I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 464: Bubble illusion

"I never die? This is what I came from. However, I still have to explain the truth, otherwise people think that Leo is an untrustworthy person. Let me explain first, I said that the grievances with Moonlight Dragon City have ended, but Closing does not mean that I can be bullied by you at will. I didn’t expect that after the incident was over, no one should owe anyone, but you would actually provoke the thief to persecute me, which is really despicable. That’s all, the problem is stealing. Don’t you know the trick of the devil? He wanted to steal someone close to me before he could count me. One of my closest servants died because of this. Even if you Moonlight Dragon City want peace talks today, I will use Dragon City One The lives of a hundred dragons will make up for it!" Leo's angry voice echoed throughout Moonlight Dragon City.

"Nonsense, what does the stealing devil matter have to do with our Dragon City?" The Lord of Colored Glass glanced at the dark golden hammer, then looked at the dark blue guardian **** armor on Leo, obviously already seeing something. Unusually solemn resolution.

It’s a good idea, it’s worth installing, after all, you can cache books and read them offline!

"Hahahaha!" Leo looked up to the sky and laughed.

"What are you laughing at!" The Lord of Liuli squeezed Baiyue's hand and asked coldly.

"What am I laughing at? I laugh at you Moonlight Dragon City who dare to be the No. 1 Dragon City in the wild. You don't want to think about the role of the thief. If you want to use him, is he stupid to be used by you? If you don’t know I’ll say it again, the body thief didn’t come to me as soon as he got the news, but wanted to know who gave him the news. Did you miss a few giants in Moonlight Dragon City more than ten years ago? Dragon? That was the hand of the thief, he confirmed who sent the message, and after the incident, he realized that this is not a trap, and then set out to find me. Lord of Liuli, Lord of Liuli, take out a bit of wildness Don't keep quibbling about the temperament of the first strong and the third strong in Infinite Void, this will only make me look down on you." Leo said with a sneer.

The giant dragons everywhere in Dragon City recalled the serial disappearance case of more than ten years at the same time, and believed 70% to 80% of what Leo said in their hearts, and their expressions naturally became a little stiff.

The Lord of Colored Glaze did not say a word, and his face was very gloomy and said, "What do you want?"

"How about? I just said that if one hundred giant dragon lives, to repay the blood debt, I will let go of Moonlight Dragon City. This is still up to someone's face. Otherwise, after today, Moonlight Dragon City will not Re-existence." Leo's arrogant words immediately caused all the dragons in Moonlight Dragon City to sneer.

The Lord of Colored Glass is the third strongest.

"...Okay, it seems that you have gained a lot over the years, but I want to see how you make the Moonlight Dragon City cease to exist." The Lord of Colored Glaze finished coldly, with the crescent moon in his hand like snow, and countless silver moonlight flying slashed. Xiang Leo.

"Is this annoyed and turned into anger? Lord of Liuli, your qualifications are not enough!" Leo taunted, while activating the deep blue guardian **** armor. The light of the white moon that killed him in seconds back then can only cause ripples in the deep blue light, and it can't hurt him at all.

"I have seen the blade of the white moon, and then I will see how strong your dark moon armor is. If you can't stop me, then don't blame me for being polite, I will accept the life of a hundred dragons. Leo laughed, his figure appeared above the Master of Colored Glaze like lightning, and the dark golden hammer blasted out. A layer of black armor appeared on the Master of Colored Glaze, and the dark golden hammer fell on the armor, as if nothing was left.

Countless dragons in Longcheng watched this scene with bated breath and couldn't help cheering loudly.

"What a weird Darkmoon Armor!" Leo was startled, and suddenly countless glaze bubbles flew out in front of him, like bubbles blown by a child.

This didn't stop there. The Mis locks were activated almost at the same time, which produced some drag effects on Leo, greatly reducing his speed. But the strange thing is that Mishou has no effect on these bubbles, nor will it affect the Lord of Colored Glass.

If it weren't for Leo's superposition of the Dark Iron War Ancestor, Trisolaran, and Bright Blessing talents, the power between gestures and actions is powerful and terrifying, combined with the locks laid by the entire Dragon City can suppress the demigod miserably.

"This method." Leo snorted disdainfully, and the demigod domain rapidly expanded, constantly repelling the locks and bubbles around him, and the three forces began to compete for space.

At this moment, the master of Liuli whispered from countless bubbles: "Foam illusion, Liuli Baiyue!"

Leo was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly found that the phantom of the Rainbow Lord appeared in the glaze bubbles at the same time, holding the White Moon Blade and slashing at him.

Countless dreamy bubbles of white light chopped out from every colored glaze bubble. Leo couldn't tell where the Lord of Glazed Glass was. He could only cover his body with the dark blue guardian **** armor, resisting the strange and incomparable blow of the Lord of Glazed Glaze.

The demigod realm was instantly broken, and countless white lights were equally sharp. It seemed that the bubble illusion of the Lord of Glazed Glass had divided the divine artifact White Moon Blade into countless pieces, and simultaneously slashed towards Rio.

However, with the bred talents, the Deep Blue Guardian God Armor is already comparable to the Star Artifact~www.readwn.com~, and although the blow of the Lord of Glazed Glass is extremely wonderful, it is not as powerful as Trafolt after all. It looks ordinary, but In fact, the Death Scythe, which was already close to the Star Artifact, was hit by the Deep Blue Guardian God Armor calmly and without any damage.

"This is impossible, even if the defensive artifact, it is impossible to completely withstand my strongest blow without damage!" Amidst the sky full of colored glaze bubbles, came the unbelievable exclamation of the master of colored glaze.

"Really? That means your attack is weak. But these bubbles of yours are quite annoying. I really can't find your real body. It looks like they must be cleaned up." Leo sneered and figured it out. A pair of small coffins hit the lid of the coffin one by one, and billowing green smoke gushed out, with unparalleled corrosive power, it spread wildly around.

At first glance, the green smoke knew that it was not a good thing. The glazed foam and the power of the lock were both exerting force at the same time, trying to forcibly confine the green smoke. But this is the green smoke emitted by the special artifact. It is extremely powerful, and the mysterious locks burst, and the glaze-colored bubbles collapsed, but it still couldn't stop the spread of the green smoke.

"All the dragons should leave Moonlight Dragon City immediately." The Lord of Colored Glaze's voice was full of anger. With the sound, countless white lights slashed towards the green smoke, but like a billion-dollar blade slashing towards the smoke, it could only be shredded. Can't stop it.

Moonlight Dragon City looked like it was going to be destroyed.

"Leo Gresch! If the Moonlight Dragon City is destroyed today, I swear I will use all means to destroy your cherished Blood Moon Kingdom, as well as the Gresch family!" At the last moment, the Lord of Colored Glaze used a decisive stance. Said in his tone.

Leo was silent for a moment. Seeing that most of the locks and bubbles had disappeared, the Lord of Colored Glass also appeared, and the billowing green smoke suddenly flowed back into the coffin artifact. Then he put away the coffin artifact, stretched out his right hand and grabbed it imaginarily, the endless glacier scepter turned from nothingness to reality, and held it in Leo's hand.

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