collection world.

"That's it... In fact, the treasures of cleaning talent can only be born in the wild, but this thing itself is not very useful, but it is extremely rare. Before the war of the gods, some were brought into the collection of the kingdom of God. Later, the gods fell and the kingdom of the gods drifted into the void and turned into ruins. Some of them were found in the excavation. I happened to collect one of them here. If you need it, we can talk about it.” Bogut said as he walked.

"That's great." Leo Qiang said with a calm expression on his face with excitement.

"Yeah. As for the combat artifacts you want, to be honest, there are not many intact combat artifacts that have been preserved, but a lot of them are incomplete. You have to know that the gods all fell after the war, and almost all of the combat artifacts in your hand were There are few incompleteness, but very few intact. On the contrary, there are a lot of artifacts that are not used in the battle." Bogut said as he took Leo to the depths of the treasure pavilion, picked up a notebook and handed it to Leo.

"This is?" Leo asked suspiciously.

"This is my collection. See if you have anything you want. By the way, only the items marked with a red line below are what I intend to sell. I don't intend to sell them for the time being." Bogut explained with a smile .

Leo nodded suddenly, and began to carefully read the things he had collected.

Sure enough, they are all things that are not used, such as non-special artifacts, some very limited treasures, or most of them are just cultural relics with collection value.

"No wonder it's called a collector." Leo smiled to himself, pointed to the bottle of snow crystal water that was talented in cleaning, and asked: "How do I exchange this?"

Bogut had known Leo's intentions for a long time, so he naturally figured out the price. He stretched out **** and said, "Twenty semi-artifacts or forty demi-god materials I can use."

This is a sky-high price, and it should be that after knowing Leo's needs, the lion opened his mouth.

Leo laughed bitterly, but the Immortal Phoenix Master had reminded that Bogut was so powerful and very wealthy that he could not accept a counter-offer. But this person is very face-saving, very credible, and has never sold fakes, so Leo decides whether to buy or not.

"Your price is really not cheap." Leo gave a wry smile, and took out a bunch of demigod materials from the spoils and left it to Bogut to choose.

Bogut pondered and selected, and it took a while to pick out forty demigod-level materials from the Leo trophies and put them in his arms.

"This is the snow crystal water you want. It comes from the ruins of a certain kingdom of God." Bogut handed the thing to Leo, and said after a pause: "This kind of thing is extremely rare and of no use. No one will I don't think I have too much talent. I take the liberty to ask, what is the use of this? Of course, if it is for privacy, forget it."

Leo shook his head and did not answer. Instead, he pointed to the record of something and asked: "Is this artifact real?"

Bogut froze for a moment, and said solemnly: "Yes, not only is the most powerful artifact in my collection, but also the highest artifact I know. It should be a master artifact. But it is not a battle artifact, but An outrageously high-level weighing object should be the famous balance scale of the master of balance in the myth. The merits and demerits of the weighing target to the world are almost useless to us. Of course, given that it is a unique extant master The price of the artifact will definitely be very high, very high, very high."

Bogut made three high sounds in a row, letting Leo clearly know the value of this thing in his mind, um, the value of collection.

"Well, it's really amazing, but I don't think I can afford it. And I don't need anything to weigh." Leo shook his head and put away his curiosity.

However, at this moment, Katis said excitedly: "Leo, do you want to take a big gamble?"

"Oh?" Leo continued to read the collection notes with a regretful expression, while listening attentively.

"The Balance God System is a very powerful God System, and it is neutral. I once heard a piece of news from a friend. It is said that the balance scale is the key to unlocking the treasure house of the Lord of Balance, and you happen to have the equivalent of the Silver God Child. Power can use the balance scale. In other words, with the balance scale, we are one place away from the treasure house of the master of balance." Katis said solemnly.

Leo fell into deep thought, and after a long time, he said in his heart: "That is to say, if you can't find the treasure house of the Lord of Balance, the Balance Libra will be bought for nothing? Besides, so many ruins of the kingdom of God have appeared, and I haven't seen too much. The artifacts were unearthed, maybe they were all destroyed, right?"

"... You think too much, the hidden place of the gods' treasure house will be beyond your imagination~www.readwn.com~ So although the gods have fallen, their treasure house is hard to be found. Not to mention other gods, I The strength of is very poor, most of the demigods can't beat, but so far my treasure house is still there, no one has noticed." Katis said with a smile.

"This, what's the situation?" Leo asked in surprise.

"This involves a special ability of the gods, that is, the ability to create the kingdom of gods. As long as the gods do not completely fall, the laws of the gods created by them will remain. And the treasure house is naturally the place where the laws of the gods are the most tightly protected, even the strongest. The big demigod passed by, thinking that it was just a piece of sand, a stone, or a shell. It was impossible to think that it was the treasure house of the gods."

Leo understood a bit, thought about it, and turned back to the page of balance scales, looked up and said to Bogut: "Master artifact, I still can't help the desire to store it, you can make a price."

Bogut stared deeply at Leo for a long time, and slowly said, "A thousand semi-sacred artifacts, or two thousand semi-divine-level materials."

Even if Leo was mentally prepared, he was shocked by Bogut's offer at this moment. This is not the lion's big mouth, this is the mouth of the swallowing sky! What is the concept of a thousand semi-artifacts? In the example of Jufeng City, the sum of all the demigods does not necessarily exceed a hundred semi-artifacts. Bogut's offer is equal to twenty times that of a certain medium-sized power, which can no longer be described as a sky-high price.

"Leo, let's go." Katis knew this was an impossible task.

"Can't afford it, maybe one day I have so many semi-artifacts. If I come to you again, you won't increase the price?" Leo returned the record to Bogut, with a little thought in his heart, and asked by the way.

"Unless someone buys it with a thousand semi-artifacts, you can come anytime, and I will never regret it." Bogut said with a smile.

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