I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 448: Water of creation

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"This is also a big problem. My strongest attack right now is to use the Endless Glacier Scepter, but if it can only last for one second, it will exhaust the ice energy and cause the ice wind to become unbalanced, so I don't dare to use it under normal circumstances. It is the sky of the sky. You can use it for a few minutes. After that, it will be a melee battle. This can last for a long time." Leo trusts the Immortal Phoenix Master very much. Except for some big secrets, these combat powers have no meaning to hide her.

The Immortal Phoenix Lord thought for a while, shook his head and said, "If you can't kill Trafolte at one time, after he escapes, he will kill you with endless monsters of death, you can't hold on."

This is not that Leo can't hold on, it's that anyone can't hold on, even if the gods can only escape under the siege of infinite death monsters.

"I heard you mentioned before that your bloodthirsty legion could not be replenished in the Death Star Region, so it was defeated?" As the Immortal Phoenix Master asked, a complicated expression flashed on his face.

"Yes. They are all white bones, zombies, and even ghosts that don't even have corpses. They don't have a trace of flesh and blood at all. The Bloodthirsty Legion can't be replenished and can only be consumed slowly." Leo answered with a frown.

Death monsters can be regarded as the nemesis of the Worm's Nest army.

"Have you heard of the Defiled Clan?" The Immortal Phoenix Master asked slowly.

Leo shook his head.

"This is a unique race living in a star field with an extremely harsh environment. The place is sometimes hot like hell, and sometimes cold like a polar region. Except for some low-level creatures that are heat-resistant and cold-resistant, they are not suitable for life, but there is a low-level race. They survived in this environment. Their strength is generally not high, but they can eat everything. When they are hungry, even eating dirt can make them survive. I went looking for hot materials and lived there for a while, and I found out The appetite of the dirty food tribe is simply amazing. Not to mention the corpse, dry bones, even the clothes with a trace of water, sand and stones, and the bones of some tribesmen. They can eat cleanly and absorb nourishment from it. Part, to maintain life." The Immortal Phoenix Master explained the characteristics of this low-level race.

Leo thought for a while and his eyes brightened and said: "A very suitable race. If they can get supplements from the dead bones, they should be able to cope with the Death Legion. However, Feng Master, supplementation is one aspect. In fact, the bigger problem is the lack of strength of the Legion. , My subordinates are only at level nine, but Death Star Domain doesn’t know how many demigods are lurking. This is the most incomprehensible. So this time I don’t plan to take the legion over, but use another method."

The Immortal Phoenix Master blinked, knowing that this must have something to do with Leo's deeper secrets, so he didn't ask any more, and solemnly said, "Be careful."

Leo nodded, and returned to Jufeng City together, reunited with Xingying mother and daughter for a day, then left Jufeng City and rushed to Scorpion Venom Star. Under the protection of the Worm Nest army, he took out the Bowl of Creation.

The milky white water droplets rippling in the bowl almost overflowed.

"Do you plan to strengthen that talent first?" Katis asked.

"Of course it is the mysterious little tree." Leo didn't hesitate to activate the mysterious little tree talent, and took a sip of the milky white liquid in the bowl of creation.

As a result, there was no response.

"What's the situation?" Leo was taken aback, thinking about activating the Void Black Source talent, but still no response. He looked weird. If he hadn't seen the memory of the Hydra Lord, he would have thought that the Bowl of Creation was a fake.

Next came the three-body talent, but there was still no response. By now, Leo's mood calmed down. According to the degree of importance, the fourth one activated the talent for cultivating the artifact.

Still no response.

"Fifth... Black Iron War Ancestor or Bright God Phoenix?" Leo was in a calm mood, but he hesitated in the talent selection, and finally chose the Dark Iron War Ancestor talent.

This time, the milky white water finally reacted, frantically pouring into the golden illusion of the Black Iron War Ancestor, and began to increase its power. The pain was extremely severe, but unlike swallowing the crystal marrow, this kind of unexpectedly still carried a sober power, and it was impossible to resist with a coma.

"... It hurts." Leo gritted his teeth and made plans to scream for three days and three nights like the Hydra master back then. As a result, an accident happened, and the pain quickly disappeared, and most of the water of the first wound was retained.

Leo and Katis were silent for a while, and Katis first shouted: "I understand!"

Leo was taken aback for a moment, and the dim thoughts in his mind suddenly became clear, and he yelled: "I also understand. Your Royal Highness, is there a limit to this water of creation promotion talent, and the limit should be Demigod limit talent. The closer the talent is to the limit, the more limited the effect it can improve, and the less water it consumes."

Katys then said: "Yes, it should be like this. The mysterious little tree, the void black source, the trisomy and the nurturing talent have all exceeded its promotion limit~www.readwn.com~ it can't improve them, naturally there is no Reaction. Although the talent of the Dark Iron War Ancestor can be improved, it is close to the demigod limit talent, so it only consumes a little. Leo, you can try the light **** phoenix, the five-color **** thunder and exile, these three origins The talents should also be close to their limits, and they will hardly consume too much. Only the Worm Nest talents, Heart-Troubled Race, and Shadow Walk are low-level talent enhancements. The water of creation is more useful. You have to choose them carefully."

Leo thought the same way, activating the Bright God Phoenix, the Five Color God Thunder, and the exile talent in turn, but the result was quite different from what the two expected.

The bright **** phoenix talent had absorbed a quarter of the water of creation, and Leo drank three consecutive sips before satisfying it. It seemed that the incompleteness was more serious. The five-color divine thunder absorbed about one-ninth of the bowl, not too much but not too much, but the exile technique did not absorb it at all. It seems that its power has been fixed and will no longer be improved.

"Next, it's time to choose the remaining three talents." Leo thought silently in his heart, beating a few times between the Worm Nest talent, Confusing Heart Race, and Shadow Walk, and selected the Worm Nest talent.

Although this talent is useless for high-level combat, it is after all a super talent for one person to form an army. It brings too much convenience, so it is naturally preferred.

But unexpectedly, the Worm Nest talent almost did not absorb the water of creation, which means that Leo's own Worm Nest talent and the original Li Mo's Worm Nest talent complement each other, which has pushed this talent to the limit.

"Wandering in the shadows, or the talent of the Confusion Race?" Leo still thought about the last two talents, and chose the Confusion Race talent.

He still understands the truth that Qianjun is easy to get a general and is hard to find. Moreover, the Confusion Clan's talent is clearly severely flawed, and Leo intends to take the opportunity to complete it.

But surprisingly, the talent of the Confusion Race actually did not react with the Water of Creation.

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