I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 444: vote

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"This..." Leo really felt ashamed this time. The artifact shield, the endless glacier scepter, and the sand of time are all rare treasures, and the immortal Phoenix Lord must have paid a great price.

"The last defensive artifact, I really can't help it, I can only look at yourself. I took Xiaoyu to practice, and I heard that you are going to the Xingyao Zhihui? If you don't want to run for councillors, you will only make a profit. Buying and selling, and the participants are all half-god powerhouses, maybe you will have a huge gain." The Immortal Phoenix Master said with some envy.

"Hope." Leo had no confidence in his heart, put away the sands of time, thought about activating Farrell's artifact nurturing talent, one of the three illusory hands appeared, grabbed the endless glacier scepter, and received it. Within the golden illusion.

The incubation will take place in the long time of holding the artifact with three hands, but for hundreds of years, it really won't work if you don't go to the Time and Space Corridor.

"I'm leaving." Leo bid farewell to the Immortal Phoenix Master, and left the City of Gathering Phoenix, and rushed to the City of Thousand Stars to wait for the opening of the Starlight Society.

This time, his purpose is very clear, as long as he fully defends the artifact.

One month passed in a blink of an eye, Leo showed the invitation letter, and under the leadership of an alien servant, walked into the grand council, the largest building in the City of Thousand Stars.

There are a few seats in the huge circular conference hall, which is a full kilometer in diameter. The servant took Leo to a seat, and then came one after another all kinds of foreign races, each sitting a few meters away from each other at a safe distance.

Until the start time of the Starlight Meeting came, there were already a thousand demigods sitting in the entire hall, and I didn't know where so many demigods emerged from the City of Thousand Stars.

An alien wrinkled in a gorgeous gown walked up to the stage and coughed and said, "Everyone, the once-in-a-hundred-year-old Starlight Meeting in the City of Thousand Stars has begun again. This time it is still the old rules. We will choose first. One hundred members, and then the speaker will be elected. As for the election rules, every demigod sitting has the qualifications to participate in the election, but if you are not interested, you can also vote for others, and each one counts one vote. Those who leave early or stand in elections are deemed to have abandoned their right to vote. Now, those who want to participate in the election stand up."

More than 300 demigods stood up, and the old man who presided over arranged them aside, and some servants began to register the information of these people.

The remaining six hundred demigods looked at each other and all smiled.

There is not much competition between them, and they just wait for those congressmen who want to stand for election to canvass votes. After all, the election of councillors in the City of Thousand Stars compares financial resources and eloquence.

"The following will be a ten-day banquet. Of course, the banquet is secondary. While everyone is enjoying the food, more than 300 strong candidates will come up to state their demands and ideas for running for parliament. After the presentation, don’t forget to choose the person you want to vote for."

As the voice fell, tens of thousands of servants cautiously carried fine wine and food, and put them down in front of all the strong one by one. Moreover, there were a few foreign women who accompany each other, and ten days would not be too lonely.

"Now, we have invited Motenila of the Hunu tribe to come to the stage and talk about his aspirations and ideas. Everyone is welcome." The gorgeous robe aliens applauded first.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible for this guy to get any votes, but he should have already got most of the votes he could get. Just when he got on the stage, many people applauded.

Leo calmly picked up the wine glass, drank the wine, and watched an alien man stand on the stage, and began to speak with eloquence about the Hunu people’s difficult life, their ideals and future rewards. The audience continued to applaud. , I don’t know how many transactions and promises were made in secret.

The demigod of the Hunu clan spoke for a full hour, and then walked off the high platform triumphantly, and there was thunderous applause around him.

At this moment, among those who participated in the election, some people stood up one after another, including Mottnella, who had just walked off the platform, and walked towards some demigods separately.

An alien with only a hole in his nose sat next to Leo first.

"Friend, I am Chishuk of the Mocha tribe. I have been in the City of Thousand Stars for many years, and I never seem to have seen you?"

Leo nodded indifferently, and saw some demigods sitting next to a candidate. He knew that the transaction had started, and smiled and said, "I just came to the City of Thousand Stars not long ago."

"Soon? You got the invitation letter soon. You must be very strong. By the way, what's your name?" Qishuk was very flattered.

"Oh, my name is Leo."

Qishuk's eyes widened suddenly, and he lowered his voice and exclaimed: "You are the one who defeated the Luo Shui Clan, killed many demigods on Nagqu Star, and killed the lord of dew that swallowed the sky, Leo?"

"Almost." Leo looked calm. When he reported his name, he knew that his identity could not be concealed~www.readwn.com~ and did not want to conceal it.

"It's too strong, why don't you run for the congressman? If you run for the congressman, you don't need to make a relationship at all. Many people will vote for you." Chishuk asked in surprise.

"...Huh? Isn't it all based on profit to get votes?" Leo frowned.

"... also right, not right. For the general demigods and races, of course, they must bleed a lot in order to become a councillor. But for someone like you who is strong enough to influence the overall situation, we will vote for you, hope You take root in the City of Thousand Stars, so that the City of Thousand Stars will be stronger, and the members of the council will have a higher gold content." Chishuk understood the logic.

Leo pondered for a moment, and understood a little bit.

The stronger the City of Thousand Stars, the higher the gold content of the councillors. Therefore, if superpowers like Leo are willing to run for councillors, many people will decisively vote for Leo for free for long-term considerations and not accounting for immediate interests. .

"I understand, but I have no plans to run for the time being. Okay, we don't have to go around. You guess the time is also very tight. I will just open my terms. I have nothing to worry about in the City of Thousand Stars, I think It’s easy for me to vote for you, just exchange a pure defensive artifact for me. Of course... Don’t be surprised, I don’t want a special artifact that a demigod can use, just a normal artifact, but it must be of perfect quality. , Don't be incomplete." Leo deliberately amplified his voice, and at the same time said his conditions to several demigods who were waiting for the election.

Qishuk and the waiting demigods nearby showed embarrassed expressions at the same time.

"Leo, can't discuss it anymore?" Qishuk clearly didn't have a magical tool, and asked somewhat strugglingly.

Leo thought for a while and said, "Or add a kind of treasure with a purge talent, just these two, I won't accept other things."

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