I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 494: Ban

Stephanie led Leo in the empty laboratory, and at the same time said leisurely: "Master, special artifacts can only be forged by gods, but we can't use ordinary artifacts. Who is interested in taking this? And the commander we left behind They are all devout believers of their respective gods. Trafolte is the subordinate of the Lord of Death. He is extremely pious to the Lord of Death. He thinks about how to return the Lord every day and how can he take the laboratory at will. Something? I dared to mess around with things in the laboratory because I believed in another **** in the underworld, separated from the ruler of death."

  Leo understood a little bit, and didn't want to test the eyes of slavery and the stronger faith. After walking with Steine ​​for more than ten minutes, he finally saw a very big table.

   is about fifty meters wide and nearly three hundred meters long, and it is full of various things.

"Master, you are lucky. It is said that there is a storage room in the laboratory where most of the items that are not used temporarily are stored there. Only the death master knows the method of opening. The test table is usually used now. It just so happens that the final experiment of Death Dominator will use the law crystal, otherwise I’m afraid it’s out of play.” Stani flew to the huge table with some joy, rolled up some transparent crystals and flew back, and handed them respectfully to Leo. .

  "...So much?" At this moment, Leo was a little shocked.

   In fact, there are not many crystals left by the Death Lord, only three. But the problem is that the size of the death dominator is there, and the law crystal placed on the fifty-meter-wide table can probably be guessed how big it is.

   Every one is the size of a human head!

   "I'll go." Not only Leo was dumbfounded, even Katis was dumbfounded, and rarely sweared.

   can't blame her for being surprised. When she was building the artifact, she exhausted all her energy and ran around, but she only obtained a nail-sized crystal. But what happened to these three human-sized crystals?

   But with her strength, it is estimated that even the demigod may not have been robbed, which is not surprising.

   "What the **** does the Lord of Death want to build, so many law crystals are needed?" Leo asked in shock.

   "This seems to have been mentioned by Trafolte. At first, the Lord of Death wanted to create a super artifact that can attract the dead from other worlds, so so many law crystals were prepared." Sidney thought for a while and said.

   Other worlds? Stani is definitely talking about other worlds in the chaos, because the dead in many worlds of the void have long been within the control of the death dominator. Leo didn't expect the Death Lord to have such ambitious ambitions. He flew up to the experimental table in amazement and discovered a dozen unrecognizable metals.

   "Didn't the notes remain?" Leo thought for a while and wanted to ask.

Stephanie smiled bitterly and said: "Master, you think too much. Only the experiment notes that the death dominator thinks are useless to him will be thrown away in the laboratory, and no one in the laboratory can take it away anyway. The experiment is in progress. Note, he must have carried it with him." She said, pointing to a huge bookshelf.

   On a bookshelf the size of a building, there are countless notes densely packed. Leo was taken aback for a moment, and quickly rushed over, sweeping all the books on the shelf into the Holy Prison.

  Since I did the first year of the junior high school, I did it even on the fifteenth day. Leo turned his head, swept away all the unknown materials on the experimental table, and moved into the Holy Prison. If it weren't for the bookshelf and experiment table to be too big, it is estimated that even these two pieces would not be left.

  Stephenie looked stunned.

   "What else?" Nashuang Leo shouted again.

  Stephene shook her head stiffly.

  Although I know there is a storage room?   But Leo hasn't found it after looking for it for a long time?   I can only give up helplessly.

  After getting the law crystal?  Leo asked about Addis.

   "Master, this may be difficult. He was very alert and fled with a little disturbance. The problem is that his speed is too fast, I can't catch up with him." Stephanie smiled bitterly.

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, can change the source books to read Mimi\w\w\w\.\m\i\m\i\r\e\a\d\.\c\o\ m  !

   Rio recalled the weird speed of Addis' skeletal Pegasus, and immediately understood Stani's helplessness.

  "...Why did he obey Trafolte's orders in the first place?" Leo asked with a frown.

"Master?   Two reasons. First, the **** he believes in is the slave **** dominated by death?   Second?   If Trafolt is within 100 meters of Addis, once he is locked to activate the Death Scythe suit, Addis is Can't escape and can't resist it?   So Addis will obey Trafolte's orders." Steine ​​smiled bitterly.

  Leo pondered for a moment, with a plan in his heart, he told Sdini a few times, and he drove the Styx boat to leave the Death Star Region?   flew to the Creator World.

  The void that used to take years and months to fly?  It was like a smooth journey under the magical power of this unknown level of the Styx boat?  In just a few hours, Leo arrived in the void outside of the Creator World.

   He found a hidden star and hid, separated the body from the body, and instilled the power of the ice wind back into the body.

   Only stealing evil power is left in the split body, so the loss can be quickly recovered.

"Such strength is almost enough." Split took a few split law crystals from Leo's hand, turned and flew into the void, and it didn't take long to get close to the creation world, feeling an unbelievably powerful gravitational force appearing. . UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

  With the power of a demigod, it can barely resist without interference, but it already needs to go all out. No wonder this place will become a place for many people to slay their opponents.

   The split body did not resist, letting gravity pull him towards the world of Chuangshen, penetrate the barrier and enter the sky of the world of Chuangshen.

   Just then, a strange scene appeared. As soon as he entered the barrier of the Creator World, Leo felt that the split body was rapidly decomposing, and when he dived for kilometers in the sky, the split body was about to disappear.

  Leo's consciousness projection could no longer be maintained. He awakened in his body, standing with a livid face, shocked by the power and irresistibility of the main god's law.

  The law of creating the world of Gods forbids all extraordinary powers, including the split abilities of the three-body talent.

   "What a weird world." Leo's face was uncertain. He is not willing to go back to the world of Creation God to take risks and re-taste the taste of strength-even if the body still has 9th-level strong physical skills, the world of Creation God still has more than 9th-level power, and it is a little dangerous after all.

After thinking about it, Leo had to return to the Scorpion Venom Star once, brought back ten seventh-level insect soldiers, knocked ten sugar cube-sized law crystals from the law crystal with the big head, and each brought one, and then I wrote ten autograph letters, let ten insect soldiers take them, and threw them into the world of creation.

  Saturated delivery, I believe that one of the ten insect soldiers can deliver something to Nini, which also means that it is delivered to Ulduar. Leo has stated in the letter, and the insect soldiers will also see the insect nine. . . No, it should be called Chongyi now.

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