I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 446: Time and Space Corridor

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"One hundred semi-divine materials, or fifty semi-divine artifacts. This is our choice." The third person was obviously also a little surprised, and immediately took out a note and handed it to Leo.

Leo put away the note and took out a pile of demigod materials in exchange. However, in this way, he almost exchanged most of the gains from killing so many demigods, and suddenly became ashamed.

Leo's election votes were all exchanged. Although he didn't expect the Deep Blue Guardian to exchange for nothing, but since he agreed, he didn't regret it, so he waited for the last day of voting.

"Leo, have you selected the three conceived artifacts?" Katis asked suddenly.

"The endless glacier scepter has begun to conceive, and the heavenly sacred clothing will conceive no matter whether it can integrate power or not. I originally planned to find an attacking artifact, but now I can only choose the shield that the immortal phoenix master gave me." Leo smiled bitterly.

"Why isn't it the Dark Blue Guardian God Armor?" Katis asked with a smile.

"The heavenly sacred clothing is already a defensive artifact, can I still wear two armors. Wait, armor, sacred clothing..."

Leo said that at the end, he also reacted, thinking about it and laughing, "His Majesty, I understand. But this way, I have a dark blue guardian armor outside, a heavenly sacred garment in the middle, and black iron inside. Is the Zhan Zu talent too hard?"

"If the heavenly sacred clothing can really integrate the multiple powers of your body, it is of inestimable value to you. It can be used even in the star gods. You can directly use it to resist reluctance. In this case, the deep blue guardian **** armor outside is very good. It's necessary. As for attacking artifacts, isn't Endless Glacier Scepter just attacking artifacts?" Katis laughed.

Leo rolled his eyes, unable to imagine his own melee combat ability, but relying on spells to fight the scene.

"For the time being, when I get a melee attack artifact that day, I still have to go back to the path of melee after all." A thought flashed in Leo's mind and he immediately relaxed.

The Starlight Society slowly passed, and after all the candidates made statements, the voting officially began.

Leo didn't know these empty powerhouses at all, let alone all aliens, and didn't care who was elected. In addition, his strength is amazing and he is not afraid of threats from others. No one dared to coerce him into breaching the contract, so he chose to vote publicly. After voting according to the name of the note, he was ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, sir, as a member of the City of Thousand Stars, we have prepared a gift for you. It is a large piece of land around Dew Manor. Please accept it." Just a few steps out of Leo, there is a job. The officer stopped him and handed him a title deed.

"Oh?" Leo opened the title deed, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In addition to the title deed, there is also a medal with eight characters written as Honorary Member of the City of A Thousand Stars.

"This is..." Leo took the medal.

"My lord, this is the Honorary Member Medal. Although it does not have much authority, but... If there is no accident, you can use this medal to participate in the next 100-year general election." The staff respectfully explained.

Leo pondered, nodded, put away the medal, and left the council in stride. As for the subsequent vote calculations and inaugural speeches for members and speakers, Leo is too lazy to participate.

After that, he did not return to Jufeng City again, and flew straight from the void to the Time and Space Corridor.


In an extremely dark star field, everything is distorted, even if metal enters here, it will slowly be distorted by the invisible force, appearing in all kinds of weird shapes.

Leo only withstood this distortion with seven-level physical strength, and flew to a deeper place carefully.

"The space-time corridor is a kind of void phenomenon, there are not many, but not too many. However, each space-time corridor has a different degree of danger. Space-time shock is secondary, and the key depends on whether the space-time beasts inside are powerful." Tell Leo what you know.

"The Lord of Colored Glaze had been to the Space-Time Corridor once, and it can be seen that there is also a place on the barren side." Leo replied and moved forward cautiously.

"The greater the twist, the greater the difference between the flow of time and the outside time. Do your best. You can't use your talent here, or you won't be able to hold it with more leaves. When you reach the limit, don't move forward." Persuade.

Leo nodded, and flew forward for a few days, feeling a pain in his body, and stopped moving forward immediately.

The three artifacts, the Endless Glacier Scepter, the Sky God Clothes, and the Deep Blue Guardian God Armor, had long been concealed by Leo's inoculation talent, and they began to be bred in the body. However, when he arrived at the Time and Space Corridor, he suddenly realized that there was nothing to do.

It didn't take him any energy to conceive, just simply income from the body, and time to conceive.

"This..." Leo felt a little surprised, and began to think about what to do in the past few hundred years, so that these lifespans were not wasted in vain.

After thinking about it, Leo had two routes. After thinking about it, he wanted to ask: "His Majesty, I have been idle for hundreds of years. Do you think it is better for me to deduce the demigod spell to the **** level? It is better to practice the Kongjue strong body art. ?"

"Of course it is Kongjue Strengthening Body Art~www.readwn.com~ Once a spell is deduced to the **** level, even the gods will take hundreds of years. Is it that easy? Even though you have eaten the sacred fruit of wisdom , But it has not been enshrined, and the level is far from enough, and it may not be possible for tens of thousands of years. Secondly, you must go to Time Lost Dreamland to find the body of that Time Lost Dream Beast in the future, right? Time Lost Dreamland cannot be cultivated. But spells can be deduced, so of course this time is to practice Kongjue Strengthening Body Art." Katie replied without hesitation.

Leo felt reasonable, and immediately took out the dragon blood of the wind-eroded dragon, and began to practice the Kongjue Strengthening Technique day and night.

In the space-time corridor, time passed by like flowing water. Leo's Kong Jue-strength physique continued to improve, from the beginning to the seventh level, slowly to the seventh intermediate, the seventh advanced, the seventh super, and then the seventh extreme. . After being stuck for eleven years, he broke through and was promoted to the eighth level.

After reaching the eighth level, Leo's physical strength increased sharply, his endurance increased again, and he ventured further into the corridor of time and space.

Surprisingly, he still didn't encounter the space-time beast.

One hundred and thirteen years later, Kong Jue's strong body art broke through to level 9. Leo once again flew forward carefully for a long way, but he still did not encounter a time and space beast.

"That's not right, although the number of space-time beasts is very rare, but how can you say that you have been here for hundreds of years, how could it be possible that a space-time beast has not encountered it?" Katis was very puzzled.

Leo blinked, also feeling a bit weird.

In fact, it wasn't just the time beast, even the most sinister time and space shock for Leo in the time and space corridor had not been encountered, resulting in the sand of time not being consumed. This was another weird thing.

"You won't be the illegitimate child of the void, are you? With that kind of magical talent, this kind of weird situation appears again in the corridor of time and space." Katis said a little amused.

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