I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 505: Lost contact

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Mrs. Lane was full of doubts, but thinking that Leo would stay in the Blood Moon Kingdom for a lot of experiments, she was not in a hurry, holding the third-level soul crystal and slowly walked towards Trafolte.

Leo quickly appeared in his room, walked over to open the door, and said to Shivana outside the door: "Come in."

Shivana said, "Master, I brought the corpse back. But the corpse is very miserable. The skin and muscles on the surface are dissolved by stomach acid. I am afraid that the dripping mucus will stain the castle and put it in the square. "

Leo screamed, and appeared in the square in a flash, and the sheet wrapped around the corpse unfolded without wind, revealing the tragic corpse.

"Edwin, alas." Leo recalled the old man who was half-teacher and half-friend, and sighed leisurely. The golden light condensed in his hand and fell on the corpse.

The wounds of the corpse quickly healed, and it didn't take long for him to open his eyes and stare at the night sky blankly.

"Your name is Pirin? Do you know Edwin?" Leo asked with a smile.

"...That's my teacher." Pirin supported his body in surprise, feeling numb all over. At this time, the memory before his death poured into his heart, and he exclaimed in surprise: "I, didn't I get bitten by the luminous python and swallowed it alive?"

Leo didn't answer, he smiled and asked, "Can you show off the combat skills taught by your teacher? For example, the floating leaf step or the branch kicking technique?"

Pi Lin was taken aback, and quickly got up and asked, "How did you know Piaoyebu?"

Leo laughed and said nothing.

Pirin wanted to ask again, Shivana on one side snorted coldly: "You have already died once, my master has saved you for the sake of Mr. Edwin. However, you must prove that you are Edwin. Mr. Wen’s student, otherwise..."

As soon as Shivana's voice fell, she raised her hand to the night sky and blasted out strength, and suddenly one after another pillars of wind and fire rushed up into the sky, illuminating the night sky for tens of kilometers.

Even if Pirin had no knowledge, he realized something under Shivana's earth-shaking power, and without a word, he continuously used Edwin's proud five combat skills-floating leaf step, magic vine hand, chaotic foil, Branch kick and bark.

Leo watched Pirin's presentation seriously, showing a nostalgic smile, thinking about it for a while and asking: "Your teacher... When did he pass away?"

"Passed thirty years ago." Pirin replied earnestly.

Leo frowned secretly. In fact, when he searched for the address that Edwin left behind, it seemed that it was still forty or fifty years ago. So, Edwin was not dead at the time? That person lied to him?

"By the way, for some reason, the teacher had a stalemate with the homeowner a long time ago and moved once. If you are looking for that place, the homeowner probably won't pay attention to you." Pilin seemed to recall something. Added a sentence.

This time Leo understood that it must have been the so-called homeowner who lied to him that Edwin died, which caused him to fail to see Edwin for the last time.

"Elise!" Leo looked cold.

"Master, please tell me." Elise appeared quietly.

"This address, find the homeowner 40 years ago, and ask the truth about it. If this happened, you know what to do." Leo's tone was cold and without any emotion.

"I understand that I will make him regret coming to this world." Elise responded and left quickly.

Piling watched this scene silently, scanning the huge castle calmly, and probably understood his situation.

"You decide to stay, but leave the location of your teacher's cemetery. I will worship him on the day of miss." Leo left a word, and his figure slowly faded away.

Pilin was silent for a while, borrowed a note to leave the address to Shivana, and strode out of the castle.

Because of his teacher, he gets a new life, which is enough. Pi Lin's heart was full of the ecstasy of the rest of his life at this time, and there were many things he wanted to do but dared not do, and now he didn't want to delay any longer. He just wanted to return to that woman as soon as possible and speak out his love aloud, no matter what the outcome, he would not regret this life.


Leo sat in his seat at Gresch Castle, quietly listening to Shivana's account of the results of the investigation.

"... Master, things are true. I found the mysterious force and arrested a few of their low-level guys to torture them. They only target the races that have the potential to unify this area, and against the Confusion Race and the Elephant Human Race. A race with low fertility would not care. Moreover, the racial slave trade in our area is controlled by this force. Every year, a large number of slaves of various races are quietly sent there, entering a mysterious place, and never again. There is no news. As for why they did this, the most important place is very powerful, similar to the power of the magic circle. I am afraid that I will not be able to come back when I rush in. There is no recklessness." Shivana reported one by one.

Leo pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up and asked: "You mean ~www.readwn.com~ there is a very powerful magical formation in that place, and it is so powerful that even you, a demigod, can fall into it?"

"Yes, the master, from a distance, it is a dense totem pole with countless weird patterns and characters painted on it. The power is very powerful." Shivana answered Shen Ning.

Leo pondered for a while and asked, "Except for the totem pole, what is the strength of that mysterious power?"

"Master, the total number of them is small, with a population of about one million. I have tortured them. They seem to have only one demigod, and that demigod has always existed since ancient times, and has lived for at least a million years." Xi Wana said solemnly.

Leo stood up in surprise, walked back and forth in the room, murmured: "A demigod who has lived for millions of years, a slave of various races that has been disappearing, you mean, that guy can use a lot of the lives of intelligent creatures In exchange for a longer life span, and the secret is where you said?"

"Master, this is just my guess." Shivana lowered her head and replied.

Leo touched his chin, thinking that the battle of the crocodile **** almost capsized, and he was eager to go to the time lost dream, put out his plan to go out on his own, after thinking about it, he ordered his servant to call the third worm, and commanded: "With All your troops, obeyed Shivana's orders, and fought all the way to that place. Since their population is small, then use the human sea tactics to flood them and force him out. Remember, it is useful to bring those totem poles back. "

"Yes!" The Third Insect General and Shivana took their orders at the same time, and turned to leave.

Leo thought for a while, contacted Dellaron with the shadow mirror, explained the situation, and then asked: "Is there anything wrong with the council?"

Delaron's face was worried, and he solemnly said: "The council is okay, but Lord Proudmoore can't be contacted suddenly. I'm going to check it out."

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