I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 496: Sneak attack and slavery

There are too many monsters in the Death Star Territory, and their strength is so strong that the Worm's Nest Army can't do anything.

Stepney thought for a while and said: "It has become so difficult for Addis to control the Skeleton Legion that has lost its gold. If we can control the Black Light Zombie Legion, the Death Legion, and even the Dark Dragon Legion that have lost their leader, even Addie Si persuades Harvest to join forces with him, and we can also solve them."

  Leo was silent for a while, and let Steenie lead the way to catch some zombies, dead birds and dark dragons, and quietly left the Death Star Territory to the Scorpion Venom Star.

Under his order, the worm tried to use the blood worm to control the black yao zombies, the dead bird and the dark dragon, and found that the dead bird and the dark dragon belong to the death type creatures, which can be parasitized by blood worms, and the zombies are complete. Necromancer, blood worm is completely ineffective to him.

   And the same level of insect soldiers must be used to control the same level, in order to control the same level of the dragon and the dead bird. For example, if the eighth-level insect soldiers make a move, although the condensed blood worms are only seventh-level, they can still control the eighth-level Dark Dragon or the Dead Bird without affecting their original strength.

   "What an unexpected surprise!" Leo was very excited, because he had always made blood worms from a low level, but he didn't expect that blood worms had this ability to control leapfrog.

   "I don't know if I can control the demigod with ninth-level bloodworm!" Leo groaned, and flew up to Yun Kun with the worm nest army, rushing back to the death star field to stop. Then he brought five worms in the sacred prison and sneaked into the territory of Dark Dragon together with Stani.

   Lost the leader Trafolte, many dark dragons are competing internally, to decide a new leader, he did not expect Leo to aim at them.


   In the depths of the kingdom of bones, Addis sat on the throne, with the death tomahawk on his knees, and strong fluctuations flashed in the fire.

   "The outsider dare to be so rude to me and ask for my death tomahawk. How is this different from killing me?"

   Addis held the death tomahawk in silence. As an undead, he could not feel the cold touch of the axe handle, but his heart was still full of anger and helplessness.

   "Also, Stephanie, you dare to betray us and take refuge in that outsider. Have you really given up your faith?"

   Thinking of Stephanie, Addis's anger grew stronger.

   Without her betrayal, as the star field formed by the ruins of the three kingdoms of the gods, the Death Star field still has several traps that are enough to kill the gods. Can he try to lure Leo into those traps?   Calculate and kill Leo. But Stephanie's betrayal made this impossible.

   Think of the scene where Leo is holding the endless glacier scepter and killing the incomparably powerful Trafolte with a single strike?   A wave of fear surged in Addis' heart, and he didn't dare to fight Leo face to face again.

  In silence?  A death curse knight came in?   Kneeling down on one knee to report to Addis: "Legislative Commander, there is a strong battle fluctuation in the territory of the Dark Dragon, and there is chaos."

"What does Sdini want to do..." Addis's spirit fire fluctuated, and he thought for a while: "According to tradition, even if they have to decide a new leader?   It should be just a duel with each other, how could there be too much noise? Is it because the Dark Dragon who lost is not convinced?  Take people to fight? Shock?  You send someone to see what happened to the Dark Dragon Legion."

   "Yes." The death curse knight responded?   quickly left.

   Watching his subordinates leave, but Addis was very puzzled?   slowly stood up.

At this moment?  The Death Cursed Knight who had just left suddenly ran back, and reported in shock: "Leader, the situation is not good?  The Ghost Legion suddenly all sent out and surrounded the Dark Dragon Legion?   But there was no conflict?   The whole situation is a little bit. Weird."

   Addis stared suspiciously at the Kingdom of Death, and murmured: "Sidney, what do you want to do?"

   With a heavy heart, Addis waited silently for the entire Dark Dragon Legion to calm down, and the Ghost Legion left, still full of doubts.

   What he didn't know was that the Underworld Dragon Legion had already existed in name at this time. Originally, there were as many as 21 demigod Underworld Dragons, all of them fainted on the ground, letting Leo fiddle with them.

  Leo and Steine ​​are standing in the center, four of the five insects will stand still, and only one standing in front of the comatose dragon, reaching out and pressing on the head of a dragon.

   After a long time, he raised his head and reported to Leo: "Master, after suppressing their power with blood energy, you can inject blood worms to control his brain, thereby transforming them."

Leo was taken aback. The insects tried to enslave the same level with bloodworms a long time ago. It seems that they couldn't do it. I don't know whether it was the change that occurred after the original monster was swallowed, or the change of the crocodile god. . But this is a good thing, Leo immediately nodded to the insect general, and the insect general immediately used blood worms on the remaining nine dark dragons and transformed them into insect soldiers.

   Demigod-level insect soldiers, unfortunately, only Demigod will be able to do so, so one insect will also transform at most ten.

   "You can try to make the modified Dark Dragon transform the lower-level insect soldiers." Leo was whimsical and waited for the first Dark Dragon to wake up, ordering him to remake the comatose Dark Dragon with blood insects again.

   After a long time, the head of the transformed Dark Dragon exploded with a loud noise~www.readwn.com~ The brain cracked and died, wasting a demigod combat power.

   "Master, the eighth-level blood worms are too weak to suppress the subconscious mind of the dragon, and died together with his brain." The first modified version of the dragon reports.

   Leo sighed secretly, not too disappointed, and ordered another insect to destroy his legion and control the remaining ten dragons.

   After a long time, the twenty dark dragons gradually awakened, but they had lost themselves and became Leo’s insect soldiers.

"You are already all the demigods of the Dark Dragon Legion. Be a little bit more cryptic. You will meet individually in the Dark Dragon Legion and transform your own insect soldiers in the Dark Dragon Legion. Then use the insect soldiers as the core to control the entire Dark Dragon Legion, and wait. My order." Leo gave the order, and only then did the three worms leave quietly.

  Target, sue the Dead Bird Legion.

   Lost the powerful leader, and Leo and Stane both approached the sneak attack from the shadow space, and the Dead Bird Legion soon fell and became Leo's puppets.

   "Master, apart from telling that the Dead Bird Legion and the Dark Dragon are creatures, the others are dead souls, and the blood worms may not have the effect." Stephanie said with some regret.

   Leo pondered for a moment and asked: "How long can the Black Light Zombie Army elect a new leader? If I control the new leader, can I indirectly control the entire Black Yao Zombie Army?"

   Xingmei is dead, and now his soul slaves are only Ulena, Shivana and Stani in front of him, and there is just one vacancy. If you exchange this space for an entire zombie army, this business is still worth doing.

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