I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 455: Block the way

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In the wild and former territory of the God Fire Clan, a young man from the God Fire Clan wearing a gorgeous armor paled. He gritted his teeth and ignited a hot flame on his right hand, pressing on the place where his left arm was severed.

The smell of burnt flesh came, and his severed left arm quickly scorched, but it also stopped the flow of blood.

"It's over, everything is over, Shenhuo Lake has been breached, and from then on, my clan will lose its foundation and go into exile in the wild." As soon as the bleeding stopped, the teenager cried out in grief.

By his side, in twos and threes, there were also several teenagers who also wore gorgeous armors, but almost all had scars of varying severity.

"Judy, hurry up, it's not safe here. This time the Crimson Legion of the Human Blood Moon Kingdom is chasing us. Those birdmen can fly higher. Only by escaping into the jungle can we get rid of their vision and get a glimmer of life. Fathers Don't waste the vitality that you have won for us by doing everything and sacrificing your lives. Hurry up and go." Another teenager pulled the shoulder of the boy with a broken arm and pulled him to his feet.

"Father? Damn human race, mom, dad, grandpa. No, it's all gone... No, I'm going to fight them!!!" At this time, a young man of the Shenhuo clan who was not seriously injured but had red eyes suddenly roared With a sound, he turned and rushed back.

A young man from the Shenhuo clan who had already seen something wrong attacked him with a punch, knocking the guy stunned, and shook his head sadly.

"Hurry up and take Tate on our back, and we will leave at once. In the entire human legion, the Crimson Legion of the Blood Moon Kingdom is very ordinary, but their main task is to detect, and it will be over if they find it. Moreover, their leader is the Crimson Queen. The well-known strong man on the human race's strength is at least level 8 or above. Many strong men of our race have fallen into her hands. Therefore, resistance is not realistic at all." After the leader of the Shenhuo Clan said, he waved his hand. Take other people to the jungle a few kilometers away.

"Quick, quick!!!" The teenager kept yelling as they ran, as they were getting closer and closer to the jungle.

At this moment, a black spot appeared in the distant sky.

"No, it's the spies of the Scarlet Feathers." A young man had just finished shouting, and the black spot seemed to see everyone, and a firework rose into the sky.

Everyone's faces became pale.

"Don't give up, as long as we escape into the dense forest, we still have a chance." The leader of the Shenhuo Clan boy gritted his teeth and rushed forward with a roar.

The others recovered and rushed to the dense forest desperately.

Two kilometers, one kilometer, nine hundred meters, eight hundred meters, and seven hundred meters. . . In a blink of an eye, a group of people had ran to a place fifty meters away from the edge of the dense forest, and the vitality was right in front of them.

However, at this moment, everyone saw a flower, a beautiful crimson feather tribe woman wearing a plain armor stopped in front of them, looking to the shoulder, and gently teasing a small stop on the shoulder with her fingers. Chicken.

"...The desperate moment is right in front of you, don't keep everyone, she is only one person, we can rush into the jungle if we kill her." A young Shenhuo clan roared wildly with red eyes.

Everyone was eager to try, but the strange thing was that the leading teenager never gave an order.

"Fat, what's the matter? She is only one person, so many of us can't beat her?" The screaming boy was a little puzzled, turned his head to look at the leader of the godhuo clan boy, only then found the leader of the godhuo clan boy His face was gray, drops of sweat rolled from his forehead, and even his hands were still shaking.

"Why, what's wrong?" At this moment, the others finally realized something was wrong.

The young sacred fire clan leader named Fat wiped his sweat, slowly calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "It is said that no matter where the Scarlet Queen appears, there is always a cub of the sacred fire bird, the flaming bird, resting on his shoulders. .Because it is one of the demigods most worshipped by our Shenhuo clan, this incident spreads widely among the high-levels. I once heard about it by chance."

"What do you mean...she, she is the Scarlet Queen?" The roaring teenager was stunned for a moment, turned his head and stared at the scarlet feather tribe woman who was leisurely teasing the chicken in front of him, desperate feeling welled up in his heart.

After a short silence, a burly young man of the God Fire race rushed up with a weapon frantically, and shouted: "What about the Scarlet Queen? Anyway, it's death. I don't want to catch it with my hands. I have to fight it anyway!!!"

With a hint of playfulness hung on the corner of the woman’s mouth, she turned her head to look at the rushing sacred fire youth. She stretched out her hand, and a flame fusion storm bounced from her fingertips. In the blink of an eye, she changed from the thickness of her fingers to a pillar of flames with a thickness of ten meters. A young man who lives in the fire clan.

The screams of screams were endless, and the young man of the Shenhuo clan struggled for more than ten seconds before he was burnt to charcoal alive.

"It's cruel. Crimson Queen, although you are powerful, you are nothing but a foreign race to the Human Race. You can't get real trust. It's better to take the Crimson Feather Race and leave with us. The wilderness is vast, with your strength, is it? Are you afraid that you can’t find a place to stay for your tribe?” The young leader turned his eyes and started to persuade~www.readwn.com~ The Scarlet Queen smiled at the corner of her mouth, turned her head to tease the little chicken, and said with a chuckle. : "Chat, they told me to betray the master, can you say it?"

The little chicken nodded quickly.

Shivana stretched out her finger and flicked the little chicken, and said with a smile: "Stupid, the master is so powerful, he is already a demigod powerhouse, you told me to betray the master? Very good, when the master returns, I will take what you mean. Tell him, I don’t know if he likes braised chicken or fried chicken."

The little chicken on his shoulders was so scared that he was full of excitement, and quickly pounced to Shivana's palm, smashing and selling cute.

Shivana smiled, her eyes turned to the leader of the Shenhuo Clan teenager, her expression turned indifferent, and she calmly said: "Look, you don't agree with chattering, so you should die too."

The young people of the Shenhuo clan escaped without saying a word.

Shivana sneered, a ring of wind and fire enveloped the kilometer range like lightning, and then slowly shrank.

"This is the wind spark ring. Once it shrinks to the limit, your ending is self-evident. Go hard, young people, break the shackles, I can promise never to chase you down again." Shivana smiled and sighed slightly. In the eyes of the young Shenhuo Clan, it was so hateful.

"Flush!!!" Several young people of the God Fire clan rushed to the edge of the wreath with a loud shout, and then were swept and lit by the power of wind and fire, turning them into human-shaped candles. Only the leading young man and a few smart people did not charge in vain, watching Shivana silently.

How can the spells of the eighth-level powerhouse break through with them?

Suddenly a young man of the Godfire clan knelt down in front of Shivana, crying bitterly: "... Your Excellency, forgive me. I am the grandson of Adeni, the elder of the Godfire clan. , I am willing to dedicate all the treasures to adults."

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