I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 474: Extraordinary transaction

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Only then did Delaron recovered from the shock, and looked at each other with Casorodi, and said with complicated expressions: "Leo, you are also the speaker now, and you don’t need to call me an adult anymore. I feel I’m sorry. I’m sorry. And it’s not just me, I’m also the speaker. You don’t need to call adults anymore for everyone else. We are all colleagues of the same rank, so let’s be commensurate with our names."

Leo pondered for a moment, and it made sense to think about it, and nodded in acquiescence.

Delaron seemed to be relieved, and the topic turned and said: "If she comes forward, of course it's okay. It's best to disguise it. Anyway, there are many types of Wild Feather Races, so they say that they are other Feather Races from afar and should be eliminated. Quite wary."

"Then, let's talk." Leo got up and planned to leave.

"Wait, what is the choice of the Blood Moon Kingdom?" Delaron stopped Leo.

Leo then remembered the incident and shook his head: "The homeland is hard to leave, and the blood moon still chooses to stay."

"I knew it." Delaron turned to look at Casorodi and said, "You can tell."

Leo looked at Casorodi unexpectedly.

"Yes, the Mystery Empire is not short of population. It just so happens that in this war, the Mystery Empire is the empire closest to the border, and the territory it acquired is also the closest to the Blood Moon Kingdom. My younger emperor intends to use the newly acquired territory, In exchange for the power of the Blood Moon Kingdom to open up a new empire. After the Blood Moon Kingdom has acquired those lands, although the scope is still a little short of the empire's territory, it is also considered to be one of the most expansive kingdoms in the kingdom." Casorodi explained.

It turned out that this was his purpose.

Leo blinked and knew immediately that this was an illegal operation, purely because of his demigod face. Originally, the qualifications grabbed by all parties, such as the development of a new empire, would be invalidated. How could there be any transfer? But why did the Blood Moon Kingdom hug Leo's thigh? Thus, there was this special deal for the Mystery Empire.

"...I will contact King Olaf now." Although Leo knew that Olaf would definitely agree, he still made a gesture.

"Well, let's have a good chat with Shivana, and wait for your news." Casorodi nodded and watched Leo leave. Then he turned to look at Shivana, a trace of complex emotions flashed in his heart.

Assigning a task to a demigod is really the first time in his life. But the problem is that the demigod in front of him is still respectful and listens carefully.

He knew exactly where this respect came from.


"How can this happen? Master Leo, thanks to you, otherwise the Mystery Empire will definitely not propose such a deal. As far as I know, the qualifications of the new empire, the Mystery Empire sideline has a great opportunity." Olaf said gratefully to the shadow mirror.

"... It's still a bit different. Although the Mystery Empire really looks at my face, this transaction is also good for them. Originally, the qualifications to compete for the new empire can only be collateral, but emotionally, how can the collateral be compared to the direct relationship? Get close? After the transaction, the collaterals of the Mystery Empire will definitely lose their bargaining chips and are not eligible to compete for the new empire. Naturally, all the bargaining chips have become direct lines to open up the new empire." Leo also thought through the matter of the Mystery Empire reward.

Limited to the parliamentary regulations, it can only fully support the qualifications of the sidelines to compete for the new empire, how can it be compared to exchanging an enclave that cannot be connected together in exchange for the direct descendants to obtain 100% of the qualifications for the development of a new empire?

What's more, you can still sell Leo a favor.

"Nevertheless, there would be no such strange thing without you." Olaf understood this and said gratefully.

"Yes, I am also a member of the Blood Moon Kingdom." Leo said politely, and the topic turned to another thing: "Sivana served in the Blood Moon these years, but after this war, there will be After a long period of cultivation, I want to make a request to your majesty to let Shivana leave the army with the Scarlet Feathers."

The promoted demigod Shivana is no longer suitable for serving in the blood moon army, and the sky servant cores have not been consumed yet. Because of the ultra-fast promotion characteristics of the Crimson Feathers, Leo can completely smash a large number of cores in the future and then train them. There are many crimson feather tribes that are not inferior to Shivana, so it is necessary to hold the entire crimson feather tribe in his hands again.

"Master Shivana has helped me a lot over the years, but she is yours, so she naturally decides whether to stay or stay according to your will." Although Olaf was a little bit disheartened, he understood that Leo was only polite and agreed. Come down.

He really didn't trust the foreign race enough, and it was not a pity that the Scarlet Feathers had left. The only pity was that Shivana, the strong man, left.

"Well, that's fine." Leo smiled slightly, disconnected the camera lens, and went to reply to Casorodi.


Three days later, the Glory Empire, Huangye Hill.

Leo stood on a small hill, looked at the endless orchard, and frowned secretly.

In the vicissitudes of life, the Minghuo Mountain Range has become a hill of yellow leaves. But Huangye Hill is still too big, it is not easy to find the hometown of Vidnina~www.readwn.com~.

"It seems that we have to seek Leyla's help." Leo sighed and took out the shadow mirror. It took a while for Layla to respond.

"Unexpectedly, you would contact me. The funeral news you held for the servant has been in my ear these days. It has become the hottest topic in the noble circle. Correspondingly, you have also become countless noble ladies. The dream lover of. Anyway, as far as I know, the noble ladies I know regard you as the first choice for choosing a mate, and some even just ask you for a spring night, although they also know that this is just a fantasy." Layla connected After the mirror, he began to joke about Leo.

"Um... We haven't seen each other for many years, right? You don't want to tease me like that if you meet?" Leo's mouth twitched, and he smiled bitterly.

"Okay, okay, even though I'm telling the truth, the most powerful person like you obviously doesn't care about such small things. Well, you have something to do with me?" Layla blinked, very clever guessing Tao.

Leo nodded silently.

The household register that records the address of Vidnina is not collected by ordinary libraries, only the official has it. Unless Leo makes a destructive search, he, as a member of Parliament, must maintain the social order of the human race, so he must use Layla.

"What makes a demigod powerhouse like you helpless?" Layla continued to tease.

Leo said helplessly: "Help me find the birthplace of an eighth-level sorcerer named Vednina. She is a figure 20,000 years ago, and she fell in the short war with the Huoxin tribe. Because she was in the beginning. He is a member of the Honor Empire, so the Honor Empire should have such household registration records."

Laila brushed her hair lazily, and smiled: "I thought it was something big, it turned out to be such a small thing. No problem, give me a few days."

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